Tusks and Daggers Part Fifty-One: A Luna of a Night

Written in response to: Start your story during a full moon night.... view prompt


Adventure Fantasy Friendship


A depression came over me, my heart aching for a werewolf to shift with. Scanning the silver buildings, Lottie was off training the adults. The next battle always seemed around the corner. Pulling his hair into a ponytail, he began to cook our dinner. Mishal cooed in his pen as Darwin picked up on my sadness. Clearing his throat, he rose to his feet. Dusting off his emerald blouse, he wiped his hands on his pants. 

“Can we go play, Dad?” He asked cautiously, his hands crossing. Pressing his lips into a thin line, he passed him a bow. Crouching down to his level, he whispered something in his ears. Ruffling the top of his head, Darwin danced up to me. Hooking his elbow in mine, he kissed my forehead. My breath hitched at his effortless adorableness, his golden eyes twinkling with adventure. 

“He said we had all night. I can hunt for my dinner.” He gushed jovially, my eyes unable to meet him. “You can run and I can attempt to keep up.” Grinning in my direction, tears welled up in my eyes. I didn’t deserve his kindness or whatever our relationship was. Seeing him with Lottie and Boran caused envy to burn in my eyes for a quick second, his hands cupping my face. Meeting his gentle gaze, a deep sadness hid underneath them. 

“Why do you care so much?” I choked out oddly, silent tears streaming down my cheeks. “This is because we are bonded by the m-” Shaking his head, he pecked my cheek. Crimson painted my cheeks, my heart threatened to flutter out of my chest. Glancing away, he rubbed the back of his neck. Clearing his throat, he pointed to the trees. 

“I kind of like you, Luna.” He stammered, lowering his finger the moment I kissed his cheek. “Thanks.” Turning around, he allowed me to get out of my navy wool dress. The gray clouds moved to reveal the monthly silver moon, my bones cracking as my muscles shifted into my wolf form. A howl burst from my lips, Darwin scooping up my clothes. Shoving them into the bag hanging off his shoulder, he shot me a thumbs up. Pounding into the trees, the raw freedom felt so magical. Feeling the wind on my face melted away some of the sadness, Darwin ran not far behind me. Dodging branches, his ability to keep up surprised me. Leaping into the trees, he hopped from branch to branch. Skidding to a stop, a wild river rushed violently in front of me. Darwin didn’t share the same bit of luck, his body splashing into the water. His bag floated away, panic twisting his face. Clawing at the surface of the water, he sank under several times. Not coming up the last time, a broken howl burst from my lips. Jumping in would be stupid, my wolf eyes scanning for the water fall. My ears pinned back, the sound of the water crashing over the rocks helped me find the exact location. Pounding along the river, time wasn’t on my side. A limp Darwin floated on the surface, his fingers clutching the bag. Running back a few yards, I charged towards the waterfall. Horror rounded my eyes the moment I leapt off the ledge, my silver fur fluttered in the harsh winds. Water soaked me, his body landing on my back. Please land on the other side, I begged for whoever would listen. Landing roughly, his body rolled into a tree. Running over to him, I pressed my snout to his lips. Breathing into his mouth, my other paw pushed on his chest. Every attempt threatened to shatter me, tears welling up in my eyes. Rolling over to his side, water spilled out with every cough. Taking a deep breath, he kissed my paw. 

“Thanks for the save, Luna.” He coughed, cupping my face. “I am simply glad you are okay.” How could he forget that he drowned! Shaking my head, a groan escaped his lips as he sat against a tree. Parting his lips to speak, he stopped. Yanking me behind the tree, three armored hunters marched by. Dread bubbled in my gut, our eyes falling on the sleek silver blades in their hands. Shivering from the fear of the people who hunted us before and the icy water weighing my fur down, a fury burned in my eyes at the lack of ability to transform back. Pulling his scythe from his back, his expression reminded me of Lottie’s. Having mastered his power recently, his eyes remained the same for the first time. 

“I am going to protect you, no matter what.” He promised firmly, flashing me a bright smile. “If there is anything Lottie has taught me, it is that you always protect your friends.” Guilt ate at me, the hurt of his words showing in my eyes. His face fell, his nose scrunching up. Rubbing his forehead, the hunters came back around. Towering over us by a good three feet, I failed to see how he could stand a chance. Pressing his palms together, the wind picked up. His hair floated up, an inky blackness coming over his eyes. 

“Death shadows! Create a fog as thick as the night.” He chanted calmly, a black fog curling out from underneath him. Spinning his scythe over his head, he stepped out of the shadows. Slamming the end on the ground, the God of Death towered over him. A sinister smile twitched on his lips, wicked laughter rumbled in his throat. 

“I suggest you boys run.” He taunted cruelly, my tail tucking in between my legs. Holding their stomachs, rough laughs shook their bodies. Charging at him, his spell flickered out. Dropping to the ground, a flash of silver caught my eyes. Lottie smashed into the leader’s body, the others striking her dragon arm with blind rage. Sparks drifted in the air, her eyes meeting mine.

“Take him back home.” She ordered sharply, slamming her elbow in the closest attacker's face. Terror widened my eyes, a fourth one leapt over the chaos Flipping through the air, his blade aimed for her head. Leaping out from my hiding spot, shock contorted his features the moment my fangs tore off his arm. The piece of me plopped onto the ground, his body smashing into a nearby tree. A silver blade whistled by my head, Lottie cutting them down in one swift swing. Ruby painted my fur, his body decaying before it could hit the ground. Spinning her scythe underneath her arm, the tip impaled the second hunter’s chest. Ripping it out, Darwin stirred awake, a shadow extending from his hand. Shadowy hands curled around the leader’s head, the snap of his neck stunning us all. Ash gray dust snowed around us, the leader’s ashes floating into the sky. Rolling onto her back, a silver blade quivered in her shoulder. Gritting her teeth in pain, Darwin crawled over to her. Coughing up blood with her, he pulled her into a loving embrace. 

“I love you, Mommy. Thank you for the help.” He sobbed softly, ripping the blade out. “Heal.” The wound sealed shut, her arms curled around him. Holding him over her, she clutched him close to her chest. Smothering him in kisses, jealousy raged in my eyes. Why did he get so much love? Reaching for me, I walked over cautiously. Pulling me into a warm embrace, she kissed the top of my head. 

“You are loved too.” She whispered in my ears, my ears pinning back. “I love you more than the moon. Don’t you forget that.” Snuggling into her shoulder, her wool shirt absorbed my pain. Wiping away my tears, her golden aura pulled me in. Such warmth was more than my parents ever gave me, the feeling seeming so intoxicating. Werewolf parents never loved this hard, my heart aching for more of her embrace. 

“Hey, it’s okay. I lost my mother as well. I miss her everyday. If you need someone to talk to, I will always be there.” She promised serenely, letting me lick her. “I can’t be your mother but I can be the next best thing.” Every cell in my body wanted this, her eyes met mine. Avy flipped in, ready to fight anyone else off. Huffing, she rested her hands on her knees. My face lit up at the sight of her, my tail beginning to wag. Lottie cupped my face, her real smile making everything okay. Why did Avy feel like home? She was the one who reminded me of my mother, 

“I think your real mother is waiting for you. I can be your cool aunt.” She suggested lightly, letting me go. “Go to her. I think she loves you more than the moon.” Running over to her, Somata stepped out of the shadows. Crouching down to my level, he lifted up my chin with his finger. Kissing my snout, Avy sat down on the loose dirt. 

“How is my little wolf?” He inquired in a fatherly tone, his ring glistening in the moonlight. “Avy and I would like to offer you the chance to be our daughter. We can’t be your parents but we can do the best we can. Besides, you do sleep with us after all. How about we make if official?” The offer sounded tempting, Avy flashing me her beautiful smile. Glancing back at Darwin, he motioned for me to take the opportunity. Licking his face, my body shifted back early. Darwin tossed me my dress, a quick tug had me dressed. Wonder brightened my eyes, Darwin had dried with magic before he gave it back to me. Pressing my palms together, the next words struggled to come out of my mouth. 

“I will accept your offer but only if you want me.” I answered with a nervous grin, Avy pulling me onto her lap. Resting her chin on my hair, sitting with Avy felt right. Glancing up at her, wet eyes met mine. Her warmth outshone Lottie’s by a mile, her lips brushing the top of my head. A golden wolf glinted at the end of a ribbon, her shaking hands turning me around. Kissing my forehead, her thumbs wiped away my tears. 

“I can’t wait to raise you.” She wept beautifully, dropping the necklace over her head. “Welcome to the family.” Somata scooped me up, his strong arms placing me on his shoulders. Lottie popped to her feet, the two of them leaving us. Looking up at me with a loving smile, his hand reached for mine. Walking back to their home, the door opened for them. Stepping through, he sat me down at the worn table. Sitting down across from me, a fresh batch of tears poured from my eyes. Leaning on his hands, we didn’t know what to say to each other. Up until this point, i had floated around from person to person. Focusing on his onyx blouse, my eyes fell on him kicking his boots off. 

“Are you hungry?” He chirped cheerfully, Avy plopping down next to me. “I bet you are. Do you like noodles?” Nodding my head once, the chair groaned as he rose to his feet. Getting me a bowl of cold noodles, he slid it over to me with apprehension. Picking up my fork, the first bite was magical. Chewing on them, a sigh of relief escaped his lips. Avy said something about drawing up a bath, his hands holding mine. Scarlet colored our cheeks, our eyes not quite meeting. His shyness was endearing, our eyes falling on the full moon. 

“Next time would you like me to come with you? I can protect you.” He offered sincerely, rubbing the back of my hands. “I want to make sure you are s-” Turning our heads towards the door, an apologetic Darwin wandered in with his head bowed. Teardrops crashed to the floor, his whole body shook like a leaf. 

“I am sorry for not protecting you.” He stammered anxiously between sobs, the chair groaning as I stood up. “I am a failure. What kind of a h-” Walking up to him, my hands grabbed his shoulders. Pecking him on the lips, a new shade of red darkened his face. Stepping back, a goofy grin twitched on his lips. Of course he would like that. 

“You will always be my hero.” I exclaimed with my real smile, his head shaking. “I will always be by your side. Now I have parents like you do. You should probably head home n-” Pecking me on the lips, he ran away. Standing there stunned, Avy tapped my shoulders. Chuckling softly to herself, a towel hung off of her arm. 

“Your bath is ready.” She chimed lightly, waiting for me to take the towel. “Is something wrong?” Shaking my head, I snatched it and ran upstairs. Closing the door, I ripped off my dress. Sinking into the water, this was the first bath I had in a long time. A white clawed hand yanked me under, my air bubbles floating to the surface. Clawing at the surface, nothing seemed to work. Letting out a scream, the hand flipped me over. A cracking face screamed at me, her inky eyes bleeding sludge. Unable to move, my vision blurred. Begging for help, the screaming stopped. 

“I need you to pass on a warning for Queen Lottie. I am coming to get her for my dear boss.” She hissed darkly, digging her nails into my neck as my face paled. “I am the White Witch, and she killed my sons. Death is her only payment. Ta ta, my child.” Strong hands ripped me out, a desperate Somata fussed over my coughing form. Too scared to speak, my body trembled in his arms. Wrapping me in a towel, he examined the bleeding claw marks in my neck. Rocking me back and forth, he was the father I had always wanted. 

“I need to talk to Lottie.” I choked out brokenly, gripping his dripping wet shirt. “I need to talk to her.” Refusing to let me go, a tired Lottie stepped into the bathroom. Rubbing the back of her neck, she wore an emerald nightgown. Her eyes flitted between the tub and my neck, her hands resting on her visible bump. Crouching down to my level, she examined the bloody wounds on my neck before turning to Somata. 

“Do you know about this person in particular? Was it a former friend?” She questioned calmly, gritting her teeth in pain. “I swear to God that I am going to give birth at any point. Something feels weird about this pregnancy.” She wasn’t wrong. The way she had be growing was far faster than anyone else I had seen, a bit of slick sweat glistening on her forehead. Wiping it off, her palms pressed together. Somata hovered his hand over her bump, shock rounding his eyes. Struggling to find the words, he didn’t want to freak her out. A cheery hello stole our attention, Salenia poked her had in. A nervous grin twitched on her lips, a secret sat on the tip of her tongue. Placing her hands on her hips, her sleeves fluttered in the growing breeze. 

“I forgot to tell you how short everything would be with that.” She chirped gleefully, pointing to her bump. “My magic is super strong. Any day now, right Somata?” Cocking his brow in her direction, Lottie and his death glare were a little bit too similar. Silver water swirled around her, one swift movement had Salenia to the wall. Trembling underneath her raw strength, she sank to the floor. Turning back towards me, she cleared her throat. 

“I am going to deal with whoever did that to you.” She screamed out in agony, a watery mixture pooling around her. “I am going to murder you. What is the point if I can’t enjoy my pregnancy! Who does this shit!” Pinning her ears back, her tail twitched with irritation. Salenia snapped her fingers, a couple of woman with silver hair rushed in to help a whimpering Lottie. Somata whisked me away, his eyes were wide with concern. Holding my shoulders, he took off his shirt. Throwing it over my head, his face was inches from mine.

“Get Boran and Mishal. My wife will watch the baby while Boran deals with this. Hurry, please.” He ordered with urgency, my bare feet pounding down the hall. Running out the door, my knocking echoed in their house. A groggy Boran opened the door, his sleeping blouse fluttered in the slight breeze. Darwin popped up behind him, scarlet rose to our cheeks. Now wasn’t the time. 

“The twins are coming.” I blurted out oddly, Boran snapping awake. Running upstairs to get Mishal, their bare feet pounded towards my house. Skidding in, Avy took Mishal in her arms. Ordering Darwin to stay behind with me, Avy started a fire. Loud screams echoed in the house, Avy singing a song to cover the noise. Hours passed like this, a sweaty Boran came down the stairs. Plopping down next to us, a long sigh escaped his lips.  

“Two healthy boys are here. Lottie is doing fine. This time she didn’t come close to bleeding out.” He announced proudly, Darwin bouncing up to him. They chatted excitedly, Somata looking longingly at them. Avy came downstairs with two silver haired boys with emerald eyes, pride swelling in Boran’s eyes. An exhausted Lottie limped down the stairs in a fresh nightgown, her weight seeming a little low. Sitting on the lowest step, she couldn’t move. Resting her head on her hands, she waved at me. Darwin danced up to her, his golden eyes never leaving her wet ones. Helping her to the couch, her arms scooped up the boys. Playing with their fluff of hair, she kissed their foreheads. Seeing her so happy melted my heart, her general depression was gone for a second. Hopefully this good luck keeps up.

July 06, 2023 23:58

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