Adventure Friendship Funny

Things were about to change drastically for Jaime. She had just recently begun a new job and was getting close to finishing six weeks of training in Alabama. Her new career was taking her all the way across the country to Mountain Home, Idaho. Excitement for her new adventure was somewhat lessened by the fact that she was going to be by herself in a place that she had never been before. There wasn’t a place for her to live near her job, so her only option was for her to find a house in a nearby town. She had hoped to be able to live close to the people that she was going to be working with. “Oh well,” she thought. “Maybe I can find a roommate.” The thought of moving in with someone that she just met was scary. But not as scary as living in a strange place by herself. “As soon as I get to Idaho, I’ll start looking online for a roommate.

Jaime made a list of things that she wanted in her new roommate. She found a website for others who were also searching for someone to move in with. This is where Jaime began her search. Whoever she chose had to be someone that she felt safe with. She also hoped for someone who is tidy. Hopefully someone who didn’t make a lot of messes. The last thing Jaime wanted to do was have to clean up after them. She must have looked at what seemed like a hundred profiles before she found one that caught her attention. “Look at that smile! And those eyes!” This looked like someone that Jaime might want to meet. “Who knows?”, she thought. “Maybe this could be someone that I could spend a lot of time with.”

The arrangement was made for them to meet. In kind of a public place where there were other people around. This made her feel a bit safer in case she picked up any weird vibes. Their meeting place also had to be near where her prospective new roommate lived. Because he didn’t have a car. “How is this going to work out?” Jaime was nervous as she drove to the place where they agreed to meet.

The foothills outside of Boise are beautiful. This is where the place that she was going to was situated. While the surrounding area was beautiful, the building that she parked her car in front of was kind of depressing. It was gray and big. Honestly, a little creepy. “What have I gotten myself into?” She gulped and got out of her car and went inside the building. There were other people inside. They weren’t very friendly. None of them spoke to her. In fact, for the most part, they ignored her. “Hmmm…now what?”

After what seemed like an eternity, a door opened. Jaime recognized him immediately from his picture on his profile. He had an infectious smile and a twinkle in his eye. She was impressed that he could have such a positive attitude after having been living in this place. “At least he’s got a happy disposition!” Jaime knew immediately that she had made the right decision. This guy needed a new home. And Jaime needed a roommate. After a brief introduction, they spent a little bit of time getting acquainted. This is just the happiest guy she had ever met! He was a little heavier than she expected. And slightly shorter. But, that’s fine. Because his smile and twinkle in his eye more than made up for his physical appearance.

Together they walked out to her car. She unlocked it and opened the door. Immediately, before Jaime could make around to the driver side, he was already in the passenger seat! “Wow! You’re a little presumptuous, aren’t you!”

Together they drove away. She preferred for the windows to be up. But he begged for them to stay down. Something about loving the smell of fresh air. But it was an hour’s drive to get home. Jaime agreed to a comprise. Only his window and then, only halfway. Dairy farms were numerous in this area. So the smell of cows can be asphyxiating.

As they got closer to their home, his excitement grew. “This is going to take some getting used to. But, even still, she knew that she made the right choice.

On their way home, Jaime found out that they both love adventures! She knew that they would have many together. She knew that they would be the best of friends.

Of course there were some adjustments to be made. Jaime liked for things to stay in their proper place. Her new roommate didn’t. In fact, he preferred things to be a bit messy. This was going to take some time to get used to. But she was positive that, with time, they would both have a healthy respect for each other. It was going to take work for each of them. There was one time when her new roommate became testy over something having to do with his dinner. She made it clear that if he wasn’t happy there, he could go back to where he came from.

There were a few other times when Jaime wondered if she had made a mistake. Once she found him in the garage. Unpacking boxes for her. Then tearing up the boxes and taking their remains to the backyard. “What have you done?!” All he had to do was flash his beautiful, toothy smile at her. Jaime’s heart melted. She knew that she couldn’t stay mad at him. He had her heart and he knew it. There were many times when their relationship was strained. But, even then, Jaime couldn’t stay mad at him. She had never been happier. She felt safe with him there. He wasn’t the most attractive fellow. But he had a smile that could light up a room. And a twinkle in his eye that could melt any heart. He was constantly in her stuff and making messes wherever he went. But even that didn’t bother her too much after a while. She would just laugh and say “oh Mongo!” And he would wag his tail and smile. “This is what I get for bringing home a 110 pound Mastiff.” He would die for Jaime. And she knew it. She felt safe with her new roommate. They are still together. Mongo is still making messes wherever he goes. But Jaime wouldn’t have it any other way.

February 21, 2025 04:57

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