Drama Funny

"Miss..." The new worker paused trying to figure out how to say Danny's last name. "Gator....Hunt....were?"

"Gatourhuntswere." She corrected the teen.

"Gay.... Tour... hunthswere." He tried again and handed Danny her blueberry pomegranate frozen yogurt.

She took the frozen yogurt from him, and got a small whiff of the treat, which sent her flying into the past.

"Fro Yo at death dow!" Twenty employees sang together while they tried to clean up the mess the last group party made.

Danny was only here right now because she promised her father they'd come here right after the funeral. She even booked the place for her family for three hours, though she was pretty sure they were not going to make it ten minutes.

She cleared her throat loudly hoping to get the attention of the workers.

A few turned her way and smiled cheerfully. "What can we get you?" Three of them asked at the same time.

Danny pulled out the piece of paper her father left her family. It included the orders he wanted them to get. "Four berry tarts," That was for Aunt Trisha, Uncle Dave, and their two kids; Tate and Dill. "Eight candy canes one with extra mint." Those were for Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Liliette, Uncle George, and their kids; Hannah, Anna, Rhena, and Phil. "Three cake batters," Those were for her sister, Jill and her husband, Tom, and her mother. There was one last one, "And one umm... blueberry pomegranate." That one was for Danny.

The one that seemed most in charge shrugged and went to go make the frozen yogurts for her. The rest of the workers went back to singing their odd song, "Fro Yo at death dow! Of course that's after the ice cream, and cheese we stole! Then we'll go get a troll!" They continued to sing while Danny stood their awkwardly.

"Here's your frozen yogurt." The guy handed her the sixteen small cups with yogurt.

Danny started to grab my wallet out of purse when the man stopped her, "On the house, for Waldo." Danny froze when he mentioned her father's name. "You look just like him." He explained when he saw her shocked look.

Danny smiled trying to hold back her tears. She put down the rest of the frozen yogurts while she waited for her family.

The temptation came to much and she carefully took her frozen yogurt and took a small bite, but got a good whiff of the treat to remember what it smelled like for the next twenty years. She even started to sing the Fro Yo song under her breath.

"Fro Yo at death dow!"

"Of course that's after the ice cream and cheese we stole!"

"Then we'll go get a troll!"

"Because the ice cream song is lame,"

"We'll get great fame."


"While we don't scream for ice cream...."

"Everyone will gleam as we hand out our double cream Fro Yo's....."


"Fro Yo at death dow!"

"Oh, the Fro Yo at death dow!"





"Fro Yo at death dow."

Danny closed her eyes trying to hold back her tears. Her father loved to sing that song around the house. Though her mother claimed to hate it, deep down she loved it as much as her father because it made him happy.

"It was your father who made it." On of the workers interrupted her thinking.

"Yeah?" She said.

"Yeah," The worker put his arm on his shoulder. "You helped too, but you were so young you probably don't remember. You would go around the place singing anything that rhymed together." The worker stopped to laugh. "It was very impressive!" He paused for a second. "I'm sorry for your loss, Waldo was my best friend. He was all of ours..."

"Yeah," The youngest employee ran up to her and started singing something very familiar.

"I love my dad because he ain't bad."

"I love my dad because knows how to make ice cream.

"I love my dad because he screams for me."

"I love my dad because his him."

Everyone started to join in the song, singing softly. They put down their brooms and towels to sit around her to sing my dad's part.

"I love Danny, she's the cutest."

"I love Danny because she's great."

"I love Danny because she loves me."

"I love Danny because she's her."

Danny wiped the tears off her cheek, getting ready to hear the next verse her and her father wrote together.

"I love Fro Yo because Danny made the song."

"I love Fro Yo because Daddy made the treat."

"We love Fro Yo because it's means you and me."

"We love Fro Yo so don't try to be mean."

Danny knew this next verse it was a like a broken record in her head, it was the part she loved to sing."

"Bean likes Fro Yo though he can't eat it."

"Bean likes Fro Yo because Dad does."

"Bean likes Fro Yo because Danny does too."

"Bean likes Fro Yo because he eats off the table when we aren't looking."

Bean was Her childhood dog. Why she had only this part memorized she had absolutely no idea. Maybe because she was only a child when she sung this song with her father and she loved Bean? Danny really didn't know, but it doesn't matter now because she knows the full song and will always sing it.

"Ma'am! Ma'am!" The young worker screamed at me bringing me back to the present.

"Huh?" Danny mumbled.

"You okay? You were dazing off?"

"I'm fine," She smiled and walked away eating her favorite Fro Yo flavor, blueberry pomegranate and humming to her favorite song she wrote with her father as a child. Except she changed a few things, "Danny loved Dad because he cared," was added on to the song.

Danny also kept on singing her father's second favorite song, Fro Yo at Death Dow. She visited him every other day bringing him new frozen yogurts to try because even though he's dead, Danny knew somewhere he was scarfing down blueberry pomegranate frozen yogurts.

October 01, 2020 14:38

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