
Everyone in their life have always dream of high school romance and want a handsome boy to fall in love with them. But here I am high school girl name Arfa had dream about becoming a successful woman rather then falling in love and wasting time. It not like I have an issue with love but seeing my friends in falling love in first sight and changing guys when they get bore so I kept my things to myself and keep studying hard.

when I thought my life was going well I met him my first love. Teacher have gave us a group assignment and he was in my group he was handsome,kind, naughty too he used to tease all girls in class but I used to ignore him but in assignment he started talking to me I felt little bit uneasy talking to him and got to know his name was anuj and he was quite popular in school after passing some days we became such a good friend .I used to tell my all secret to him and he use to tell me we use to tease other copy others homework cheating in exams and finally final exams where coming near. I was worried for preparation of exam and avoided him but he used to talk to me as normally. I had a crush on him but I was not well confident to tell him but in the month of February on Valentine's day he proposed me I was Soo happy but I rejected him cause exam we're near he said that he would wait for me forever that was last I met him exam we're over and summer holiday start in whole holiday I just keep on missing him and I could not call him after rejecting him and then the school was going to start I was happy to see him on our 1 day when I saw him in assumbly my eyes where fill with tears he saw me and said me to smile after class when it was lunch break I ask him to meet me at computer lab he came and I asked him do u still love me he said no I started crying he was laughing saying that he was kidding he love me forever and we both became a couple. we use to go to see movies ,long drive,taking care of each other and spending all good times we stayed couple till our high school end at the school graduation day I was quite happy and sad to I was knowing that it was last day with anuj because we both were going to other colleges and have other goal to achieve on last day we talk too much and spend time and promised each other that we will wait for each other and spend future together we got separated I kept on chasing my goal to become an successful women I got my degree after hardwork and got a government job my life was successful I had well name and my financial was good. It's not like I did not love anyone else while I was in my course many people proposed me and I have dated some people but I was still waiting for my first love to return we did not have any connection last was graduation day from school I just keep on going in my life while my parents where advising me to get married and settle down . I met many people for marriage proposal but rejected by taking out one or other mistake but inside my heart I was waiting him to return but no longer dad selected a boy and said to meet him and I went to see him but I was not interested so I went to meet him with my friend and he was coming along with his friend we were meeting at coffee shop me and my friend were waiting they where late when we were planning to go back they came I was all ready in a bad mode so I did not meet them and gone from there while I was going back I took a ola I was watching outside suddenly I saw anuj I said the driver to stop my heart was beating too fast I got of the ola started to search him but I did not found him then I got a message from my friend that there was a get together I was happy that finally I could meet him at the day of get together everyone has came but anuj did not came.

we enjoyed a lot and I ask anuj friend that they know about where anuj is now however I got anuj number I called him he was not picking my phone after 2 days a unknown number call came to me I pick it and said hello who are you he said u don't remember me on hiring his voice my eyes where filled with water I was crying anuj where r u? How r u? Many questions where arising in my mind my heart was beating so faster we talk for Soo long and decided to meet on weekend at coffee shop I was excited I got well dress up and went to coffee shop I was waiting for him remembering all moment spend with him I went early and was waiting for him to come I got message from him that he won't come on seeing that message I was broken I called him so many times he did not pick my phone but then also I waited whole day there finally the shop was going to close I lost all my hopes and was going back to home when I came out of shop I saw someone was standing there I asked him hello do u need some help and when I saw him I started crying he was anuj he hugged me and said to stop crying i started to beat him hi idiot why u took so much time to return I did not stop crying I hugged him Soo tightly and my first question was are u feeling hungry he said yes we went for an restaurant and had food talk about what we were doing in life but in my mind was one question was running that he got married or not but I did not asked him this question I was Soo happy to meet him he was my first love although he look too different from before he has change his hair colour look more handsome and had a government job he was teasing me by telling that u r not Arfa she use to be cute but now u became a successful woman we both have achieved our goal but still I don't know he love me or he has moved on it's been soooo long any other person would probably move on in life we spend nice time and while it's was dark I did not want to go home but mom and dad were getting worried so I said bye and was going he called my name and said do u still remember our promise I ran back to him and hugged him and said yes I remember I was waiting for u whole this many years and then we both started dating and finally after being too close he ask me to get marry with him I was Soo happy I said of course why not you are the best who can tolerate me for whole life he laughed we were belongs to other caste it was a problem I was Muslim and he was Hindu he had convinced his family but my dad was not agreeing but anuj convince them too and we both got married after waiting for a long time got my love back to me.

"So waiting for someone needs to have fate in god that what God do it's for our good"

August 12, 2020 12:25

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Princemark Okibe
21:36 Aug 17, 2020

Nice story overall. I just have a suggestion. You can rework paragraph one to become: Every girl in their lifetime has dreamed of high school romance and the possibility of a handsome boy falling in love with them. I am a high school girl named Arfa and i do not dream of falling in love and handsome boys. I dream of becoming a successful woman rather then wasting time falling in love. It is not like I have an issue with love. Seeing my friends falling in love at first sight but changing guys when they got bored made me keep my feelings...


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Rukhayya Afreen
13:42 Aug 12, 2020

All is well if it ends well...nice one dear


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