Against All Odds: Two Sided

Written in response to: Write a story during which two conversations happen simultaneously.... view prompt


Fantasy Adventure Fiction

Jade was captured by general Morton while she retuning from the her meeting with the last witch of the path (long story for later). Then her escaped was added by Veran in disguise. During the prison break Veran was injured and knocked out, revealing who he was to Jade. After he came too and Jade tried to gain him as an ally, Veran attacked her explaining that if anyone going take her down it would be him. Once Jade got away she went straight home, Veran did as well nursing his wound on the way.

Characters seen here:

Jade: protagonist of the story destined to either save or end the world. See the good in people. Wants to help people and guide her own destiny.

Peter: friend of Jade, can read emotions like a best selling book. Likes trolling people who are jerks. Wants to help his friends.

Veran: son of Heath (big bad) and is hunting down Jade. Can not remember people’s names so he gives them animal based nicknames. Wants his father’s respect.

Argus: immortal mentor and friend of Veran. Will give people life lessons over a game of chess and some soap. Wants to save Veran from his current path.

Mention Character:

Cain: the planner and serious member of the group. Has a plan for every situation.

Zoe: caring heart will go out to help people. Still does not forgive easily.

Mary: the last know enchantress of the Grand Tree. Stubborn.

Cam: calm warrior. Adoptive brother of Peter. Avoids killing or doing unneeded harm to people during fights.

Frank: field medic. Cain's brother. Collects cool rocks he finds.

Gregory (Greg): son of a pirate and is a inventor. Has no organization skills.

Matt: gentle giant. A little dumb, still smart, but a little dumb.

Pee Wee: Zoe’s bear sized, two head hell hound. Is/are a good boy/boys.

General Morton: one of Heath’s head generals. Wear a dumb hat.

Jade and Peter have a conversion after her return home.

Veran returned to his ship were he talk to Argus (his friend and mentor)

Jade walks into the house and calls out, “Hey, I’m back.”

Veran knocks on the door frame of Argus room while saying, “I am back from my walk.”

“Yo welcome back, how did it go,” Peter calls back from the living room

“Welcome back you how was it,” Argus looks up from his chessboard.

“Well I found the crazy old witch. Said about the same thing we guess we still need to find the key. I got caught by that loud general soldiers-” she starts to explain then pauses -“I forgot his name.” She start grabs some leftover pasta as she tries to remember. 

“It was calming. The stars are nice out tonight,” Veran says leaning against the frame.

“Does he have really dumb hat which is definitely hiding his rapidly leaving hairline?” asks pocking his head out from behind the tv.

Argus makes a move turns his chess board a full 180 thinks for a second then moves a piece, “What contestations are out?”

“Yep that’s the one.”

“Phoenix minora and omega, Rosa aurea, malogranatum et serpens, and pugnantes lupi. I believe,” Veran nods.


“Augh yes beautiful contestations. It is a fascinating thing isn’t it how we see can find stories and paths in something as changing as our sky?” Argus ask rhetorically continuing his game against himself.

“That’s right Morton. So any way he caught me and put me ceil to take me to Heath. While I was trying make a plan someone in a mask broke me out-,” she trails off. “Pete where are the others at?”

“I guess,” he shrugs.

“Cain and Mary went out to the library, Cain said,” he clear his throat and changes his voice, “‘When Jade gets back make sure she eats something, there’s leftovers in the fridge that need to be heated up, don’t let her eat it cold’.”

“Well, dinner is in the pot it should still be warm-” Argus starts saying.

“Nice Cain impression.”

“I’m not hungry,” Veran states blankly.

“Zoe took Pee Wee for a walk. Matt and Cam are in the garden planting star shade. Frank taking a nap. And Greg is training. Wait a minute you didn’t finish your story what happened with the masked stranger.”

“Alright-” “-wait are you injured?”

“Nothing. He broke me out, the two of us got out of there, he left without a word than I got back here.”

“No, I took a detour-”

“So if he just left without a word, how do you know the mask was a he?”

“Veran, I was there when the constitution were named, I know when someone is lying. Especially you.”

“While- a- okay not without a word but-”

“Okay, fine I fell down a hill-”

“You to kissed didn’t you?”

“You went out and ran into Miss Jade.”

“Oh my- Peter. No-” Jade protests.

“No-well maybe it isn’t want you think,” 

“He removed his mask introduced himself, and confused his love, then the two of you shared a passionate kiss in the moonlight.”

“You are very bad at lying you’re still holding the mask. ”

“No- he never took off his mask none of that happed.”

“I stopped by traveling mask salesman.”

“Okay wow J chill. It was a joke. Hold on- are you okay?” 

“Stop lying it doesn’t suit you,” Argus resets a few pieces of the broad.

“I’m fine,” Jade says weakly.

“I am not lying,” Veran protests again.

“Jade I can sense people’s emotions and you know that. If you don’t want talk to me about it, fine, but I’m here for you if you want talk or if you want to just take you mind off things,” Peter explains looking even more concerned.

“Agree to disagree. Now I’m going to get the medical kit while you get yourself food I here your stomach growling.”

“Thanks Pete.” She sits down on the coach next to him with her plate of food. 

Veran sighs, “Fine, thank you Argus,” and grabs a bowl of stew.

Peter holds up the second controller asking, “Wanna play video games?”

“Do you feel up to a game while you tend to your wounds and eat?” Argus asks handing him the median kit.

“Is a hell hound’s favorite food maga bones. Of course I do. I call dips on player one.” Jade takes the controller a smile forming on her face.

“That sounds fun, I will play white.” He sets down and opens the kit.

“No I’m player one,” protests Peter.

Argus scoffs, “You always play white.”

June 22, 2023 00:20

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