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Adventure Drama Science Fiction

As they got off their transportation they took their first steps into their new lives. They went through security, heavily checking their baggage. Health inspectors and physicians who spent many hours running tests and scans on them, making sure they were applicable to roam around after a long travel. Along with other processes that took hours before they were free to go. They looked are a lot, trying to take everything in. This was more than just leaving the country to them. They were leaving practically everything.

"This is still insane," Mary said. "how did you ever talk me into this?"

"It's my charm," Arthur replied. "besides change is good. And this is certainly a huge change."

"I never liked change. I always stick to what works. What's normal. Rudimentary." Mary says.

Arthur grabs their baggage off the transportation and catches up with Mary who has walked a few steps ahead scanning the new location.

"So where is it?" Mary asked indecisively.

"It's just past that industrial-looking building," Arthur answered.

They both walk side by side with each other both studying the environment and where they'll be spending a long time together.

After walking for a bit longer they finally reached where they will be staying for what appears to be years.

They both see a trailer, similar to one you would find in an America trailer park.

Arthur walks towards it while Mary stands back and stares at it.

"I hate it." She says.

Arthur does a double-take at her and gives off a sigh and sets the bags down before entering the trailer.

"Look, why can't you just see the goods sides to this?" Arthur asks.

"The good sides?" Mary replies. "We're on another FUCKING PLANET!"

"I'm sensing some hostility in your reply."

"For God's sake Arthur I don't know why we ever agreed to this. We were doing fine on Earth. We could've had normal careers. Normal lives." Mary stated.

"Mary...we're not normal people. Do you remember our first date?" He askes.

"What?" Mary replies disenchanted.

"Do you. Remember. Our first date?"

"Yeah yo-you took me to swim with dolphins."

"And do you know why I did that?" Arthur asks.


"Because a normal person would've done dinner or a movie or gone bowling or something like that. I'm not normal. I never wanted to be normal. Doing this. I know it's a huge step. But-"

"A huge step Arthur? This isn't just a step it's a fucking hopscotch with one foot backwards. " Mary stated.

"I'm not sure if I'm following."

"Would it be so hard to just...go back?" Mary asked.

Arthur has a disdained face.

"Uhh well, we can't really do that. You see it took nine months to get here Mary. Nine months in a semi-small vessel where the food sucked and there was one bathroom. And we just, like literally just got here. So would it be too much to ask that my companion, the woman I gave my heart and soul to, to just stay here at least a week? And if she hates it, and I mean absolutely hates it with the blackest part of her being, then we can leave. Ok?" Arthur rambled.

Mary let out a loud sigh and agreed. As they settled in for the day the following morning they started to take in more of the place. Mary looks out a window.

"Quite red." Mary stated.

"I've always thought it looked more orange." Arthur said.

"So, like red-orange?" Mary questioned.

"The hells' red-orange?" Arthur asked.

"The color? Red-orange."

"You mean red AND orange."

"No I-...Are you being dumb on purpose?" Mary asked.

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean why do you always pull us into these stupid situations. Like signing us up to live on another planet so Elon can do his tests and shit?!" Mary complained.

"Woah...I thought we were going to give it a week."

"I don't know if I can do this Arthur. It's just sand and rocks. Food rations are scare. There's nothing to do except look out a fucking window staring at RED SAND!"

Arthur takes a step forward and puts his hand on his hips.

"We are ensuring the survival of our species." Arthur states.

"In what way? We've basically destroyed Earth we'll just do it again here."

Arthur opens his mouth but words won't come out. He has trouble thinking of more things to say.

"We could discover life here."

"Like bacteria? Aliens? What are we supposed to study?"

"I don't know, but regardless this is a huge accomplishment for us. Not just humans but for you and me." Arthur says.

"What are you talking about?" Mary asked.

Arthur has trouble thinking of the right words to say.

"Well it's just, you know we've been going through a lot. Back on Earth. And I thought this would...this would be good for us. As...a couple." Arthur explained.

Marys' face is full of fluster.

"What?" Mary asked.

"Something tells me you did not find that answer acceptable."

"You convinced me to move to another planet, where we have very few of our belongings, no friends or family, and very limited access to resources because you thought it would be good for us?" Mary stated.

"You're a very pessimistic person aren't you?" Arthur replied.

"Jesus Christ Arthur," Mary says disappointedly.

Mary puts both her hands to her face.

"What is wrong with you?" she asked.

"I told you I-I'm not normal," Arthur replied.

"That's not an excuse."

"I know but it's an explanation. I know I messed up but-"

"No, you didn't mess up. You FUCKED up." Mary said.

"Ok, I fucked up."

"I mean when there's a problem in a relationship they talk about them. Or at the very least take a vacation to Bora Bora or something."

"So what I''m picking up is that you're not 'crazy' about this place?" Arthur asked.

"Get out," Mary said.

"Yeah ok."

Arthur leaves and Mary sits alone. She looks out the window again to see Arthur greeting another member of the trailer park. She sees a large sign above all the trailers reading, "Write your memoirs, at Mars!"

September 12, 2020 07:01

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1 comment

Falguni Jain
07:55 Sep 20, 2020

The location (which is the main prompt) is very unique. I surely would have loved to go to Mars.


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