Science Fiction Adventure

H-4319: The Glowing Planet. 

Many didn't believe that it was a real thing. Most believed that the glow was something evil. But there it was, floating against the dark expanse of space outside the window of our star-cruiser. They didn't want us to go here. But the other planets deserve to be explored and the lifeforms on those planets deserve to be contacted and befriended.  

As long as they consent to it. Which the inhabitants of The Glowing Planet did. 

We sent out a message and they answered us happily. Almost too enthusiastic to hear from other beings, but Commander took that as a good sign. She sent us out two days after the correspondence. In my opinion, Elain and I might be the most unqualified people to take the cruiser to this planet, but she trusted us. Sure, we’re top of our class at the academy and our main focus is on Inter-Planetary Communication. However, neither of us have been on a mission like this before. 

It was pretty intimidating. 

“Five minutes until docking at Station Gamma Psi.” The automated voice of the navigation system sung over the speakers. 

I walked away from the window and went through my closet to grab my exploration suit. Pulling it on, there was a knock at my door before it opened completely without my acknowledgement. Elain strutted in, already dressed in her black and red suit. Her dark hair was up in a high ponytail and her helmet was under her arm. She looked me over with a smirk. 

“Just now getting ready, Cos?” She asked me. 

Letting out a scoff, I pulled the suit up to my shoulders and pushed my hands through, “I’ve been trying to refresh myself in what all we know about this planet. There’s not much.” 

“We know there are beings there, happily waiting to converse.” Elain shrugged, putting her shoulder against the doorframe. “Are you nervous?” 

“Of course.” I zipped up my suit and reached for my helmet. “I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing.” 

“That sounds like a ‘you’ problem.” Elain smirked before walking down the hallway. 

I followed her down to the navigation room. The Glowing Planet was getting closer and larger in front of us. Instead of it just glowing purple, the color started the break up in different regions. Mostly, it was blue, with dots of purple in it. Green glowed in different, irregular shaped regions, with spots of red. Our ship was heading towards a larger spot of red and white wisps. 

As we got closer, the ship entered the atmosphere and was pulled through the white wisps. The front window cleared and I could see lights, twinkling all over the expanse of the planet. There were large buildings, built high into the sky. Neon signs and lights from speeding cruiser lit up the way. There was a taller building with swarming cruisers and docks for entry. 

“Entering Station Gamma Psi. Good luck, cadets.” The automated voice said once again. 

Elain sat at the pilot's seat to take the cruiser out of autopilot mode. She pressed the button for the radio, “This is cruiser 887 from planet H-32 requesting landing. Over.” 

There was silence for a moment before static came over the speakers and then a very enthusiastic voice, “Hello, cruiser 887! This is Captain J’thal speaking. Please come to Dock Entry A4B for landing! I’ll translate it to your language.” 

One of the docks changed to a blue neon and morphed into ‘A4B’. Elain pulled the cruiser over to the dock to slide in. Inside, was a multitude of arrows pointing us up a ramp. Figures in bright orange suits and helmets waved us through with glowing yellow sticks towards a parking area. Elain pulled our cruiser in and parked. 

“You ready to make some discoveries?” Elain grinned at me and pulled her helmet on. 

I pulled my hair up into a tie and put my helmet on as well. “Ready as I’ll ever be, I guess.” 

Together, we walked to the airlock. It was usually just for one person, so putting both of us in there was a tight fit. I squeezed in next to Elain, who welcomed me in with a wave of her hand. The door shut behind us as the air hissed around us. I stood there in front of Elain, her body close to mine. With our height difference, I was face to face with the top zipper of her suit. Elain looked down at me and winked. 

My face felt hot as I looked away towards the exit door. 

After what felt like an hour, the door hissed open and we walked out into the building. 

“Oxygen levels: Moderate.” The automated voice said in my helmet. “Carbon Monoxide levels: Moderate. Helmets: Suggested.” 

Elain and I looked around. The figures in the orange suits had dispersed. Around us was a metal interior with different neon signs depicting different events in a language I couldn’t understand. 

Suddenly, a small cruiser came from the upper ramp. It was glowing all different colors and had tall glass windshields. Inside were two humanoids. One was wearing all black and driving, the other was sitting in the back wearing a glowing blue pantsuit of sorts. The cruiser stopped in front of us and the one got out. 

They were tall with long white hair. Their face was pale and slender with high, pointy cheekbones, thin lips, and glowing blue eyes. When they saw us, their face broke out into a wide smile. Honestly, it was a little unsettling. 

“Hello!” Their voice was high and enthusiastic, “I am J’thal! It is so nice to finally meet you!” 

A boney hand was extended. Elain immediately stuck out her hand. 

“Elain McCoy, co-captain of this mission.” Elain introduced herself. She dropped J’thal’s hand and gestured to me. 

“Cosima Cline, other co-captain.” I stuck my hand out. 

J’thal shook my hand, letting their eyes study me. Even through the suit, I could feel their cold skin against mine. 

“Welcome to N’eon.” J’thal said, letting go of my hand. 

“How can we understand you?” I asked them. 

“We have developed a technology that studies a language from another society and helps us speak it.” They lift their sharp chin to show a silver circle implanted in their skin. “I can hear you and you can hear me. We’re all speaking the same language.” 

“Outstanding.” Elain tilted her head, studying the implant. “Does it attach to your neural network as well as your vocal cords?” 

“Smart one.” J’thal smiled and nodded. “Yes! It does. But, enough with the science-talk. Let us show you two around!” 

J’thal waved a hand towards the cruiser. They crawled in and made room for us. Elain and I hopped in and the cruiser took off as soon as I closed the door. My body was thrown against the back of the seat, Elian’s as well, from the sheer force of the car. We zoomed out of the parking building and into the air with the rest of the cruisers.  

Neon lights flashed by us in streaks of the rainbow. In between the buildings were structures of scaffolding and different pipes to connect all the buildings. Besides that was just an expanse of dark. No earth or dirt or any significant core to a planet. 

It seemed mechanical. 

“N’eon was a much smaller planet.” J’thal spoke up. “We were able to grow upon it. Make a larger, more habitable, and profitable planet!” 

Elain was over my shoulder, looking out the window as well. Her face lit up with the lights to show her grin. She looked a kid just discovering all of this. 

We basically were. 

“How high up are we?” Elain asked. 

“30,000 kilometers.” J’thal replied, “Taller than your Mont Everest, I believe.” 

“Amazing...” Elain whispered. She turned her head to look over at me. Realizing how close we were, she leaned back slightly. 

We neared a large floating platform filled with multiple smaller booth and tents set up with lights. The car pulled up to a dock and we stopped. J’thal jumped out and waved us along. Our feet hit the metal platform as the scene opened up in front of us. It was a wide marketplace with vendors and citizens of all kinds. All races. The diversity was astonishing.  

“We pride ourselves in having the largest market in the fourth quadrant.” J’thal walked quickly through the market, barely waiting for us to follow. “Diverse. Rich in culture. Everything you want, you can find here.” 

They weren’t lying. Every booth was manned by a different race of beings. There were foods, clothing, weapons, and materials that I hardly recognized. Out of all the species here, I’ve never encountered someone like them. We were behind on meeting beings more than we thought. 

“I don’t recognize anything.” I shook my head. “How have we been so behind?” 

“I’ve read that your race of humanoid is rather conservative.” J’thal answered, even though the question wasn’t exactly towards them. “Not as advanced as you may think, unfortunately. But, do not worry, that’s why we’re here. We can connect all races from all planets and make them one. United.” 

Elain looked to me with a raised eyebrow. 

Unite everyone and make them one? I understand the sentiment, but doesn’t that defeat the purpose of diversity? 

Every merchant we passed smiled at us. There were humanoids, reptilians, quadrupeds, mammals, birds, amphibians, and other races I haven’t had the pleasure of reading about. One that caught my eye was a woman standing at a booth with glowing clothing. Her eyes were pure gold and her features were elegant. I slowed my pace to stop and look. 

“Hey there.” She smiled at me, looking me over. “New here?” 

I nodded. “I am. Just recently discovered the area.” 

She nodded back, her eyes cutting to J’thal. They were over towards the middle of the market, gesturing up to the buildings and talking with Elain. Mostly likely about the architecture. 

The woman waved me closer with a hand and lowered her voice. “You need to leave. Right now.” 

My head tilted, “What’d you mean?” 

“You come and you stay. No friendly walks after they implant.” She lifted her chin to show a circle on her neck. “Please. You need to go.” 

“But, I don’t understand.” I shook my head. “Why would they keep people?” 

She merely shrugged her shoulders, “Why do you think there are so many here? Of so many races. That’s the only way to survive.” 

“Cosima!” Elain called out to me. 

I looked over to see her standing at a booth, holding up some kind of meat on a stick. She grinned at me and waved me over. 

“You need to try this!” 

My eyes went back to the vendor, but she was conversing with another customer. I walked over to Elain and J’thal. Just in time to hear their conversation. 

“-and it would be no hassle at all.” J’thal said to Elain. “The implant is quick. Painless. We believe that everyone should have the ability to converse with everyone.” 

Before Elain could answer, I spoke up. “That is very kind of you, J’thal. However, we would have to speak with our Commander first. This is simply a recon mission. To touch base.” 

The calm and welcoming demeanor melted off of J’thal. Their eyes turned cold and their face dropped into seriousness. Their eyes glowed. The eyes of everyone around us glowed silver, as did their implants. Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to us. No chatter. No laughing. 

Dead silence. 

“That wasn’t a suggestion, my dear.” J’thal said. Their voice echoed. “We aim to connect everyone. United the universe into one. One body. One mind. You are us.” 

November 13, 2020 04:19

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Sailor Gascoigne
17:14 Nov 19, 2020

I love the twist at the end, you're an amazing storyteller.


20:14 Nov 22, 2020

Thank you!


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