Retail thera- Oh my god is that a quesadilla?

Written in response to: Coming up with a gift idea was the easy part — getting your hands on it is another thing entirely.... view prompt


Funny Christmas

Okay, so my boyfriend Tobias wants the new Gucci Hoverboard, because it's 2068, and who doesn't have it already? Me. I don't have it. Neither does he. And that's why he's always in a bad mood. 

“-no cuddles until I get the new hoverboard-”

“I don't wanna eat this broccoli. I want the hoverboard-”

“I don't want a new house. I want the hoverboard instead cause it's important-”

I’m tired of this dummy, acting like he owns me and everything else. I actually work. He sits on his butt all day watching reviews of the new Gucci Hoverboard. He doesn’t want the Balenciaga Hoverboard. He wants the Gucci Hoverboard. What an idiot. It literally just came out and he's crying about how he doesn't have one and blah, blah, blah he makes me wanna cry.

My boyfriend may be the most whiney guy I have ever met. What a wuss.

 I’m on a mission to shut him up, for good. I walk down the mall escalator, to get the Gucci Hoverboard, and someone runs into me.

I fall down the stairs, and I swear I hear something crack. My face is bloody, from the cut above my eyebrow. 

“I’m so sorry!” the man yells, running down to help me. “I'm such an idiot, do you want me to call for help?”

“Nah I’m good.” I get up and take the man's scarf, wiping the blood off my face. “Thanks,”

I skip to the Gucci store, blood dripping onto the pretty white tiles. Why does this happen to me? If I show Tobias, he won’t even care, he’ll just say

 “if I had the new Gucci Hoverboard, you're blood would NOT be getting all over it”

The store is crowded, and I push past everyone. I want this, I NEED this, if I don’t get it for Tobias, he’ll be annoying, and I can’t deal with him when he’s being a crybaby.

Ring, ring! I pick up my phone and answer it.


“Hey baby!” he exclaims. “Where are you?”

“At the waxers place…” I trail off, trying to come up with a good lie. “Getting waxed.”

He sighs. “Does it just not hurt you or something?”

“AHHHH!” I scream, like I would if I was getting waxed. He laughs.

“Come home and make me food. I’m playing video games with Ned.”

“Stupid nerd,” I mutter under my breath. “Baby you can do it yourself. You have legs.”

“Not anymore…” he trails off, and I can just hear his game controller.

“Whatever. Starve then. Bye!”

I run all the way to where the back of the store is, and there's two Hoverboards left. A woman with blond hair that's short takes both of them.

“No way JOSE!” I throw my shoe at her eye, and she drops one of them. I grab it, but she takes it back.

“No WAY JUANITA!” she yells at me and I grab a little kids quesadilla and throw it at her face. Cheese splatters her face. “I'M aLeRgIc TO cHeEsE!”

“Yeah? I’m allergic to hoarders,” I grab both the hoverboards, and run out of the store, without even paying. No one stops me after what they just watched because I’m savage and no one has a chance.

My car turns on, and I put the hoverboards in the back of my car, then speed home.

What a day! My asshole of a boyfriend is gonna be happy now. Finna deck him in the face if he complains about this one more time.

The door swings open, and I run into the living room. 


He looks and grins.

“THE GUCCI HOVERBOARD!” he yells and hugs the box. “I love you so much!”

“I love you too baby,” I say.

Tobias frowns. “I was talking to the hoverboard.”


He opens the box and his face sinks. “It’s pink. It's a girl color. Ew. Babe return it.”


I punch him, and his nose cracks.

“We’Re OvEr!” I yell, and I get on the hoverboard, and leave the house, riding off into the sunset.

God, it's bRuTaL out here.

November 21, 2022 17:43

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Lennon S.
15:36 Oct 05, 2023

Love the title so much, I love your short stories bc they never disappoint. Literally listening to Olivia Rodrigo rn so the "God, it's bRuTaL out here." felt really weird.


Jexica Marcell
18:58 Oct 23, 2023

Awwww thank you!!! I try to write interesting things for everyone!!


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Nicole Of 2022
03:43 Jan 15, 2023

This story really shows off your amazing personality. I love this so much Lol Another great one Jexica! <33333333


Jexica Marcell
23:17 Jan 25, 2023

Aww tysm <3 my personality is dead now though :( i have no motivation anymore. im tired.


Nicole Of 2022
02:47 Jan 27, 2023

Me too girl. abt to start writing about how bored i am Lol


Jexica Marcell
19:35 Feb 21, 2023

lmaoooo i alrwady did :(


Nicole Of 2022
19:06 Feb 27, 2023



Jexica Marcell
22:41 Mar 02, 2023

in a notebook and on my wrists 😂😂


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Unknown User
03:23 Dec 06, 2022

<removed by user>


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Creed .
21:00 Dec 05, 2022

This story made me smile. Also, A+ on the title. Fantastic job!


Jexica Marcell
18:22 Dec 06, 2022

Thank you!!!!!


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Miles Gatling
13:40 Nov 23, 2022

I imagine it to be like an anime. Unique, those characters are wild, very enjoyable


Jexica Marcell
14:30 Nov 28, 2022

Thank you so much!!!


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Lindsay Flo
11:55 Nov 23, 2022

I thought this was funny and an exaggerated take on a materialistic and me-me-me mindset...people's obsession with hot ticket items, the stereotypical lazy video-gamer wanting his girlfriend to do everything for him, people fighting over the last item, and sadly, Tobias's ungratefulness when the coveted item was the wrong color. The wacky parts (the man with the scarf, fake screaming while being fake waxed, and the quesadilla as a weapon) kept me reading along with the quick pace. :)


Jexica Marcell
14:30 Nov 28, 2022

Oh my goodness! I didn't even think about the me-me-me mindset...i just added random things to experience, and this story came out. This is a classic Jexica Marcell story, with everything paced so fast, and nothing actually making sense. Thank you for reading, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)


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Kendall Defoe
20:25 Nov 21, 2022

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth...unless everything else is pink... Brilliant story! 🤪


Jexica Marcell
14:55 Nov 22, 2022

Aww thank you!!!


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Unknown User
16:00 Mar 19, 2023

<removed by user>


Jexica Marcell
19:05 Apr 03, 2023

Thank you so much!!!! I'm usually busy with school, but I can definitely try to read some of your stories during my free period. I'm really excited to read some of your work, you seem like you know what you're doing :)


Unknown User
22:59 Apr 03, 2023

<removed by user>


Jexica Marcell
17:47 Apr 04, 2023

If there is anything I've learned about this place in my (almost) three years of being on this platform, it is that these people on here can be rude, and shoot down your ideas in an instant, but the people that you usually come across here are kind, working authors who just want to be read. I'm not sure on how you found my account, or what you first thought when you read the name Jexica, but I think that it's fate that I met you, and all my other wonderful friends. Reedsy is not a place like high school, middle school or even elementary scho...


Unknown User
18:27 Apr 04, 2023

<removed by user>


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Unknown User
20:58 Apr 04, 2023

<removed by user>


Jexica Marcell
21:10 Apr 04, 2023

I gotchuuuuu :) My email is Hope this helps, and I hope we can get to know each other better because you seem awesome.


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Eleanor <3
01:51 Nov 29, 2022



Jexica Marcell
14:30 Nov 29, 2022

I HAD TO ADD IT!!! the song was stuck in my head for hours


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22:13 Nov 21, 2022

This story was quite possibly the craziest story I've ever read while also being well written. You managed to make so much go on in so little time, but there were no errors, you know what I'm saying?


Jexica Marcell
14:57 Nov 22, 2022

Yessss, thank youuuuuuu I try to quickly pace my stories so that reader dont get bored, but sometimes it doesnt go so well...


01:37 Dec 03, 2022

You're welcomeeeeee Yeah, sometimes it's hard to make something action-packed while keeping it readable and error free, but I'd say you did absolutely fantabulous here! :)


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