A pirate captain obsessed with finding a mythical treasure

Submitted into Contest #67 in response to: Write about a pirate captain obsessed with finding a mythical treasure.... view prompt


Horror Mystery Adventure

This is not right,we must go back where we came from guys" said Kate looking at everyone 

"We must finish what we started"said morgan while walking towards the stone coffin,the rocks closed the path where they're supposed to go back after finishing their mission Kate with fear on his eyes he started praying wishing the world could just sallow him

" I as the captain, I say we open the casket "said morgan with aggression looking deep inside Kate's eyes, they all open the stone coffin,the rain starts raining heavily with storms, doubts filled Connie's heart" what If we die in here captain "?Connie asked staring at the captain wishing he could just spit the obsession he have about that treasure 

The stone casket is filled with dust,many dead bats,no bones of the queen are seen or spotted not even a part of her finger, the stone door on Kane's right hand side opens it self, Kane with her boldness walking towards the stone door like a rat seeing a cheese" this is not right why does the door opens it self"? Grace asked preparing a sword for a war 

They all follow one another and when they finally crossed the door,they're in a room with the statue of a military man with a button on his belly for them to press it"oh no nobody must press that "said Kate shaking he's head 

Morgan slowly presses the button and the ground starts shaking,small spiders appearing inside the statue" I knew this was a trap "said Connie lighting up the fire to scare them off but its no use because they keep increasing in numbers,a voice began to talk" in order to skip the spiders you must sacrifice one person in your group" said the voice

The trust began to be broken and the hopes began to fade away,morgan couldn't think of any solution as its his fault that they're in this mess"look at me,look around you captain "said Kate with anger while the spiders are getting closer and closed to them

Grace shaking and her boldness falling apart like a kid's candy,morgan just stood without even saying a word to them or ordering them like he does as always" see what a fairytale has turned into"! Said Teddy 

"One must die"said morgan while looking at everyone with the eyes of pain,everyone's mouth filled with complaints but it was strange graic was quite him without a complain he ran and met the spiders halfway nobody knew he would do that,the tears started flowing in everyone's eyes while he's body is vanishing slowly,wishes filled hearts and regrets

" no it can't be,why him"!said Latin crying out loud like an infant missing he's mother,the spiders began to go back inside the statue and five doors opened in different sides and nobody knew which one is good for them to enter its like a puzzle and it got them confused

"I better die too"! Said Kate with a despair on he's heart,the chest no longer want more and as for he's body needs rest like an old man who just walked two miles without stopping" nobody is gonna die here,we will find the treasure then love the cave in peace

"You think we will survive? You have a prove that there's a treasure in here you're so funny" Connie said with laughter "say more I will slice your throat and feed the spiders again" morgan said while going closer to connie "can we just continue now I am tired of this nonsense you guys are doing

Confusion attacked them,they couldn't choose a good door for them to enter and live again then the most began to rise again inside the cave beneath their legs" oh my god what's happening now"grace asked while her legs are shaking like a man on he's first date with a rare rose 

"We need to choose a door now"!said morgan" and if we don't we gonna attacked blindly by the ghost mists"said kate breathing heavily.Connie didn't take a second thought about choosing a door,she just walked through the first door within a second she was in her last knight mare she dreamed about running being chased by zombies mixed with aliens, she kept running until it was a dead end she just stood there not moving cause she had no where to run to,the zombies and the aliens surrounded her,she was in tears and begging for hell but she was from her home,the zombies and the aliens jumped on her teared her body into peace 

"Hey wake up please"! Said kate shaking connie but no respond from her,blood started flowing out of her nose and mouth" what's going on here"?morgan asked and connie was on her way to heaven 

"This is all your fault"! Said Latin yelling at captain with pain on her heart and despair,all those doors disappeared but only the number five door was left open, they entered and saw the dinner table where a royal family used to eat together

" we are closer"Morgan said with a smile on his face"everyone just die and you only care about the treasure I mean what kind of a person are you huh"?grave asked with anger"everyone has to did some day, we can't die poor or without making a mark in this world,everyone will leave you one day and you must always be prepared for pain and dark days and be Strong too"said morgan while placing he's hand on grace's shoulder

Voices coming inside the dinner table,sounds of swords and gun shots and drunk men's Singing coming inside the dinner table "we must leave now" said Morgan with a sad face"we are too late captain look at the door"kate said looking at the door,the Queen came in with he's king to grace it felt like its a dream by they began to talk as their army started surrounding kate,morgan,grace and Latin 

The king ordered morgan and kate to fight a battle of death since they never liked each other"no please don't tell me you anger with him"said kate gaping at morgan with tears on his eyes and Morgan didn't take a second thought but stabbed kate on his heart twice 

Kate's body was feeded to the wolfs inside the cage,the king and the queen took them to the dinner table and offered them to eat to satisfy their stomach because of their huger they ate all the food in the table"so where is the treasure, I am looking for it "Morgan asked the king who started laughing and disappeared in front of his eyes

" rest in peace kate"said while sobbing, they continued walking inside the cave, they ended up in wall where there's nothing but them inside only 

Grace started feeling dizzy,her face started developing larger pimples which looked a live her stomach was kicking like a woman who's pregnant for five months, she started bleeding none stop and screaming with pain she began to be fat like a balloon both morgan and Latin began to move back as she explode,her pieces of her body was also over the place

"We disturbed the dead fro their rest" said Latin while sobbing,Morgan started being a chicken,him changing like a clock after he's braveness and he's obsession about the treasure

They both kept on walking till they arrived inside the changing room for army,they slept inside there when morgan woke up Latin wasn't next to him drops of blood falling to he's head and when he slowly look up,it was Latin being hanged to death

He started running and running wanting to get out of the cave as fast as he can,when he finally saw the light it was relieve to him,he continued running till he reached the dead end where you can fall and die,he had nowhere to run

Everything that killed everyone he was with started going after him,coming towards him fast like a clock during the day"the dead shouldn't be disturbed"said Morgan as he saw that he had no choice but to jump of the cave and die,he jumped and he was nowhere to be seen 

The end

"Wow mommy that's so sad but I think he deserved it" said Anny 

"Yes he did because he ignore every warning and told himself that he is always right about everything" said Tania

"I will never disturb the dead" said Anny with a smile

"Yes honey you shouldn't because nobody wants to be disturbed on their beauty sleep" said Tania while closing the book

The end

November 11, 2020 11:30

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