The Girl Inside The Fridge (Based on a true story)

Submitted into Contest #38 in response to: Write a story about someone who finds a magical portal in their home. ... view prompt



The Girl Inside the Fridge

(Based on a true story)

Written By: Jessica Kemp

** The following story as difficult as it may be to believe is actually based on my own childhood. Clearly there was no portal but I did lock myself in the fridge when I was very little **

The smell of chocolate filled the air as I jumped up, down and all around. I couldn’t wait any longer. I needed the chocolate now!

“Hurry mom, open the box, open the box” I said excitedly.

“Okay Jessi, hold on it’s almost open” said my mom.

A few moments later the box popped open, I reached inside and almost had the chocolate in my hand but my mom quickly moved the box out of my reach.

“Now Jessi, you know the rules. Every year when your grandma sends you a box of chocolate for Easter, I cut it up into little pieces and leave it in the fridge. After you eat all your dinner you can have a few pieces and save the rest for another day”

My mom took the box into the kitchen before I could even argue with her. Dumb rules. That’s MY chocolate, I should be allowed to have it whenever I want. I crossed my arms, mumbled “not fair!” underneath my breath and plopped myself down on the couch.

“I’m going to take a shower sweetheart, you can watch TV then I’ll make you some dinner. After you eat I promise you can have a few pieces of your chocolate.”

My mom left the room and headed for the shower. 

I waited a bit but then realized, what if I’m sitting here watching TV and the fridge breaks. All the chocolate will melt and it will make a huge mess. My mom won’t be happy if there is a huge mess. I should go check and make sure the fridge still works. 

I walked all the way to the kitchen, opened the fridge and the light inside came on. 


In a big bowl sitting on the bottom shelf; my super delicious chocolate in little pieces. It smelled so good. This was the best smelling chocolate in the whole world. This was chocolate from my grandma and grandmas always sent the best chocolate.

“Good” I thought to myself. “It’s still there and the fridge still works.” I quickly shut the door. Now, I know fridges can’t talk but I swear this one was calling my name. I knew if I got caught I would be in so much trouble but I couldn’t resist the smell of that creamy delicious chocolate.

 “Okay, maybe one piece won’t hurt, how will my mom know?”

I opened the door very slowly, the cold air from the fridge made me shiver. I couldn’t risk getting caught, so I moved the bowl from the bottom shelf and plopped my butt down on that shelf instead. I placed my feet on the inside of the fridge and put the bowl on my lap. Before I knew it, the door slammed shut and everything went dark.

“Ah man! I didn’t think the door would close” I thought to myself. I figured since I was in the fridge already I might as well have a few more pieces of chocolate, it’s not like my mom can see me in the dark. So, I gobbled down, 5, 6 ,7 pieces of chocolate. 

Okay, Okay, I had 10 pieces of chocolate, but as much as I love chocolate, it was too cold inside the fridge and I didn’t like being cold. I started to get a very sore tummy. I think I ate too much chocolate. I pushed on the door as hard as I could and as it swung right open I immediately started to panic, because it became very clear that I wasn’t at home anymore.

I stepped out of the fridge and couldn’t believe my eyes.  Everything around me was made out of chocolate.

“This isn’t my kitchen! Where am I? What is this place? Mom!” I looked frantically around at my surroundings. This definitely wasn’t my house. How on earth did I end up here? Did I get here from the fridge? That’s weird.

“Oh no not again!” said this tiny little voice. “Momma bunny is not going to like this.”

Wide eyed and very confused, I looked down and saw the cutest little brown and grey bunny. “You can talk? Cool!”, I said. “I just have a few questions, where am I? what’s your name? and who is Momma bunny?”

The bunny smiled at me and said “You have stumbled upon The Bunny Trail, the land of all things chocolate. My name is Thumpy but everyone calls me Thumps. Momma bunny is my mother and she won’t be happy that I left the fridge door wide open again. Oh boy! I’m in so much trouble. Momma is always telling me not to leave the door open and I always forget.”

“Well Thumps, my name is Jessi and my mommy won’t be happy with me either. I locked myself in my fridge and somehow ended up in a magical chocolaty place far away from home.”

Thumps thought for a minute while thumping his feet, “what if we go see my mom, she won’t be happy that I left the door open but she will definitely know how to help you get back home.”

“Thank – you Thumps, I really don’t want my mom to be worried and I’m feeling very sad being so far away.”

“Would you like some chocolate?” asked Thumps. “Oh no thank you, I should have listened to my mom and waited until dinner. I ate way too much chocolate when I was inside that fridge.”

Thumps said “my mom tells me that too. She has so many rules. It’s not fair!”

Together we walked through the chocolate forest, over the chocolate bridge, past the chocolate waterfall until we reached the house where Momma Bunny and Thumps lived.

Thumps ran over to his momma and said “Momma this is my new friend Jessi, she accidently came through the fridge portal from the human world because I made mistake. I forgot to close the door like you asked me too. I’m so sorry momma, can we help her get back home?”

Momma Bunny looked at Thumps the way my mom looks at me when I don’t follow the rules, she didn’t look very happy at all.

“Thumps, mistakes will happen but it is important that we learn from them. You were lucky nothing bad happened to you, but because you left the door open Jessi is now lost and away from her mommy. I am so proud of you for coming to me and telling me the truth but this does mean that you can’t have your chocolate desert tonight.”

Thumps had his head down and said “I know mommy, and I’m sorry I will keep on trying my best and I promise to listen better next time.” Momma Bunny gave Thumps a big hug then looked over at me.

“Hi, Jessi, nice to meet you. Don’t you worry I will get you home to see your mommy right away.”

I was so happy. As awesome as this magical placed was, I really missed my mom and I was getting scared that I wouldn’t see her again. I looked up at Momma Bunny and asked “how are you going to send me home?”

Momma Bunny smiled and said “the same way you came in…through the fridge door of course!”

So we all headed back to the fridge. We walked past the chocolate waterfall, over the chocolate bridge and through the chocolate forest. It was a long walk but we finally made it.

“Thank you Thumps and Momma Bunny for getting me back safe.” I said while giving them a hug. “I’m going to miss you both very much.”

Thumps and Momma Bunny said “Don’t worry, you will see us again next year, but you don’t have to go into the fridge. Easter is the time when all the bunnies come out of The Bunny Trail and go through the portal to visit all the children and give them chocolate.”

I smiled and gave them one final hug goodbye.

Momma Bunny looked at me and said, “Now Jessi, you came through the portal because you didn’t listen to your mommy either. So, what you need to do is, place your hand on the door, close your eyes and promise two things; to say sorry to your mom and to never go inside the fridge again.”

I placed my hand on the door closed my eyes and said “I promise”. When I opened my eyes, I couldn’t see anything at all. It was dark! Oh no! It didn’t work! I screamed for my mom, “Mom!”

Just then a bright light hit my face and I could see I was back inside the fridge and my mom was standing right outside. “Jessi! What on earth are you doing in there? I was so worried. I had no idea where you were!” my mom said.

I gave my mom the biggest hug and said “I’m so sorry mom, I didn’t listen to you. I just wanted the chocolate so bad. I didn’t think anything bad would happen from a few pieces of chocolate. I ate way too much, I got a sore tummy and I was stuck in the fridge. I was so scared. I won’t ever do that again. I love you!”

My mom gave me a hug and said “I was scared too sweetheart. Thank you for telling me the truth, I’m so proud of you. Rules are there to keep you safe and to keep you from the getting a sore tummy in the first place. Let’s go cuddle on the couch and watch some TV until your tummy feels better, then I will make you some dinner.”

“Thanks mom” I said as we walked over to couch. 

I decided not to tell her about my trip to The Bunny Trail. I wanted to keep it a …

“Did you see Thumps and Momma Bunny?” asked my mom.

Wait, what? How did she know? I looked at her confused and she laughed. “When I was your age I did the same thing. Thumps and Momma Bunny helped me find my way back home too. That’s why I told you to wait until after dinner for your chocolate. I didn’t want you making my same mistake.”

I looked at her amazed and asked “How do moms always know?”

She laughed and said “one day you will know too.”

April 25, 2020 00:47

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