American High School Holiday

“You did great out there, man, congrats,” Ryker congratulates his best friend, with a large smile gracing his face. 

“Yeah, thanks Ryker,” Nathaniel breaths out, still catching his breath from the school championship game. 

“Anytime, man,” Ryker smiles. Everyone in the Sacramento Eagles team lifted Nathaniel into the air. While chanting their school’s name in admiration for winning the most important basketball game of the year. The school was either high from winning the game or just high from the chocolate bars they were selling. 

Two hours later, the buzz died down as everyone in the gym slowly exited. Leaving Nathaniel alone with his coach in a cold bus lot, waiting for Nathaniel's dad. 

“Congratulations Nathaniel, I’m really proud of you, you really worked hard this season and the trophy in your hand is proof of it,” Coach Mason praises with a warm smile. 

“Thank you coach for training me, I really appreciate it and loved most moments of it,” Nathaniel solemnly thanks, laughing in the end. 

“Me too Nathaniel, and you’re very welcome, when is your father coming, I have to get going if I’m going to make it to dinner with my daughters,” Coach Mason said, looking at his wristwatch for the time. 

“My dad should be here at any moment, Coach, he told me he had to go to an important business meeting so he couldn’t make it to the game,” Nathaniel remarks whilst gazing at the faraway busy roads and the crowded fast-food restaurants. 

“Okay, but don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll be here in a bit,” Coach reassured Nathaniel, and patting his back, Nathaniel gave Coach a tight-lipped smile and a firm nod. 

After ten minutes of waiting, Nathaniel’s dad still hadn’t shown up. The lights in the school were disappearing slowly and the janitors were staring leave. 

“I’m so sorry, Coach, It’s all my fault that you’re going to be late for dinner with your daughters,” Nathaniel apologizes, looking down at the pavement

Coach shook his head violently with a smile before saying, “Nonsense it’s not your fault and I won’t be too late,” 

Nathaniel smiles at his coach as if saying thank you with his smile. At last, Nathaniel’s dad’s car could be seen entering the cul de sac with his both stylish and expensive Mercedes Bens. 

“I’m so sorry coach, our clients took forever to come up with a solution for our project, how did my basketball star play today,”  Nathaniel’s dad says with an apologetic look on his face. 

“No problem, Mike, your son rocked the championship game, and got Sacramento High School in first place in 10 years,” Coach said proudly. 

“Really! That’s awesome, good job, champ,” Nathaniel’s dad said, giving Nathaniel a huge smile and a pat on the back. 

“That’s not all, Mike, some UCLA coaches really looked pleased with Nathaniel’s performance today, you guys are probably going to get a UCLA invitation pretty soon,” Coach Mason says, pride lacing his voice, being the one to train Nathaniel. 

“That’s awesome, champ,” Mike says giving Nathaniel a hug. 

“Thanks, dad, I couldn’t have done it without you,” Nathaniel thanks, as he firmly hugs his dad back. 

“Congrats Nathaniel, I should get going though,” Coach says, after bidding Nathaniel’s father goodbye. 

“Yeah, bye coach,” Nathaniel says bidding his coach goodbye. 

On the ride home, Mike says, “UCLA huh, that’s so awesome, if mom was here, she would be extremely proud,” 

Nathaniel sniffles softly after saying,” Yeah, she would be,” 

“She would’ve…” Mike started. 

“I don’t want to talk about it dad,” Nathaniel says before looking at the window of the Mercedes. 

“Ok, I’ll leave you alone,” Mike said with a saddened expression. 

The rest of the car ride consisted of awfully painful silence. The rain started pouring outside as the sound of the wind roared. 

When they finally arrive at their house, Nathaniel runs into his house and leaves his dad in the car. Mike sighs as gazes into the distance with a saddened expression on his face. 

Nathaniel enters the house and immediately goes to his room. He kneels down and reaches below his bed. He pulls out an elegant photo album with a bronze title that says: Campbell Family. He slowly opens the album and gazes at the first page. It was an old picture of his mom hugging him in comfort because he had been scared of the shark exhibit. Silent tears were running down Nathaniel’s face in the thought of his beloved mom. 

“I wish you were with me, mom,” Nathaniel choked out. 

“I finally won the championship game, I made most of the shots and all the hard work paid off, I finished my new year's resolution from two years ago, just like you thought I could,” Nathaniel got out while staring at his mother’s face in the next picture, which was when their entire family went out for ice cream and his mom couldn’t stop laughing at the way his dad was eating his ice cream.

Then a knock came on the door, “Champ, you in there?” Mike opened the door and set his gaze on Nathaniel. 

“Yeah,” Nathaniel said weakly, not even attempting to hide the tear-stained album in his hands. 

“Hey, I miss mom too, as I said earlier, she is probably so proud of you, looking down on us from heaven with that angelic smile of hers,” Mike said, while a small tear rolled down his eye. 

“Earlier, I’m sorry for snapping at you, I just miss mom so much,” Nathaniel said, his eyes fixated on his hands. 

“I miss her too, but the ones that love us never really leave us, you can always find them in here,” Mike concluded, pointing at Nathaniel’s heart.

“What are you quoting Harry Potter now?” Nathaniel says with a small laugh. 

“Too cheesy?” Mike Inquired before hugging his son tightly. 

“I love you, dad,” Nathaniel says. 

“I love you too, champ,” Mike murmured. 

“Come on, let’s order Marcos Pizza and watch home alone,” Mike chuckles, helping Nathaniel up. 

January 08, 2021 23:07

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Elaine Entenza
16:22 Jan 15, 2021

Hi Thirisha! I was led to your story through the Critique Circle. I notice this is your first submission, so congrats and thank you for sharing your story with us! The story is a good one and very relatable. The most most moving scene is where Nathaniel is looking through the photo album and is talking to his mom. My only constructive critique is for you to add more internal dialogue, or possibly a first person narrative so we know more about what's going on in Nathaniel's head. I think knowing more about what he is thinking (ie elation from...


Thirisha Solai
18:05 Jan 15, 2021

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it! I will remember to write more internal dialogue in the near future :)


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