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Thriller Romance

                                   Was it really betrayal?

In a dark room lying on a bed is a 21 year old woman. She has snow white hair and purple lips, no lipstick needed. She is dead, of course. But is she? That is what her best friend Athan was thinking. Who knows if he's right. Oh, wait... I know. I'm your narrator and I know for sure that this story will never have a happy ending. Why, you ask dear reader? Because when that girl wake's up she'll find a problem and only one way to fix it. Betrayal, a broken heart, and tears. I can make this story what ever I want it to be, I can make characters tap dance in the middle of a funeral or make a polite character a jerk. This story will be about the elements Life and Death. Death's mother is the moon and Death was created to destroy. Never to shed a tear or even fall in love for her heart is made of ice and frost. Let's see how this story unfolds.

Athan went back to reading his book. To everything I ever said, is what I think he is reading. I hope, in fact that's what he's reading now. Athan blinked and turned the page and than turned back to the beginning. Opps, guess that was the wrong book. Not my problem. Athan looked at his friend. When will someone find out she's dead? He thought. His thoughts were interrupted by coughing. He looked at the girl in the bed and dropped his book. She began to sit up and looked around her. "Hello?" She said looking around. "Rune! Are you all right?" Athan exclaimed in relief. "Um... yes, I'm fine thank you." Rune replied. She gasped and looked at her hair and nails. "My true form." She grimaced.

"Your what?!" Athan shouted in surprise. "Yes, my true form is death. It's my name. Though the humans gave me many." She said ever so calmly. "Well, I guess I should have known." Athan said as his clothing and appearance changed. "Ah, you knew you would eventually have to come out of hiding. Tell me how are you, Life?" Death said with a grin. "Fine and just so you know don't think I'll fall for your trick again." He said giving her a warm embrace. "There is only one thing that I can't destroy with a simple touch and that's you." She said in wonder. That is why they are friends, because no one would even go near Death. No one could even touch her and she couldn't touch anything. Then Life greeted her with open arms and for once her magic didn't kill. It charmed Life to see he could create more when Death accidentally destroyed someone or something. Life even told her that she created too. She didn't believe him and she never did. But, that is when they were kids. Maybe it will change. Maybe not.

"I have to go back to um my house. Rune's house." She said leaving his arms. "Ok, bye." Life said changing back into Athan. "Bye." Rune left the house and was greeted by one of Life's creations. Winter and snow. He made it as a gift to her. The cold reminded him of Death. As she walked she remembered what Life told her.

 "I made something for you." Life said as he covered her eyes. "What is it?" She said shakily. She was still unsure if she would hurt him. "It's about to come just wait a little. Remember what I said about patience?" He replied. She pushed his hands away. "And I have none." She said. "Well look out the window." He said smiling. The smile was warm, just like everything about him. She turned her head to the window. A white speck fell. Than more fell with it. She gasped and stuck her hand out the window. It was cold but, the more it built up it was beautiful. "What do you think?" He said. "It's amazing." She said collecting the snow while floating on black smoke. "I made it to be just like you." He said. "What do you mean?" She said stopping. "It's cold but, yet it has beauty inside." He said as he appeared next to her on white smoke. "When will you know that all I do is destroy?" She said as their smoke combined, a swirl of black and white. "When will you know that's not what you do?" He said embracing her. "You can't answer a question with a question." She mumbled, as she buried her face in his chest. "I believe I just did." He whispered in her ear. The snow fell, accumulating every where. "I call this Winter, my gift to Death." He said.

As she thought about it she realized that Winter was for her and her alone. It wasn't for the humans. She walked along the path to her house. She opened the door and sat down on her bed. Something was off. She knew it too. She stood up and looked around. But, she should be listening. She walked around the room. Looking and searching. Than she stopped and walked to the corner of the room. Humming. More and more humming. Then black smoke. CRACK! "Mistress. Death, we need you to come back to the Under Pass!" A dark sprite shouted very worrisome. "Why, what's wrong?" Death asked. "The balance of the worlds is broken! You must hurry! Please Mistress!" The sprite said apprehensively. "Okay, how do I get back to the Under Pass?" Death said. "I heard the rhyme it said... um it said... er... I don't know! The sprite panicked. "Well, remember!" Death said waving her hands in the air. "Um... Er." The sprite stumbled. Oh, for God's sake! I'll handle this, dear reader. The sprite looked at her.

"To open the portal a friend you must betray."

"Look to the morning star when you hear the jay."

" The blood of a close mortal."

"Is needed to open the portal"

"This advice you must heed."

"In order to find what you really need."

The sprite finished and disappeared. "What! I only have what friend and I can't do that to Life!" Rune shouted as she fell to her knees. "Life has been my only friend, I can't. I won't d-" Rune was cut off. "Do what to Life?" Rune turned around and gasped. "What are you doing here and how do you get here so fast?" Rune said. "I put a charm on you so if you were ever in trouble or if you said my name without my presence, I would be summoned. So, you summoned me." Life said, in his true form. She stared at him not knowing what to say. He walked in front of her and took her hands. "What do you need to do?" Life asked her. "My kingdom is i- " She stopped. "I need to kill you." She said. "Than do it." He replied.

There is only one weapon strong enough to kill Life, is Life and Death combined. His essence though, is his existence.

 "I'll make an dagger, one strong enough to kill me." Life said. "Well... how do you know it will work?" Death replied, masking her fear. "I know it will work because I've seen it done before, now stop making up excuses." Life said. Death was silent and like all silence, it was broken. "I know the guilt you feel." He said as he prepared a clear mixing container. "I don't k-." "Yes, you do. You can wear a mask but, the truth is still there." He said. "Come here and listen." He took a single hair from his head and placed it in the container. It turned a light brown. "Might I have one of yours?" He asked Death. "Here." She passed him a white hair. "I need your blood next." He said. He took a feather from is pocket. "Hes vertc kifl." As he said the words the feather turned into a knife. He pricked his finger and she did the same. When the blood was added the liquid it turned black. "My blood is canceling yours out." Death said. "Wait." Life replied. The liquid turned light blue. "So, some of your blood is showing." She said. "Yes, and the last thing we need is something personal." He said. "Like what?" She asked. "Something you cherish, you love." He said. "Mine is a gift from my father, the sun. His essence" He pulled out a bottle with golden liquid in it. "Well, mine is... um.... " She paused. She pulled out a case from a cabinet. "It's the first snow that ever fell." She opened the box using it's emerald key. "Do I have to use all of it?" She asked. He laughed. "No but, I didn't realize you were sentimental." He said looking at her. "I'm not sentimental, its just I. Well, Its the first snow. Ever. The best thing I've ever seen. I don't want to lose it." She said as she removed a little snow. The liquid had white specks in it and was a midnight blue. Like the night sky.  

"Are you ready?" Life said untying his robe. "Yes." Death replied. She was holding a dagger with a golden hilt and a diamond blade. "Will this really kill you?" She asked. "Yes, it will." He said. He had his chest exposed so, she could stab him in his heart. Prepare yourself, dear reader for things are about to get dark. "Li-." Death began but, was cut off. "Don't make it harder on yourself." He told her. "Just do it." "I don't want to!" She shouted. "Do-" He started. "No, listen to me! You have given me everything and this is how I repay you? Why are you not trying to stop me?" She shouted. "Because, He said taking her hands. " I care about you." She stared at him. "I guess that's what I needed. Good bye, Life." Death said as she stabbed him is his heart. Life's eyes widened and he said his last words. " Did get what you really needed?" As she the words echoed through her mind, she noticed that the sun was rising. She needed to find a jay. "A bird." Death said. She ran outside in search of a jay.

"Come on!" Death shouted. Then she found it, a Black-throated Magpie-Jay. Say something, she thought. The bird looked at her and turned it's head. Why aren't you saying something? She was thinking about Life. Was it because I killed him? The thoughts swirled in her head, so much that she nearly missed it. A bird call, so long and sweet. "Thank you." She said as she looked at the morning star. "The morning star is the sun, my father." Death heard Life's words in her head. As she looked at the sun it shone a bright, sparkly beam further in the woods. She broke into a run, following the path. When she stopped she found a glass archway, a portal. The blood of a close mortal. Life's blood! She thought. He was an element, but Athan was technically mortal. Technically. She took the diamond blade and scraped the blood on the right pillar. Words started to form in gold lettering on the top curve of the archway. Death began to read the words as they formed. 

                        Did you get what you really needed?

"I guess so." She said stepping through the portal. WHOOSH. The portal consumed her and spat her out in a gloomy place. The place was dim and seemed as if no one could be happy here. The place was called The Under Pass. An eerie place home to dead sprits and dark creatures. Death walked into the place. As she walked a crown and armor started to form on her body. It was one of the perks of being the queen of The Nether Pass. The armor was made of iron with boots that went up just past the knees. The shoulder left shoulder pad had a N on it. The breast plates had two emeralds on the top left corner. The shoulder pads connected with a cape that was burnt at the bottom. The crown was made of gold and had a black star diopside gemstone in the center and a ruby on either side of it. It was beautiful in a way but, it was gloomy.

"Mistress Death!" A sprite appeared next to her. "Come quickly!" The sprite lead her past the room and out to a great hall. The hall was a little brighter than the room but, the eerie feeling was still there. "The bridge, how bad is it?" Death asked the sprite. "The bridge is already pass halfway with goodness and life. You have to bring it back to what it wa-" Death interrupted her. "I asked how bad it was not what I need to do." Death snapped. "Um... I know that it took a lot for you to be here." The sprite said out of concern. "Yes it did. Now is not the time for that though. Now we fight." Death said leaving the hall and existed the fortress. 

Death walked over to the center of the world. The connecting of two worlds. The connecting of life and death. The thing connecting the worlds is a bridge. The bridge was almost completely white except for a small sliver of black. Death began to walk on it. Turning some of it black but, as she did she heard humming. It was sweet humming, one that only the purest creatures would sing. The humming belonged to angels. 15 angels appeared in front of Death. In the most beautiful yet, stern voice said, "We know what you did and for that we have come to take your kingdom and your throne." "Well what did I do?" Death said through gritted teeth. "You have killed our king. You betrayed him and in doing so you have lost our trust. He used to talk about you. Said that you deserved a chance after you became death. Then you betrayed him. Now you shall never harm again." One of the angels said as they all lunged at Death with spears. The spears are beautiful they had ebony spearheads and sapphires on the shoes. Across the shafts were the words, bellus vita. Bellus is latin for graceful and Vita for life. "We'll see about that." Death said as she conjured a spear of her own.

Her spear compared to their spears was wispy and not even solid. It was made of black smoke and burned whatever it touched. 2 angels down too many more to go. Death thought. She through her spear at an angel and it singed its wings, the most important part of the angel. It cried out it pain like a infant crying for its mother. She took this opportunity to kill it. "Enough!" Death growled. "Do you surrender?" An angel asked. "Of course not!" Death cried. "I'm letting you surrender." "Why would we surrender?" The remaining angels said in unison. "Because the entire universe would be unbalanced without me." Death replied. "It is already unbalanced because of you. But, instead of killing you we will allow you to fix the bridge and then? Then, you fix Earth." "Fair enough." Death said passing through the angels. The bridge started to turn black. She stopped halfway and turned around. The bridge was restored. "Time to fix Earth." Death said vanishing. 

Death arrived at her house on Earth. She turned on her TV and switched it to the news. "Diseases and death are spreading everywhere you look. People are panicking every minute that goes by. Countless lives have been lost to the sickness spreading around." The reporter said. It was raining black ash and no one was out of their houses. She vanished and appeared at a hospital. She looked around and saw it was crowed with thousands of people. She went to a different hospital, same thing. And another one, worse. She looked around this one and saw a kid crying. She walked over and found a unforgivable sight. A woman lay breathless on the ground. What have I done? Death thought. She vanished and appeared in front of her house. How am I going to fix this? She thought. How will I get back home? Death saw why the angels told her to do this. Because it is impossible for her to fix it. She would be stuck on Earth forever.

"How do I fix this, Life?" Death said out-loud. "Your not, I am." A voice said behind her. Death recognized it. But, isn't Life dead? Death turned around. She saw Life, unhurt and alive. "How have you been, Death?" Life said with a grin. "Enjoy the rhyme?" "You gave me the rhyme? Was this all a joke?" Death said walking over to Life. "Maybe or just to see what you would do." Life replied embracing her. "I thought you were dead." Death said. "I was but, my essence helped me." "I'm glad your back. Can you fix this?" She asked. "Sure, it will only take a second." He said as he made a circle with his hand. "There, now doctors will find cures and the sick will be healed. One last thing." "What's that?" She said confused. "Snow." As the words left his mouth the ash turned into snowflakes. "Wow." Death held out her hand to collect some snow. "Its beautiful." She said looking at him. "Before we go home I want to do something." He said. "What is it this time?" She asked. Life kissed her. "That." He replied. "I love you." "I love you too, now we go home." Death said into his chest. "Yes, home." He said. 

November 13, 2020 16:43

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Clara Woodwake
01:05 Nov 14, 2020

Hello, this is my first time using this site.


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