Priplo's Discovery of Earth

Written in response to: Set your story beyond our own world.... view prompt


Fantasy Science Fiction Adventure

By piecing together and translating an ancient alien journal entry, I was able to form this true story. I hope it piques your interest, whoever you may be.

- Antoine Moreau

I rushed to work on a normal day. I gave my pet goahippolamm, Happenstance, a big squeeze and left.

"Ooh! It's cold!" I shivered, turning on my internal heater. I grabbed my hovercycle from my pocket, unfolded it, and put it on autopilot. I decided to take a different route than I usually did. I was bored of the usual. My hovercycle automatically detected this and set a new path. I had some time, so I set it to just 160 mph. Other hovering vehicles and shining, towering buildings whirled by me.

It took me five minutes to get to work, two minutes longer than it usually did. I walked up the big steps of the SAP, Space Agency of Priplo, building. My watch notified me that we were having a meeting.

I took the transporter up to the 129th floor. I couldn't wait for it to become more advanced. Cell separation and reassembly was a dangerous field.

I walked into the conference room. Half of the chairs were filled, and I quietly sat down in one. The silence continued until everyone else came in. Then, the manager of our sector, Ploikyto spoke.

"SAP has been sending out robot-manned hovercycles, and we've found a galaxy which we have named the Twix for now. One of the planets in the galaxy looks to be inhabitable." He showed us a hologram of a green and blue planet with white clouds.

"Sir, it looks very different from our planet." Gluponic, my least favorite person in the sector spoke.

"Give him some time to explain." I said, irritated.

"Thank you Pyrola. The scientists in the lab have run multiple tests on the unknown planet and they believe we might be able to start a settlement there. However, there is a problem." Everyone shifted uncomfortably, leaning on the edges of their seats. "The planet is already inhabited, but it would be great if we could at least land on it. We need to come up with ideas."

"For what?" Gluponic asked. I rolled my eyes.

"To be able to land on the planet without being harmed by whoever the inhabitants are." Dereshcu, my best friend, said. He didn't like Gluponic either. In fact, I don't think anyone in the sector liked Gluponic.

"Precisely." Ploikyto nodded. Everyone thought for a while until I came up with an idea.

"Have we detected any strong radio waves from the planet? We might be able to send a message telling them we come in peace."

"Great idea Pyrola. I'll request another test from the lab this instant." he smiled, his eyes gleaming.

With that, the meeting was adjourned. As Dereshcu was leaving, I ran up to him. "Do you want to grab brunch?" I asked.


We took our hovercycles to a nearby café, where the waitress robot sent menus to our watches. "What are you thinking of getting?" I asked Dereschu.

"I don't know. Maybe the smoked salmon on bagels, but with all the new artificial fish farms I'm not sure if it'll be any good."

"I'm going to get the pancakes and eggs."

"What a classic. I like this café, it's very traditional."

"Are you ready to order?" the waitress came and asked.

"I have a question, is the smoked salmon sourced from artificial fish farms?"

"Yes, but I assure you it's very safe, nutritious, and flavorsome."

"Well, I've never tried it so I suppose I will now. I'll have the smoked salmon on bagels."

"Ok, and for you?"

"Pancakes and eggs."

"And what will you have to drink?"

"I'll have a lemonade."

"Cranberry juice for me."

The waitress left, and Dereschu and I chatted as we waited for our food. "So what do you think of the new planet?" I asked.

"It's so exciting! Do you think we'll be able to go?"

"Maybe. We're on Ploikyto's good side, so we should be allowed to go, as long as he has a say in it."

"True. Just think of it! Our sector on a new planet! The other sectors always get all of the glory." I groaned. "I just hope Gluponic doesn't come."

"Same. He's so annoying! I couldn't believe him in the meeting today. How did he get into SAP anyway?"

"His dad was a professor at the lab. He retired a few years ago with a lot of money. Gluponic's probably still relying on daddy's money."

As we were talking, the waitress brought us our food. "Enjoy."

"Thank you." Robots were created not only with intelligence, but sentience as well. It was important to thank them.

"How's your sister?" I asked.

"She's doing better. With the new medical advances, they should be able to cure her."

"Glad to hear it. It would be terrible if she died, considering she's only 106."

We finished our food and continued talking for a while until we were notified of another meeting on our watches. We got there as quickly as possible. I was more excited than I'd ever been in my life.

Ploikyto was smiling when we walked in. "The scientists have sent a message to the inhabitants of the planet. We'll depart as soon as possible." Everyone cheered loudly.

"Sir, with all due respect, I don't think this journey is safe. I think we should ask the scientists to run more tests." Gluponic said smartly.

"Oh, that's fine. So you won't be disappointed when I tell you that you're not going." Gluponic's face fell. It was all I could do to suppress a chuckle.

Everyone in the sector got ready quickly. "I can't believe this is actually happening!" I yelped to Dereschu.

"Me neither! Let's go!"

We boarded the ship. After a while, we landed on the planet. When we got out, the inhabitants of it were standing in front of us with things pointed at us. They had four legs but were only standing on two, fur on their head, and all in all weird anatomy.

"Hello!" I said.

February 25, 2022 01:22

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