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Romance Fantasy Drama

Tom: I'm gone irritated by that, why is the boss so cruel, he always stuck me from going home. What he want that in a low salary i will do overtime. No not at all. Huuuuhhhh

Harry: hey dude, why are bursting too much, leave that. Come on, lets have a drink tonight at my home. My darling isn't at home tonight, these are some wonderful days of my life when i am alone. Yeeah wooooooo

Tom: yes u r right, I'm not the only one who is depressed due to his boss.

Harry: this sounds good. Wait, i m taking my car here , at first we will enjoy our little party and after that i will drop you to your home. Okay wait.

(They reached Harry's hotel where he lives)

Tom: oh wow this is the place where you live bro, 

Harry: yes, i m quite sure that you liked this place

Tom: hey, a multistorey house. In what floor you live in?

Harry: 18, okay look, this is the key of my room no. 003, take it and wait in the room . Give me 10 minutes to bring the bottle from the bear shop. Okay

Tom: okay fine. I'm waiting, come soonn

( Tom is going towards the lift)

Tom: think's ( floor no. 18 room no. 003)

( As Tom enters the lift, a beautiful mistress calls: wait a minute open the door please)

Tom suddenly put his hands in between the door, the door opens and the beautiful girl came inside the lift.

Girl: thank you very much, 

 Tom: no way. It's okay.

 (The lift starts ascending)

( Tom think's: hey she is too beautiful, i have never seen such a cute girl in my life. 

Eyes like a pearl, lips as soft as butter, hair too long like a queen , i can't express her in my words, ohh too cute girl, i think she is approx 23 or 24 of age)

Suddenly the lift vibrates and the light goes.

Girl: oh my god, what will happen now. 

Tom: hello, don't panic please. There would be some kind of short circuit, the hotel security will handle it in few minutes.

Girl: yes that is, but i m a little bit afraid of...

Tom: afraid of what, there is no-one here then whom are you afraid of, ohhh i got you, you are afraid of me. But be sure i won't let you harm by myself or any other one

Girl: how would I believe

Tom: because i m a gentleman, and i never think to harm any women, any afraid women

Girl: sorry i doubted you.

Tom: its okay.

Tom's phone rings, picked

Harry: hello, Tom where are you, and the light have also gone

Tom: I'm in the lift brother 

Harry: you are stuck in the lift, oh no. I talked to the security, the told it will take an hour to repair the electrical system of the building.

(Tom think's: ohh great, thanks god, it means i have an hour with a young lady. It is the first date of mine with an unknown girl, sorry, cute girl.)

Tom: hey Harry don't bother abut me. I m fine here okay bye

(Tom think's: now i have 1 hour. But from where should i start the conversation. Should i ask her name first. Okay fine)

Tom: hello miss. Could i have your name please

Girl: why?

Tom: As general. My friend told that the staffs of the building will take an hour to repair the electrical system. So for an hour i can't stay quiet. That's why.

Girl: my name is Elsa, Elsa faust.

Tom: Elsa faust, a cute name. Well do you live in this building too.

Elsa: no. I came here to meet my sister. Do you live here?

Tom: no, my friend harry lives here with his family.

Elsa: hmm.

Tom:where do you live?

Elsa: you are paying interest into me, well i live in 'new Hampton square', few miles away from here.

Tom: no no, you are wrong. I was only asking, no Matter is behind this, believe me.

Elsa: ( laughing) ya i know i also was tickling you

Tom: now i think you are not afraid of me, are you?

Elsa: well now, yes. Im not afraid of you at all. I'm pretty sure that you are a kind hearted man.

Tom: ya finally you hit the right spot.

Elsa: well where do you work?

Tom: I work in international IT company, and i m an senior IT engineer.

Elsa: that's great.

Tom: and you?

Elsa: I'm doing interior designing course since 5 years. And by next month i m going to join a multinational company from where I got a job offer.

Tom: sounds good, congrats.

Elsa: thanks.

Tom: and after that you will marry, to a millionaire i think.

Elsa: no way, why you thought that i would marry to a millionaire. I will first gonna be settled and after that shall think of my future.

Tom: haven't you chosen any boyfriend yet.

Elsa: I haven't got yet. Tell me of yours, whom are you dating with.

(Tom think's: how i will yell you that i am already in my first date with you inside this lift.)

Tom: well, i m been single for a long while.

Elsa: oh, this isn't fair with you right.

Tom: no, i m happy of being single.

Elsa: it means that you won't marry.

Tom: yes ofcourse i will. But i would have to find a girl first.

Elsa: yes, whenever you Will marry then must invite me. I m desperate to come.

Tom: yes why not.

(Tom's phone rings

Harry: hey Tom they have repaired it. The electricity will come within 5 minutes.

Tom: okay. With a tited and sad voice.)

Elsa: what he told? Your friend.

Tom: he told that light Will come in 5 minutes.

Elsa: oh that's good. Well you didn't told that why you came to your friends home.

Tom: aa for a cup of tea. He invited me that's why.

Elsa: okay. I'm here in my sister's home for half an hour, after that i will go. Would you mind to come with me, and drop me to my home "new.. 

Tom: Hampton square" yes ofcourse why not. I will wait for you after half an hour at the entrance of this building. Yes i will...

September 11, 2020 05:46

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1 comment

Sam W
17:19 Sep 15, 2020

Really cute story. Sounds like the beginning of a rom-com. I liked the script format, it goes well with the situation. Check out your grammar and punctuation, though.


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