Fantasy Fiction Inspirational

Saved by the Alarm as I woke up a little late for work, looking at the time, I jumped out of bed like I had a string at my back and dashed down to the bathroom slamming the door behind. On dressing myself up, my mind traveled so widly at every part of my livelihood as I thought about the future looking completely confused on my life making decisions for the best and unregrettable future as everyone wishes for. But how possible is it to have such flawless future, judging from the imperfections of our creation. I dressed my self staring at the self in the mirror, I saw so much doubt and unassured charisma. How will I ever amount to the assurance that my future is secured with the full knowledge of every events to come in the signs of now. Quite depressing, I taught to myself as the current status of my life isn't helping in the acquisition of hope for such so called unregrettable future, maybe I am getting the interpretation wrong, what if unregrettable isn't actually my version of unregrettable. I rolled my eyes in the act of my stupidity as I imagined such to be, took my bag and I walked off, out of the house as fast as I can remembering how late I am for work . A beautiful environment, I imagined. I looked at people as I extended morning greetings with a smile that doesn't really exist in the closet, both to the old and the young, took a glance at my watch as my pace increased. Coming across a close, I saw an Old man putting on a grey robe, in his strange appearance, he was standing far away that I couldn't clearly see his face, but I could notice him staring at me so creepily, I took my eyes off him and my pace doubled. I got to a junction, about crossing when I saw a sign mounted on the wall fence of a very old building boldly stating "DO YOU WISH TO KNOW YOUR FUTURE?"

"I wish" I said sarcastically as i joked on myself, and then I saw a flash of that same old man at the other side of the junction, i looked closely and carefully at the same spot, but didn't notice anyone of such there, confused as I was, I felt my worries has plagued my mind with a virus of illusions "Stupid Head" I said hitting my head as I walked by.

I came across a cafeteria and taught about coffee, so I decided to get some regardless of how late I was, I didn't mind due to my undeing cravings for coffee mostly during the early hours of the day. Walking in the cafeteria looking thirsty for a cup of coffee, I rushed down the attendant with a hasty reflection in the brightened smile on my face

"One cup of coffee pls" with a deep breath accompanying every words.

I sat down waiting on the delivery, scouting the pleasant environment of the cafeteria when my sight came across that same Old man sitting by the window side not too far away from my position, I could notice majorly because of the grey robe. Extremely Intrigued by his appearance and most importantly, a familiar resemblance as his face was much more clearer at this moment, Dark skinned with grey hairs all around his face. I stood up not minding the attendant who called for my attention as she tried handing over the coffee to me. Walked down towards him, He looked up noticing my approach, smiled and looked away, adjusting his position.

"Forgive me sir, but I noticed that you have been following me, have you? and also how amazed am I by your familiar face, you seem to be like someone I know" I sat down opposite him

Looking straight at my Eyes, he chuckled, took the little mirror on the table and placed it right in front of me 

"What do you see?" he sounded like a sneaky serpent

"what in Christ name is he doing with a mirror? Why is he sounding like that?, Who is he?" As surprised as I was In the roaring thoughts through my head, I looked into the mirror, and to my very unspeakable amazement, the resemblance puzzle I strived to solve was eventually resolved.

The mirror came down and his face was revealed with a smile 

"Hello my dear me" he said "nice to meet you" stretching forth his arm as he offered to shake mine.

With shock written over my face, I unconsciously slowly stretched out my hand and we shook. Alas! I speak to my old self, what a perfect moment to correct mistakes that hasn't been made yet and change the future that I have once witnessed, I thought so brightly to myself

"I am guessing you have alot of questions to ask?" He layed back on the chair "I suggest you start asking, there isn't much time left" He said.

And so started the productive discussion between the Young and the Old. I looked at him with all manner of gratitude, leaning forward

"Only one question am I very interested in" I said

He looked at me amazed with a smile "am all ears, Not everyone gets to have such opportunity" he said leaving a mark of warning to tread wisely

"How best do you now understand life?" The words came out mildly from my mouth as I asked curiously.

He leaned forward amazed "that my friend is brilliant" He stood up, looked straight into my eyes "Life isn't understood, rather the understanding is life itself. A Life exist for a life and nothing else. Live for legacy and not vanity" he said as he walks away to the door. I watched intrigued and amazed by the answers I got. Getting towards the door, he stopped, hoping that he would take a second glance at me, but he didn't. The door opened as he stepped out. I stood up and ran towards the door, opened it immediately as I dashed out, but to my surprise, I couldn't see any trace of my new friend. Like the smoke, he vanished into thin air.

And so was my old self gone waiting over 50 years for this young self of mine to become one with him.

June 02, 2021 01:02

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