My story is entitled It was noted that Aliens have officially arrived on earth.

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Adventure Mystery Science Fiction

My story is entitled It was noted that Aliens have officially arrived on earth.

These Aliens are creatures from another planet. As according to some observations Aliens are seen as very strange creatures.

One Friday morning during a heavy rainfall the entire earth including my dear country became very dark. Also during the rainfall there was a storm and a earthquake that indicated the presence of a space shuttle from the sky.

As it was observed in the space shuttle there were Green men and women known mainly as Aliens in it.

Some of these Aliens were jovial,rude with a bad character.

Also some of the Aliens were intelligent, good and sensible they helped humanity with invention.

Again it was the Aliens who helped in invention of Robots ,the electric cars, weapons and several others.

Some of the Aliens assisted and helped Aliens in traveling to the moon because life exist on the moon.

It was then that I realised that Aliens who happen to be strange creatures have arrived on Earth.

Again I observed with my naked eyes that these Aliens were strange and mascular creatures that have arrived on Earth including our dear country the United States of America.

It is these Aliens who could possibly predict why we have both day and night.

Also others argue that these Aliens were from the Planet Venus , where people often fly by to the help of gravity.

The Aliens were also endowed with strong and magical powers that the mere strength of a normal human being can not control or calm them.

At other instances it can be noted that it is iconic heroes like Superman and Captain Planet that can calm and control Aliens by capturing them back to their planet.

Some Aliens are noted to be good whilst others are bad due to the character exhibited and shown by them.

On the month of August ,2018 an American Astronomer named Robert Jackson was reviewing objects and images by his telescope known as Pan- STARRS 1.

Also his telescope scans the sky each night recording the results with the world's highest definition camera.

The telescope was mainly designed to hunt for near Earth objects which were mostly Asteroids whose paths brings them into our planet.

Almost all interstellar objects have to obey the law of gravity.

There is a belief that Alien life is alien to imagine.

Aliens in the dark are like bats and dolphins.

These Aliens were noted to have a common language known as ET, English Technology.

In addition these Aliens have their own Kings and Queens .Most of the laws are made by the Alien Queens and Kings. These Aliens also believe that men are supreme beings and their flesh must be eaten by Aliens so that their existence on the moon will be accomplished.

Due to that these Aliens who are some sort of Green men visit earth to destroy men and capture them into their space shuttle to a dar away distance on the moon in order to kill them and eat them up.

Lest I forget most Aliens often drink hunan blood when to they are thirsty in order to quench their thirst.

It can be argued that Aliens have not reached out to us because they are keeping Earth under a galactic quarantine.

The aftermath of the close encounter of Aliens on the earth indicates that there was a pre-emptive Alien attack on humanity.

Most Aliens that arrive officially on earth came mainly to eat humans and also enslave ,main or attack humans.

Others also contracted diseases caused by the presence of these Aliens on earth.

During the most extreme scenario ,Aliens might choose to destroy humanity in order to protect other civilizations.

It can be noted that most Green Aliens objected to the environmental damage have caused on Earth and then wipe all humans out to save our dear planet.

There are instances where Alien spacecraft visited earth.

The leap to Aliens requires much more substantial and direct evidence that can be scrutinized using tools of science.

The Aliens were primarily seen as some benevolent intelligent beings who came to earth to offer some advice and warnings.

Most Angels were both benign Angels and menacing demons.

According to myths ,Aliens still exists on other Planets.

Others also speculated that Aliens were from Mars ,where men Aliens also give birth . Some Aliens are noted to come from nearby planets.

The existence of Aliens on earth also indicates there is life beyond earth.

Also the more scientist learn about the planet and moons in our solar system the more they become confident that Alien life exists on our Planet.

It can be noted that Aliens are some sort of little green men and women that are similar to humans in appearance and are endowed with magical powers and can possibly fly long distances.

There is Alien life in our solar system.

Others argue that the moons of both of Jupiter and Saturn have the potential for hosting life that indicates life beyond our solar system.

This means that some Aliens live on the moon of both Jupiter and Saturn which are planets noted to be part of our solar system.

Most people also argue that without Aliens the moon of both Jupiter and Saturn will not rotate and other Astronaut will not be allowed to visit there. It is believed that the existence of life exist in the moon but mostly it is Aliens who normally live on the moon at most times.

Finally Aliens were seen on earth as some sort of flying humanoid-like creatures whizzing in the sky above and hearing pringing sounds reverberate off their car trunk.

Most Americans after their encounter with Aliens in their Space shuttle believed that Aliens were intelligent life forms else where in the Universe.

Lastly Aliens are hostile and a national security threat to the earth.

Most people on earth are always scared an frightened whenever the see an Alien or come into contact with them.

Due to that Americans invented the electric gun that can easily shock and kill most rude and cruel Aliens that attack humans to eat their flesh.

August 10, 2023 02:55

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