The strange knock

Submitted into Contest #97 in response to: Start your story with an unexpected knock on a window.... view prompt


Crime Suspense Thriller

Evan was working on his laptop in his room. He glances at the clock and thought I should take a break from work. He turned off his laptop and went straight downstairs... He went to the kitchen and grab a water bottle from the fridge then All of a sudden, he heard a knocking on the kitchen window. He put the bottle down on the kitchen island and moves towards the window. He drew his hand closer to the window, a girl starts banging on the glass window. He promptly slides the window and helped the girl to let in the house. " Who are you? Hey!! your hand is bleeding " Evan said " Yeah I know Please... please help me someone is chasing me after, " the girl said He quickly grabbed a clean shirt and gives pressure on her wound. " Oh God how this happened and should I call 911 or police," Evan asked the girl " Oh no... don't call anyone they will know that I'm here... just give me first Aid kit... I'm a nurse " the girl said Evan agreed to help her and He carried the girl in his arms and gently place her down on the couch. He ran into the bathroom and grab the first aid kit. He came to the girl and give her the first aid kit. " How this happened and what are you doing in the middle of the night, " Evan said " Ummm I was coming back from the hospital you know it's not safe in the night so, 3 drunk people start following me and they have a knife in struggling to get myself out of their grip... it's hurting " She said " Do you want me to help you? Evan said " Oh no... I can manage and thank you so much... I'm Lisa and you " she said " I'm Evan and I wants to say that nice to meet you but I can't because you not in a good situation," Evan said She glances around the room and asked Evan that are you living alone in here. He told her that, He is a single dad and his daughter is staying at her grandparent's house. She tries to get up from the couch ... " Hey! do you need anything, don't get up please," Evan said " Can you give me some water... Lisa said " Yeah sure I'll bring you some water stay here... I'll be back," Evan said He walks back into the kitchen and grab a glass from the cabinet and pour water into the glass; he holds the glass and walked back into the living room. He raised his gaze and saw Lisa was standing next to the window and she was peeking outside. He slowly walks behind her and places his hand on her shoulder. She flinches and turns his face toward Evan. " You scared the hell out of me... she said " I'm so sorry... what are you looking at? Evan asked her " Nothing just looking outside it's raining, " Lisa said " Yeah, I think you should stay here tonight... I mean it's raining outside so I thought of you. if you want to " Evan said She takes the glass from his hand and gulps the water in one breath. " Okay I'll stay but if you don't bother because of me," she said " Oh no... you are not bothering me and I loved to help you," Evan said She sat on the couch and Evan went to the guest room. He quickly changes the bedding and dusts the room. He walks back to her and helps Lisa to get up on her feet. He showed Lisa the room " Make yourself comfortable and if you want anything just called me out I'm outside," Evan said Lisa lean on the bed and told Evan, if I need anything I'll call your name, and please don't turn off the lights... I can't sleep in dark. Evan doesn't turn off the lights and says goodnight to Lisa and shuts the door. Walks into the kitchen and tries to close the kitchen window but it was stuck... he pushed the window with all his force but it didn't work but then his gaze stops on the knife covered in blood... He carefully grabs the knife without touching it. He places the knife in the sink and then shut the window. " What a strange girl she is and why this knife is here... oh god what happening today, " Evan thought and went to his room and fall asleep The next morning Evan woke up and straight to the guest room to check how is Lisa doing. He knocks on the door but no one answers so he thought she is still sleeping. He heard someone knocking on the door. Evan went to open the door. he pulls the door and saw two police officers standing at the door. " Good morning officer, How can I help you," Evan said " Good morning I'm officer Miller sorry for disturbing you but we need some information about someone... did you saw a middle-aged girl around this area," the officer said " What happened? I don't think I saw someone " Evan said " Last night she murdered her husband and ran away, we are looking for her.. officer Josh give me her picture, " the officer said police officer Miller shows the picture to Evan and Evan glances at the picture. He was stunned after watching the picture. The picture falls off from his hand on the ground and he ran inside the house. He opens the room door but no one was there. He found a note on the bed " I'm sorry I lied to you and thank you for saving me and I hope we'll meet again and it's a little secret between us don't tell anyone because no one believes you and I kept one thing of you as a reminder your shirt " ~ Maybe there's more we all could have done, but we just have to let guilt remind us to do better next time.

June 08, 2021 17:29

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