Can't go to the Past

Submitted into Contest #94 in response to: Start your story with someone accepting a dare.... view prompt


Mystery Teens & Young Adult Adventure

“Fine, I’ll do it,” I said. I had just gotten dared to steal money from my dad and go on a trip to Mars with all of my friends. I mean, what? It's 2050, I’m a rich teenager, well, technically it’s my parent’s money, but, I guess I could steal money from my dad.

“All right girls! We’re going to Mars, let's start planning!” Franny exclaimed.

“For each teenager ticket, it's $3450, which means, with the four of us, you would have to steal $13,800, or make it $15,000 for necessities we need. Sadie said. 15,000 dollars I thought, that’s a lot. Yes of course I wanted to go on a trip with my girls, but couldn’t I just ask for money instead of steal?

“When are we going?” I asked them

“Well, spring break is next week, so this week, we can start packing, and then we can schedule to go on Saturday, does that work for everyone?” Reine informed us. Everyone nodded. I needed a plan, for myself, to steal. 

I had a plan to get on my dad’s silver computer and get on his bank account, then I would send $15,000 to my account, then delete the transaction so he doesn’t see it. Genius, am I right?  I decided to do it tomorrow since my friends were over, so if I stole and my dad saw, he would think that it would have been my friends. I wasn’t too nervous about stealing, my dad probably won’t notice. A couple of minutes later, my robot, Asimo, comes in.

“Good afternoon Sage, you have a message.” 

“Asimo, read it please.” Asimo pressed the button on his stomach, and Reine’s voice started talking.

“I found the right tickets, we just need the money now, hurry up please!” Asimo said.

“Thank you Asimo, you may leave.” Asimo was a robot that was in homes most of the time. They’re usually bought by the rich if they need help. There were obviously other robots for the people that don’t want to spend so much on a robot. I pressed the little side button on the inside of my arm to send a message.

“Send Reine; I’ll get it as soon as possible, just be patient with me, I can’t take money right away.” I sent the message hoping that no one would get mad. My mom yelled out telling me to go to the dinner table for dinner. Maybe this was my time to ask? 

“Hey Ma, hey Pa.” I greeted my parents

“How was school today? Or your hangout with the girls?” My Mother asked/

“Oh, well, school was pretty boring, we had an assembly about if we should have school uniforms or not, most people said no, which I agree with since those uniforms are straight-up filthy!”

“I think uniforms are important, they make the school look neat.” My dad said as he smiled and ate his soup.

“Hanging out with the girls was pretty fun, which brings me to ask this, may we borrow some money? We want to go to Mars for spring break starting Sunday! Oh please Pa, I’m begging you, we want to go so bad!” My dad paused and said nothing. I got nervous.

“I’ll make a deal with you, since you want to go in what two days now? I’ll let you take as much money as you need, if you bring this necklace with you on the trip.” Dad said as he handed me a small necklace with a pearl on it. It was a pretty cute necklace. 


“No reason really, just a necklace that has tracked down many of our generations. It’s time to give it to you.” My dad said. My mother gave him an uneasy look. I finished my supper as me and my parents talked more about school.

“May I be excused?” I asked

“Yes of course.” My mom replied with.

“Actually, Pa, when can I get the money?” I asked

“I already sent $20,000 to your bank account sweetheart.”

“Aw thanks!” I said. Twenty thousand dollars?? Was my dad out of his mind? I mean yeah we have money, but seriously $20,000? That was enough to buy us the Ostara seats! They were just seats that were nicer and they served good food, and had us massages, they were only a little more expensive, so I decided I was going to buy it. 

“Asimo, start a video call with Reine, Sadie, and Franny on 2020 Old Device.”

“Yes, Sage.” My mom’s old device from 2020 was super cool, it wasn’t very high tech, but like I said, cool. I don’t know what type it is, but it’s pretty cool. The phone rang for a  little then I saw all of the girls' faces on the device. We all waved to each other and then I started talking to them.

“Hi, I got $20,000! We can get the Ostara seats!” The girls started squealing. They were amazed at how I got the money.

“How did you get the money?” Franny asked. I hesitated for a couple of seconds. I can’t tell them. I was supposed to steal, but instead I asked. 

“Well, a criminal never tells her secrets.” The girls crackled up when I said that. 

“Okay, I’m going to the website right now.” I said

“Are we buying the tickets from NASA?” Franny also asked. She’s known for asking too many questions, but I love her. 

“Well yeah? I’m not trying to get scammed.” I went to the NASA page and pressed; BOOK YOUR TRIP. I picked that we wanted the Ostara seats. I saw that they were $4,200, which would mean that we had lots of extra money. 

“Okay, so Ostara seats everyone?”

“Yes!” The girls said at the same time. After I picked the seats, I went to my cart to pay. My total was about $16968 with tax. Then I pressed Buy and Confirm Order! I had bought the tickets.

“WE’RE GOING TO MARS!” I screamed out. My girls screamed after too, and then we hung up to go pack and to go to sleep. Honestly, I should have never taken money, it went horribly wrong.

May 22, 2021 03:55

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