Drama Adventure

1990, I was 6 years old when my father told us that we need to leave the country for his new job at London , I was a sad child about to leave his neighborhood and his freinds ,And at the same time the oldest child in the family whose duty is to understand the situation and that this step is for a better life , And after a week it was not enough for me to bid farewell to a life full of happy moments and adventures with my freinds Younes and Sami , The situation was not easy at the beginning , A new life in a completely different society where everything was a comparison in my mind , The years passed and i used to live in London where I discovered myself and became a successful writter , But the length of years that passed I was always a child longing for his homeland and his memories , Until the day came when I decided to return to Algeria , And throughout the trip I was excited to see my homeland and how it became . Inside me , I was the six_years_old Adam who had left his life and his freinds for 30 years , As soon as I stepped into the land of Constantine, I found myself in a totally different city from the one in my memory from the popular little city that I lived in , Where it became full of huge shopping centers , Wonderful bridges , people vloging and taking pictures , And luxury cars raoming everywhere , I went to my old neighborhood and found myself walking in a modern neighborhood full of luxury clothing stores , Even the place of my old school has become a huge mall , I went looking for my freinds , And I found them with new features , But with the same happy childish spirit , Where Younis became a father of two children Cherine and Iness , And Sami became a doctor and it was always his dream , And they bent me on the best Algerian dishes and traditional sweets , And we spent the day together walking around the city and recalling memories, After the sunrise I went to explore more with an curious childish spirit , There is a daily parties of the traditional Algerian song at night , I sat there lestining with my soul wide open to the tones of my country welcoming me after three decades away from her , I couldn't sleep I spent the whole night walking on the lighting empty city of Constantine , I slept a few hours until Younes called me on the phone saying that he want to show me something , He took me to a beautiful beach in the city of sakikda called Al marsa , It was a wonderful amazing place full of happiness , I couldn't stop my self from swimming , We spent a great evening and after we finished I took a bath and we went to another place called Seraidi which is not too far from Al marsa but I was surprised from the rough weather out there it's a completely different frozen atmosphere , It was so cold that I was wearing my winter hoodie unlike the people that live out there they used to live there where they are wearing summer clothes , Seraidi was so beautiful it contains a big place for rich people called Al manzah , We went there and it was so expensive but it worth every cent , We played tennis and golf that I'm not good at it , And at the morning we went to several places "Annaba, Sakikda Chetaibi" and before the sunrise we went back to Constantine and we planned to travel to Oran , It's too far from Constantine because it located at the southside, But I was so excited to visit it I heard that they have an amazing life style and the people out there are so cool , And everything I heard was right when we get there , Oran was the Europe of Algeria we stayed in Oran three wonderful days and it was one of the best days of my life , after Oran we went to an another southside city called Mostaganem we didn't stayed a lot at Mostaganem because I don't have too much time but it was a masterpiece , A heaven on earth , I made a promise to my self that if I ever came back to Algeria , Mostaganem will be my first station, I felt like I didn't feed my desire toward Mostaganem, there's so many places I wanted to visit but the time was our enemy , I wanted to visit the Algerian desert felling the sand in my hand and sun above my head while I'm dressing the traditional blue clothes of the Sahara , I wanted to visit the Kabylian places and discover a new traditions of my beautiful large country , I dreamed about spending the winter and eat the hot soups that my mother used to make when I was a kid , I dreamed to came here with Samar and Tarek and show them the heaven that we belong to , I felt like this trip to Algeria has moved the feelings that was buried for years and now is more harder for me to left it again after I discovered this beautiful continent more and more than ever , I spent the most beautiful week in my life , Although did not compensate me for the years I spent away from Algeria , But I have to go back to resume my life with the intention of returning to Algeria with my children Souad and Jamal , I made a promise to show them our beautiful miracle place and make them feel the same amazing feeling I felt walking on Algeria , Swimming on it sea , Feeling it sand , hearing the screams of the kids that remind me of my self , Seeing the flag on the air , Talking to the kindest people I ever met , The plane started to get far from the land and the tears in my eyes , Here I'm leaving Algeria once again .

July 19, 2020 15:26

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