Adventure Fantasy Friendship

Imagine yourself an innocent and too cute to even notice the hazardous snaking exposures, becomingly behind the door. Mindlessly exploring the near forbidden haunted scary acres of woodland, vanquishing any fears that are disregarded for a minor coming across two specific oak wood broad doors. It does not have an ideal plan of events expected to happen and, consequently, changes the complex mind. This particular little lady is a future Hurley Suinn in action when she gets mixed up with reality and unreality. In her normal life, victim of scornfully abuse often and for her protruding considerable evident bust and undesirable nose. This little girl has mental disabilities in real life and doesn't see how things really are. Because of this, she gets a chance to walk through an entrance that will change her life. It will either change her life for good things and it this unpalatable yet indescribable vibrant peaceful world that she will soon come have revealed in a urgent state. Without leaving the unsatisfied situation at her expense. There's two endings to this story. It is how it's written out or identified association by the reader. The choice can also be represented by a plenipotentiary force. warning Blunt trauma can cause impulsive, painfully uncontrollable seizures that internally make irrational thoughts and mixes up reality and unreality

Making a decision will alter her destiny.

Asa is her name. She is a ordinary yet, (curious like a house cat) a 13 year old little girl mistakenly lives with her deceased mother’s deranged boyfriend. Abandoned and treated as if a troubled slaving house maid destined for disaster.

 She prepared some hot delicious fried eggs consisting of instant bacon pieces, shredded cheese the runny yolk in the eggs. A slice of wheat toast smothered with grape jelly on the side.

After, breakfast was finished Asa sneakily slips out through the back door for some much needed fresh air. She then squats down by a small bush and prays for a miracle to get out of this house and no more beatings. Asa is sitting there quietly and hears a small bird singing the morning song. Asa is washed over with a peaceful presence and is frozen in that instant. Remembering the words from her mother replaying in her head.

“My dearest Asa, one day you will find your way out just trust and believe everything that is revealed to you. 

Asa, smiles at the thought of her mother and her escape to this other world. Asa passes out and a green fairy appears in a ray of light shining on a flat rock. The green fairy persuades the child to be escorted into the creepy woods. Asa, agreeing nervously accepts to trek on. Then, suddenly loses her footing and plummets into a big dark ravine. Appeared to be knocked out unconscious. Asa rubs the top of her head, carefully accessing a lump that formed from the fall, of the flat rock she saw the fairy last at.

A few minutes later, the fairy appears again and conjurer's Asa to continue in her direction, guided like a cicada’s five eyes glued to the white blinding light. Asa twiddled her chubby thumbs , proceeds cautiously inches further. The farther they stroll the more dense the forest becomes and so therefore the light becomes dimmer. Making it impossible to stretch further due to the rumbling belly of not eating.

Luckily a group of bright blue mushrooms is growing right by a big sapling tree. Asa indulges in the delightful unique mushroom and suddenly begins to feel a tingly sensation and she begins to feel like as if experiencing growing pains in her body and the fairy lands on her extended nose. 

"Now you will be 30 ft tall."

The giant girl bellows of pain when eventually reaching over the top of the tallest tress. the little house is seen below her where she was held captive at for most her life. Her mother experienced the same thing as a little girl.

The little woodland animals ran over the top of her abnormal oversized feet and then the effects started to wear off. The shrinking began simultaneously and the tree limbs began to tear holes into her nice raggedy Ann dress. The now nude little human girl scrambles to find another covering for clothing. she runs off the other direction cries intensely. Feelings of being embarrassed overwhelming state leads the girl to no choice but other than to a fuzzy multiple legged centipede. 

"One inch? Two inch? Red door or blue door? What do you choose?" Echoed the voice around her.

Without thinking it through she spoke the words the red door begging the blueish feelings to evaporate. now life miniature size.

“Red it is then.” Croaked back the laughter of the centipede.

“My dearest you now have to make a choice to cross the bridge to finish the maze but I should warn you of the black witch. Who enchants specifically with her eyes, must cover your eyes. She transforms into someone or something that is personally related to you.” Don't be a fooled child?” like your mother.

Sweat beaded on her pale forehead and bumpy chills cascaded down her back. Now she is ready to greet the old sorcerer hag; just as her mother once had done long ago and which her mother had disappeared after stricken with cancer. Did the witch make her mother ill, no one knows exactly.

Meanwhile, smells filled the air and attracted the wickedness.

"Do I smell a sweet virgin?" The witch thought out loud.

The witch snuck just beneath the old creaky bridge holding a mysterious possibly poisonous fruit. Not exactly like an apple that the snow lady was tricked with. Will Asa be tricked by the vial witch that waits moments away. Asa a not so smart child starts to inch closer to the old rickety bridge. She then trips on a weakened wooden board and falls into the murky unknown depth below. during the free falling Asa is blinded by what looks like a ghostly dark shadowy. Appeared having a disproportion nose and vial green mole which was not hard to miss. it was the black witch, landing hard on her fragile tailbone, with a loud thud. Instead of a splash. Fell through the witches dusty chimney. We would hate to see where the kitchen is.

"Ouch, oh goodness oh my where did I land at exactly?" screamed the frightened Asa.

As she stood up dusting off her legs and tried to adjust to vision when she seen the witch approaching closer to her.

"Hello sweet child I've been waiting for someone as clumsy like you to have fallen in my trap. As I have seen many other members of your family. They had to choose between two doors and if they refused then they met my 800 degree oven." Snickered the witch.

Take me to the doors if you must. my whole life felt like a curse already and for once I felt like the woods is the way out." 

"Very well, but first you must be starving would you like to try my freshly made fig truffles?" Asked the persistent witch.

"No thank you." The damsel firmly replied while shaking her head.

Asa continued to look down at her feet nervously and then followed the witches commands. She is ready to discover what is behind door number one and door number two even if it results in her death.

How many doors will there be? She thought.

They both walked back toward the exit and visually slightly impaired. Witnessing the pile of bones of which could be possibly be the lost innocent children that the witch had "saved." Cautiously, staying to the right side the black witch vanishes and only her evil chuckle was heard. Heading back out on a gloomy shadowy path in hope to find the peace she was longing for.

She comes up to this little bank of water and where she then could splash her face with some water. A little green and yellow spotted frog is sitting on a lily pad catching insects with his tremendous long tongue for a meal. The frog doesn't seem to mind anyone being there and for a moment it sure felt peaceful. In the distance there appears to be a storm that's brewing. Noticing the illuminating lightening strikes above her and she quickly retreats from the water to avoid getting shocked.

She scurries over to big tree for shelter just before the first mammoth drop of rain hit her furrowed eyebrow. She leans against an old tree safely out of the storm. She hears a small cough coming from the tree and when the tree spirit starts talking she realizes soon enough and jumps back.

Excuse me, your blocking my view of the storm would you kindly lean on that tree over there." the rumbled voice said. 

Oh yes, I wouldn't mind moving I was just waiting for the storm to clear out." Quoted the nervous girl.

Immediately the girl moved to the other side and respected the tree spirit. A creature appeared it had the head of a unicorn, body of a T-rex, feet of a feathered chicken and tiny T-rex arms with wings flying just above her head.

Asa never seen anything like it before and she gladly accepted on ride after the creature landed. The creature flew gracefully and made some abnormal roars while in mid flight, way up high in the clouds. What seemed like many miles the girl is awoken just before landing safely on the ground, next to a dark cave. 

The creature's home obviously, probably the safest place in the whole forest. Asa felt welcomed and strolled nearing toward the compelling open passage. Felt lucky enough to escape the violent abuse from the man, also the witches horrendous dump of trapped souls and used well etiquette language to her own advantage with the tree spirit. Meeting the legendary creature was the paragon of her journey at her own discretion. Over the course of two weeks Asa grew exquisitely fond of the it. They travelled immensely all over the forestation and plains. She was at peace with the creature but she grew suddenly Ill after many years of adventuring and living her free life. Experienced a life full of peace and an everlasting friendship in the timed sequenced that was handed to her at that specific time.

Okay readers this is the part where she picks the two doors. (Two dimensional)

With closed frail impaired eyes took a struggling shallow breath, feeling relaxed and prepared comforted by her mythical friend. Who in fact looked after her all those years and hoping the creature will continue to prosper. The aged gray-haired, once a little girl, sadly once mistaken good soul suddenly left her body. The creature cried out loudly, lowliness reckoned for several decades and then later a turning point when meeting a unique water fairy who becomes close acquaintances. 

A little wisp of air floats toward two doors and opens the first one behind the door was a white light and the little soul was greeted by another wispy soul. A faded pink colored dot appeared on a cloudlike wispy that walked toward the little soul and immediately her name was called. The soul recognized and moved forward bumping into the other wisp souls around her. A big book slammed on top of a gigantic wooden podium and it flew open suddenly. Suddenly the pictures of the souls body during it's life flashed across the projected screen. Then the soul connected eyes with the mythical creature who lived behind the red door. The soul immediately realized what door she chose all along and the new dimension is the blue door. The soul felt strong emotions and continued to look over the creature she left behind. Until the creatures life ended. The red door resembled Hell and the blue door was Heaven. She never had to experience any hurt again. The soul was an angel and even the black witch's powerful eyes couldn't hold it back to where it was destined to be.

May 27, 2021 20:46

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