Creative Nonfiction Drama Adventure

A great open city, full of endless possibilities and opportunities. It glistens with the inviting glowing lights of each corner turned to. There's many people around, maybe too much around but that's ok. John was ecstatic to hear the news as he's sitting in the train watching the screens exaggerate slightly according to his thoughts on the city as a whole. I mean honestly who could believe this except for me he thinks.  

     He's apparently the only person on board the train that believes this, as he looks around after taking a break from snoozing, he notices that not a single person has moved, everyone moves a little but it's quite eerily so. No one seems to be even making the slightest conversation, not about their favorite treats, what they did in the morning, if they did it was only through quiet thoughts. The type of thoughts that pass through you on a small night with no one around. John tries to strike up conversation maybe to relieve some of this newfound boredom appearing in his constantly active mind of his. Much to his disappointment every person refuses to talk or ignores him, they can you're free to do whatever you wish he assumes to himself but then he also thinks why aren't they even a little social.     

     In any case it appears that the train is only seven stops away from this grand city that was promised but if this is any indication then maybe it's just a city, a packed quiet one. It's strange isn't it all of these cities look the same, the packaging on the tape says all of the same things that you would imagine from advertising but sometimes what you hear isn't always what you see, what's experienced. But what is around is that smell of suburban neighborhoods, the nearly clear skies, skyscrapers almost as tall as the sky and some only just as tall as a house. It might be packed like sardines, full of people but if the train was any indication this city isn't really living like it could. But John thinks, No this is only the train, it might just be a bad day and people are just not as social as they might be. 

     Almost as John thinks this, he walks out of the station as he's already looked out at the city just before arriving; he takes no time to move forward. Being the opportunist that he is, John takes it upon himself to try and greet himself to as many people as he can, it's exhilarating to him as he's able to experience this kind of excitement to every new destination that he arrives at. But just like before people aren't willing to be outgoing and social like before it's strange he thinks to himself. This city full of tourists almost alike himself and not a single person is taking a minute and then again these are modern times and that means nobody wants to talk to anyone as much anymore. It's a sad thought even closer to the truth that even a utopia could have problems most days since they don't have to improve.

     John's mind wanders much most days. It's all this traveling, his occupation hinders him at times from standing in one place and truly imagining. But this is a unique type of day, one unlike any other, a vacation sure but when you travel, meet and greet people sometimes the best vacation are those places where even at the fullest places, one of the most popular locales in the entire world and there's this strange bliss. After returning back to the real world he is stared at like a social norm of being well organized and outgoing is something to be shunned. Around this time of day where the rain starts falling, the leaves on the trees across glisten in a wet shine the kind you would find in a car. He doesn't come from a particularly undry area of the world but is an individual always prepared and pulls out an umbrella from his bag, he can see the rainy weather from as if it was a mirror.

     But the buildings with windows face out as if they have eyes looking onwards being the watchful guards that observe the silence. Inwards are the people inside who don't even notice a single thing, not a quiet sense of curiosity closed in like the indoors usually is. The rain almost reflects the closed nature of the city with the streets of tar and concrete illustrating as such. Interesting that the places we think have the most watchful eyes and concerns for others is almost usually in fact concerns for one's self and selfishness. Whereas the bright open field glistening with true colors and intents is easier to see through. And then again even places like these hold it's personal experiences.

     Well John had an appointment, the reason he even went to the city in the first place. He arrived fairly early to get a lay of the land as it would be. Exploring too, one of the few that takes a look at the city and understands what there is to offer, He does a fair bit of reading. His company forte has branches that are around the place all over the world and people such as John are up to offer their assistance in company management and social relations. Unfortunately this city is a newfound challenge in John's mind, it's as split as the raindrops that go wherever they need, going downwards.

     This is the type of enthusiasm that John needs, always filled with social gatherings and events, it's a strange pace of speed compared to any average city. On John's way to the metro station it does turn out there are a few people that want to talk after all. The few that do however don't trust and truly acknowledge John, they tell him that this used to be bustling with events and places where everyone would consistently enjoy company. Over the years vice and greed have taken that in place. City in the woods that acts like they are the trees in the forest, unmoving, unwilling to change along the seasons, the stubborn type of people that have gradually lost their path.

     This however is not the one and only case, mistrust and confusion are other factors in the facts. Even as the streets are filled with people wearing a variety of styles. These are lonely streets where life is alone and nonexistent are strange, a contradiction in fact. Sometimes change is a good thing to these strange occurrences. And it's needed again to evolve sometimes but then again John isn't really thinking about this, he's wondering why everyone's so shy, the simple things in life for some people. John is starting to get pretty close to where he works and starts to walk into the tall skyscraper nearly touching the skyline. 

     The beauty overtakes him on the top floor still he can't imagine why a city full of people and no one ever wants to simply talk. Even on the edge of the world up on the top, he barely makes any conversation, the good kind of one. Once again he has to go back on that sad old quiet street he found himself in hours ago to find his hotel room, sleep and then move forward. The cold stares, and silent demeanor is there as it has been from the minute he left and now it's time to arrive near his hotel that has been prepared graciously by the staff which seems nice enough. There he arrived at the building going up the elevator about to arrive in his room and the memories of this place will stick.

     Sleepless overtakes John as it usually does and he doses off to sleep alike to one of his normal days if you could call this creepy is more a better word. However all the strains and distress in the world fizzle away as if it never happened but it did. Then he wakes up and a new day begins, he sleeps well enough to go on and he receives an email that has told him he is required to take the next train he can to the next city and report there for the next meeting and exchange. Great news to him about his next trip but he'll always wonder about this city full of opportunities, the buildings, and the people that rarely talk to each other, a strange feeling goes over him that it will be alright. It's then that John with everything in his room all packed leaves and starts heading on to the next train leaving the lonely city to it's next visitor.

September 17, 2020 19:14

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