Contemporary East Asian Friendship

So, Kel was quite an unsocial guy. He would not prefer to meet up friends at a party or a gathering , but only seldom met his close friends to catch up after quite a while of being in less or no contact. It would seem he's a guy who just likes a close group of friends, prefers them than a choas group with every kind of person a part of it. Just almost like any body reading this, this story is about him.

He starts his usaul day getting up late at 8 am or 9, as he goes to sleep late at around 1 or 2am, hits the flush after relieving the pressure and freshens up with good splashes of cold water to his face and eyes. He tries to follow a healthy lifestyle, treats his skin time to time, body (bathes according to the temp and how his body feels, itchy, dull, sweaty) also by eating organic and ayurvedic but does enjoy snacks too, seldom, follows definite eating pattern, exercises but goes on for days not continuing at times. To be in a balanced state of mind is what he wants and does so by consuming food and energy in a right way the body responses best. To make the best decisions you need to move towards the best, and not follow the herd- he says. To live a deep sense of anything is a path to enjoying life. But he isn't perfect at all as he may want to be and keeps doing dumb things but does challenge your predetermined thoughts and beliefs.

This guy is from the north east Himalayan state, Sikkim, of India and currently completing a bachelor's degree in a college nearby. Living far away from his parents home, during his college years, he would seldom go to few friend's place to catch up, or a birthday, or for a sleepover for a night or two, and be back. But after a year and a month of being at home and away from the crowd and social gathering with friends, he's been invited to a birthday party of a classmate from his school days. It has been a very very rough, unpredictable, year. Being careful and having an experience of a lifetime, it feels like a different world has come into play. So as things settled down but rising somewhere else, it felt weird at first but just move on and we get the hang of it. First he looked up, enquired who all are invited and upon knowing that his close friends would also be present, he decided to accept the invitation. The guests were asked to get the covid tests taken and a copy of the result for safety of everone present. Found out some of his good friends from school were also going to be present, got nervous for a while but then thought "Whatever" and went about his day, took the online test for his final semester. Later after, he thought of a valid gift, went to buy it and got a book, the birthday guy would fancy. And so the next day, on the 11th of May, the party was held at his home, his parent's, and had invited his cousins and his friends, some of us, over. It was a good time for everyone, almost, meeting after a long time. Precautions were taken and with valid test reports brought and sanitizers at the entrance, it was a chill time. Kel was waiting in a corner, gazing outside the window, waiting for his friends to arrive. He looked around and got anxious about the arrival of his friends. They were late, or were they even going to come? He exchanges a few greetings, meets the guy of the hour, conveys his best to him for the special day and goes outside, takes a stroll down the memory lawn. Looking at the familiar faces he relives some specific moments during the school days, laughing to himself. He texts his close friends to know when were they coming and waited eagerly for their reply. A fellow classmate was out too and as they greeted one another he asked him how he was doing and with a little awkwardness the conversation went on for a while. He too seemed to be feeling weird inside so they exchanged information of one another and then about a mutual friend. Then a second mutual friend came and joined the conversation and the awk felling seemed to shimmer and disappear as the convo went on with jokes and laughter. Talking about the teachers, the classes they took, the different activities that usedbto take place. The silly fights and nuisance friends would cause and reliving the jokes made then, the flirtings that went wrong and right, the many trends followed and coming back to the party, they started fooling around with a sense of ease and comfort, mocking each other, pairing some of them in the crowd. Kel received texts and got to know his close friends weren't gonna make it there due to some reason. Some reason at home, probably because their parents didn't allow. We do still live with our parents (to some of the western and European readers) and feed our needs and greed with their earnings. :‚-) Blessing and a curse at the same time. Well, getting back to the party, Kel felt sad for while but didn't find a reason to stop enjoying and continued to enjoy the rest of the party. And it went pretty well. Awkwardness do come and they go, you're meant to feel uncomfortable, because we are yet to know more about just living and knowing anything.

The thing is Kel is a fun guy and loves to fool around, but with friends ditching him in the past and feeling left out few many times, maybe due to his own puny reasons, he preferred to stay aloof and stay in contact with a few friends and bond deeply, which is quite true to all and necessary to have. Being a part of a society, a larger group of people is important to acknowledge and fun too, but intimacy is what's meaningful and brings us to realising everything and nothing altogether.

The End

May 12, 2021 19:33

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