
"Carlos, I can't believe that you wrote another award-winning album," my mom told me as she walked into my house.

"I know, it's so crazy to think about!" I replied taking a bag from her hands and putting it on the counter.

"I bought dinner and we're going to have a party for you tomorrow to celebrate."

"Alright, but please don't invite too many people."

"I promise." After we ate dinner, my mom left and I started to think of new song ideas. I don't know how long I had been writing but I woke up to my mom's dog jumping on me.

"You fell asleep on the couch?" my sister asked.

"Yeah, I was up all night writing," I said.

"Well hurry up and get dressed, the party is starting in an hour."

"What time is it?"

"It's four o'clock." I stretched before going into my bedroom to change. I put on a black button-down shirt and my deep red suit. When I walked into the living room, my mom was ready with her camera.

"Smile!" my mom yelled. I smiled and let her take the picture. I normally would fight with her about taking too many pictures but we don't have time for that.

"I'll be right back," I said putting my shoes on.

"Where are you going?" my sister asked, putting some food out on the table.

"I'm going to grab something from my car really quick." I walked outside and there was a strange man near my car.

"Are you Carlos?" he asked.

"Yes, who are you?" I replied.

"It's not important right now. What is important is that you need to drink this."

"Why should I?"

"Because it could save your music career."

"How do you know that?"

"Because it will show you the future." He handed me a little bottle.

"But I'm not going to-"

"It will make Sam very happy."

"How do you know my mother's name?"

"Because I'm from the future." The guy pulled out a bottle just like mine and drank from it. He disappeared before I could ask him anything. I looked around and then took a sip from the bottle. I ended up in a library.

"What am I doing here?" I asked myself. I went to the nearest computer and looked at the date. It was still August third but fifty years in the future.

"Did you hear the news about that singer Carlos yet?" a woman asked her friend.

"No, not yet," the other woman said.

"Apparently on August second, 2015, he killed his mom the night before a party."

"That's so sad. Did he ever get arrested?"

"I guess not because he hired someone to dress up like his mom and pretend to be her." What are they talking about? I didn't kill my mother last night!

"I thought he was an awful person before but this makes it worse."

"I know! I thought it was bad when he kidnapped those children but I guess he just keeps getting worse."

"It's such a shame, he used to be such a good person." Why are they saying these things? I would never do that! Who's telling them this? I logged onto the computer and did some research about myself.

I read on one website that I murdered people. n another website, I kill animals and not people. I couldn't take it anymore so I ran into the bathroom.

I took a sip of the drink and returned back home. Waiting for me was my sister, the guy from before, and the police.

"I'm so sorry," the guy said with tears in his eyes.

"Carlos, you're under arrest," the police officer closed to my sister said.

"Why am I going to jail?" I asked as the police officer came up to me.

"For murdering your mother."

"Don't say anything it will make it worse," the guy from before told me.

"But I didn't do anything and you know that," I told him.

"Who are you talking to?" my sister asked.

"They can't see me," the guy said to me.

"Don't worry, it's nothing," I told my sister.

"Listen, I'm going to give you another bottle and this one will let you go back in time. You can choose which path you will take next. But be careful, if you drink too much of each one bottle, you will end up like me. No one will be able to see you.

"No one will even remember you. You'll turn into a ghost. I can't even eat food anymore. I'm just here. Only people who really need me can see me. I guess you've still got some luck."

"Yeah, I guess," I whispered under my breath as I got into the cop car. The guy sat in there with me and pulled out another bottle.

"Do you want to drink it now to fix your mistakes?" I nodded and the guy put the bottle up to my lips and I drank it. I went back in time to when I was going to sign my first record deal. I was so happy but back then, I just cared about the money. I wanted to go with a record deal that gave me the most money.

"So are you going to join us?" a guy asked me.

"You know what, let me think about it." I went back to my house at the time and sat on my couch.

"Why didn't you sign the record deal?" my mom asked coming out of her room.

"Because I don't think that one is the best for me," I replied.

"But you've been talking all of our ears off about wanting to get it and now that you've got it, you don't want it?"

"Well, I don't know if they'll let me do what I want to creatively."

"Who cares about the creativity when they'll be giving you the most money," my sister said walking into the room. Then all the dots connected. My sister is the reason why all of this is happening. She's the one committing the crimes and blaming it on me.

"I want my music to be special to me. Not something that I made just because I had to," I told her.

"You know what, maybe if you make more money, you can move out sooner."

"What about you? You still live here."

"I'm moving next week."

"Good for you." I got up and walked into the bathroom. I took another sip of the second bottle and I went back to when I was in middle school.

"What do you guys want to be when you grow up?" my teacher asked.

"I want to be an astronaut!" my friend yelled.

"What about you Carlos?"

"I want to be an artist," I said.

"What type of art do you want to do?"

"I want to either make sculptures or be a painter." Maybe now my life will be better.

September 02, 2020 14:45

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