Adventure Crime Sad

Moonlight peeked through my window spreading over my body as the mystical wind of the clear night sky played through my hair. My eyes caught in the periwinkle color striking across the horizons of the sky where the glimmering stars laid miles apart. My lips curved in a smile, beauty laid across my eyes with perfection and here I was living the very moment through my bedroom window.

My heart fluttered, as the day’s memories played themselves in my mind. "Arthur Crawford will be sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole." I had fought 25 years, waited for this moment, waited for my soul to come at peace. I had watched with eyes wide open as his hairy hands were caught in handcuffs, his eyes not meeting mine. Tears rolled down in streams as I sprinted towards his disappearing figure. Anger surged through my body as I fixated my gaze on his grey orbs, "You..I waited for 25 years. Today I'll sleep like I did the night before; I'd breathe without hesitance or guilt. I took her revenge!  You fucking murderer!!" I clawed his shirt as he whimpered helplessly in response, my very touch caused him pain and brought delight to every nerve in my body,  "Ma'am please step back." a younger police officer pulled me back, her arms around my waist as I saw them pulling him away from me.

25 years back.

"Elizabeth? are you awake?"

"Yes mom" Elizabeth whispered.

She sat by the open window of her bedroom, watching as the clouded sky covered the moonlight and the summer air rushed in a hurry only to make her eyes water. Elizabeth relaxed into her mother’s comforting lap as she felt her mother’s arms wrap themselves around her, "Before you were born, I had wished so ardently to have a girl; one with the prettiest hair and the most beautiful eyes."

Elizabeth chuckled lightly turning her gaze to her mother's soft face, "And was your wish full filled?" her mother laughed, a music to her daughter's ears.

"I got more than what I wished for" she whispered in her hair.

They watched the pattern formed by torn clouds, the horizons dark yet it was the most peaceful moment of her life. Without knowing Elizabeth fell into a deep sleep.

When the house came alive at the darkest hours of the night due to constant banging on the door Elizabeth woke up with a jolt and reached out for her mother who was looking through her bedroom window.

“Mom?” She whispered.

Her mother gazed back at her with gaping eyes her face confirming her fears, “he’s back..and we fell asleep. Oh my god.” She spoke through a heaving chest and collapsed on the floor with her feet shaking as if she had caught a cold. Realization settled in Elizabeth as the bitter truth welcomed raged and terror, but despite the circumstance she had to act wisely. Mustering up a brave face she hurried towards her mother and held her face in her palms, “Mom listen to me, if we don’t let him in and call the authorities, he won’t do anything. You just have to trust me” The tears from her eyes rolled down like stream of a river as her mind fought her fears. Her mother wiped her tears as she slowly regained consciousness of the events surrounding her, ‘Fine go get- “but before she could take action the front door slammed open, the thunderous heaving steps were storming in, “Emily!!” from downstairs the voice echoed, “Mom do something quick!’ she whispered.

Emily sat there calmly she wasn’t shaking anymore her insides were numb as she gently touched the purple bruises over her neck and arms. “Eli I’ll get you Nathan, he’s sleeping in the other room you keep him safe ok? I’ll go deal with daddy”.

 “No mom!” Elizabeth cried out but her mother gently unwrapped her small arms off of her, providing Elizabeth a consoling smile.

She watched her mother disappear in the dark hallway and with her absence flowed in an excruciating silence. When moments passed and Elizabeth grew worried as there was no movement downstairs neither could she hear the usual breaking of cutlery or banging, “I have to get Nathan “she whispered to herself. Gently the door handle was pushed down causing the door to creak as she tried her best to avoid making a sound. “It’s just a small run across the hallway and then back” telling herself only made her calm but her legs quivered under the stress. With small steps she walked towards Nathan’s bedroom.

“yes, we would like to see her.” Her ears over heard a stranger’s hoarse voice.

“I refuse” her mother’s voice.

“Emily, I did not ask for your pathetic advice, I told you to bring her down.”

Her eyes widen, they are talking about me.

Quickly she lifted herself from the floor and ran towards Nathan’s bedroom collecting him in her hands. Her eyes drooped low, the fastened beating in her chest slowed down as he felt his warm body against her chest. She loved her little brother the most. Slowly Elizabeth repeated the steps to return back to her bedroom. Immediately she tucked Nathan in her bed closing her half open window to block the night’s cold air. But before that her eyes insisted on one last look at the sky; it was still clouded.

Pulling the blanket to her chin she laid beside Nathan wrapping her arms around him, “good night Nathan!” her voice vanishing in thin air.

“I’m sorry she is asleep.” Elizabeth was awake now as she snapped her eyes open when her mother’s strenuous voice.  

“Then wake her the fuck up!” Even though her back faced the door she knew this was her father as the very words he said were slurred.

“Emily, we come here with good intention and wish to see your daughter.” There was indeed a stranger amongst them. For a moment silence laid flat in the heavy air, the stranger shifted his feet; “Arthur we will take off our offe-“

“N-NO! Emily get her down immediately, we don’t want our guests to feel bad” with that she heard them all going down. As the door closed, she remained still but when a loud whimper from across the bedroom cried out, she jolted up. “Mom!?”

Her mother fell in her embrace, her eyes clamed shut and her thin frail figure shaking against Elizabeth’s rigid body. Elizabeth wrapped her arms around Emily, kissing her hair.

They stayed like this for a minute or longer before Emily raised her head, “Eli I don’t know what your father wishes for tonight. I wish we could all run away from this nightmare, but I want you to know that your mother was helpless against them. He wants you to come downstairs in front of his bloody guests. I don’t trust them one bit. I don’t want you to come down. Take this money and run away with Nathan…GO!” she hissed shaking her daughter by her arm.

Elizabeth’s eyes were steady her face contoured into pure confusion but she knew what her mother demanded was not an option, “No, I will not… not without you mother.” she shot back.

“You have to think of something else, take this moment to think how we can run away while I’ll go downstairs. I trust you Mom; I know you will figure out something.” Her small hands wiped the surging tears offering her warmest smiles.

“I don’t deserve the two of you” Emily whispered.

Elizabeth stood at the doorway, she noticed that the living room lights with the old dusty chandelier were brightly lit. Although the rest of the house laid in pitch blackness with doors of each room shut. Looking outside the glass window of her small kitchen she noticed that few hours were left before the sun would rise and the once dark halls would come back to live. After all she loved the daylight more than the terrifying darkness of the night.  Taking in a deep breathe she entered the living room, where her father was seated on the small sofa by the tv across them sat two dark silhouettes. To her surprise there were two guests when she had only imagined one.

“Ah! There you go. This is my daughter.” She watched as a proud smile lit her father’s face, his drunken grey eyes shining in the yellow light. In her younger years the last time Elizabeth could recall calling this man ‘dad’ was when she hadn’t started speaking properly. Though now that she could, she would never disgust her mouth by calling him that again.

She watched as a man who was not much older than Arthur himself was seated back; his tall figure had a ghastly aura. Squinting her eyes in the dim light she noticed his gruesome smile that showed off his white teeth. This man wore a black tuxedo with his hair gelled to one side. Beside him sat a younger lady who caught Elizabeth’s eye. She was extremely attractive and looked in her mid-twenties her blue bright eyes were hooded and her blonde curls fell on either side. Mostly, the dress she wore grasped Elizabeth’s eyes. It was a silver dress that reached her knees and was hung around her chest perfectly.

“You like the dress, don’t you?” the man asked. His voice hoarse but the smile not once wiped from his face. Feeling uncomfortable Elizabeth chose not to reply but instead gazed down at the floor. “Elizabeth, he has asked you something!” Arthur growled. She could feel his anger radiating. But tonight, Elizabeth felt some sort of power against them which only boosted her confidence causing her to not reply. ‘Oh you darn!-“ her father was now standing up with his hands curled up in fists on either side. “oh Arthur please don’t.” before she could feel the blow the unknown man calmed him down.

He’s acting like an obedient dog. Elizabeth thought.

“Elizabeth, can you come here?” he asked again. Feeling the need to resist Elizabeth didn’t move as she stood her ground.

“Now..now girls who don’t listen are bad.” He said once again.

When Elizabeth didn’t reply he knew she demanded a softer tone one that could lure her into a pretense too horrible to imagine.  “I understand that you are a bit scared to find a stranger in your living room at this hour and your drunk father didn’t even care to introduce me but I will do the honor, I am Henry Jeffords a friend of your father. I come here because I was told by Arthur that you like to see and design dresses?” he spoke with calculated words yet there was a sly touch to his voice.

‘oh yes. She constantly draws on that ugly bunny-“ Henry glared at Arthur who immediately sealed his lips.

“Would you come here and see the dress May is wearing today? Please tell me if you like it.” Elizabeth had indeed been caught by the silver shining dress that the girl wore. Reluctantly she took small steps towards the unknown girl and smiled warmly, “hi my name is Elizabeth.” Offering her hand for a shake but instead ethe girl didn’t respond.

Henry had seemed to sense Elizabeth’s mind and he instantly rushed in with stuttering words, “I’m afraid May doesn’t speak much she’s shy with strangers.” Elizabeth didn’t look at him. “May?” she called out again.

Finally, the timid sunken girl raised her blue eyes at her but instead of admiring her eyes Elizabeth noticed the slight purple bruises near her brows, and she was well aware of them. Elizabeth’s eyes widen, “May is hurt!”.

Henry was now tensed, “N-no May is fine, she fell off the bench a..at t-the park or something” his hand reached for May’s arm rubbing her in reassurance but Elizabeth could tell that she was whimpering against his touch.

“it’s fine May I’ll get you something to put on your bruise!” Elizabeth forced a smile turning around but her steps were halted when her wrists were grabbed with force. Henry jolted up, “enough of your nuisance, I have spoken too softly with you and now you come with me. There you and May both can handle each other’s wounds” his voice was much louder now and his grip was surely going to leave an everlasting mark on Elizabeth’s hand.

She turned to him in one swift blow, “leave my hand you monster!’ she yelled but in response his raspy voice erupted in fits of laughter as if the entire situation was amusing to him.

“cut the deal Arthur..you’ll get your money in the morning.” He said attempting to drag her out.

Elizabeth yelled on top of her lungs but she knew that when her father had bought this house, he intended on keeping the secrets within and despite her screams she wouldn’t be heard, Elizabeth struggled as tears of frustration rolled down, “let me go! Dad! Help me!” for the first time in years she called him ‘dad’ and pleaded for his help but all he did was showcase his ugly smile.

“Let go of my daughter or I swear on my life I’ll kill you” relief filled her body as Elizabeth heard her mother. Emily stood by the living room door; her left-hand holding Nathan against her shoulder while her right hand focused the gun on the stranger. She held it tightly, and by the look on her face Elizabeth knew that her mother had been crying. She looked weak but her eyes told a different story, her eyes were tired.

“Let go of her hand!” Emily yelled.  Arthur took slow steps towards his wife, “Emily c’mon now hand me the gun and..” Emily snapped the gun towards Arthur.

“or what? I will kill both of you with this gun..you sick idiot! He’s taking away your daughter! But who am I to say this all these years you never gave a damn about us! All this time it was I who bore all your anger but I will not accept it if my daughter is harmed!” she yelled.

“Arthur tell your wife to let it go.” Henry was now easing his grip on Elizabeth; who continued to struggle against him. In the moment Elizabeth just wanted to be in her mother’s embrace; the place she felt the safest.

“LET GO OF HER!” Emily yelled again. This time henry unwrapped his fingers from her wrist and watched as Elizabeth rushed towards her, hiding behind her mother.

Emily had her eyes fixated at her husband and the stranger. “May! Come here!” she yelled. Surprised May looked at them both, “You got your daughter but I wont-“

“I said May come here or else I’ll shoot this bloody idiot” this time Emily’s voice was filled with rage. May without giving it a second thought rushed towards Emily hiding behind her. “Both of you don’t move an inch, girls move out the door.” With one swift motion Elizabeth rushed towards the main door with May beside her. She watched her mother fix the gun on them as she walked outside the door and closed it.

“Get in the car” she yelled still holding the gun in her hand. Elizabeth and May got in the back of the car. Emily quivered as she struggled to keep the gun steady. She beamed at Elizabeth, “it was meant to happen tonight and it did, we will be fine after today” with that she handed Nathan to his sister.

To their horror the front door opened revealing the two devils, “Stay there or I’ll shoot!” Elizabeth heard henry’s rigorous voice. Emily closed the door of the car and stood still, Elizabeth’s breathe was caught in her throat as she watched the scene unfold. With one swift motion Emily attempted to run but the trigger had been pulled. With the breaking of the dawn a crime was committed, as Emily’s body slid down with Elizabeth’s scream mixing with Nathan’s hysterical crying. “MAY!” Elizabeth looked over at May who was focusing on the two men standing by the door, their hands shaking as they panicked. A pained whimper escaped May’s lips as she rushed towards Emily holding her body against her, “Emily?” she whispered trying her best to help her stay alive. Emily’s drooping eyes looked at May’s soft crying face, she held her hand as her breathe shortened, “g..get them ou-t.” May cried out loud, her voice shaking every neighborhood door to open. Slowly she closed Emily’s brown eyes feeling her body getting cold against her touch, immediately she took the keys as the two men forwarded towards the car, “Arthur don’t let them go!” henry yelled. But May had already reached the car and started the engine, “May my mother! Don’t leave her!” Elizabeth cried out as May felt her words piercing through her heart, it was as if she could almost hear her younger self crying out. “Elizabeth, we need to leave!” May looked back.

They had escaped to an unknown suburb claimed by May as her old home where they embraced the fresh start to life, Emily was buried a few days later, Elizabeth had kept the red rose over her grave.     

Now she sat by the window of her room writing,  

It took 25 years for me to fight my mother’s case since there was no solid evidence that my father and Henry were involved in any sort of trafficking and that my mother had tried to shoot two innocent civilians or the two had shot my mother back in self-defense but later on henry Jeffords’s entire lair was caught and he was arrested for human trafficking. My father however was not caught but I refused to let my mother’s hard work go to waste, I fought him on child abuse, violence and murder. May took us in and we lived knowing that Emily Crawford was in her ambience.

June 08, 2021 19:15

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