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Science Fiction Funny Adventure

It seems it’ll last forever, all eternity, this…

Falling into an abyss.

Yet here I am, still writing. How did I get here? Well, I’ve been asking the characters here the same thing. Nobody knows. Did I write myself here? Maybe. Everything I’ve been writing adds on to this story. So maybe if I just write where we’ll be next… we’ll be okay. Oh, I hope so.


I jump. “What?!” I shout back at him. “Stop writing and find some kinda way to help- ” His speaking quickly turns into screaming. That stupid nerd in the cyborg suit, thinks he knows it all. Sure didn’t in his last relationship... That’s a good roast to use on him.

Did I mention he’s like some robot rabbit? Yeah… I don’t remember ever imaging that but it’s okay to me. Perfectly fine!

“Okay, we’re about to arrive in eighteen-twenty or something so.. QUICK, EVERYONE, PICK A NEW NAME FOR YOURSELF !”

“Benson!” He shouts

“I’ll stick with my actual name.” Marina says.

“Does- Never mind, I’m now, Benjamin.”

I write that all down. “Hey wait isn’t your name already Bens- HERE WE GO!”

“OW! Why couldn’t we have landed on a patch of grass! The- Oh… we’re on the roof of some…” Benjamin pauses.

“Someone’s house.. a very fancy house.” Marina adds, as she walks over to the edge of the roof. “Okay so, it looks like there’s gonna be a ball tonight.” I say as Benson sighs. “Yeah, and some of my tech fell in, somehow.” Marina scoffs. “You don’t have to be so dramatic about it, it’s only one, piece of your tech that’s in there. It’s not like someone would mistake it for a fork!” She tells him as he just gets angry at her, like he does most of the time. “Well Marina, that ONE is our ONLY way of getting out of here!” He shouts at her. Marina turns her head towards me. “Not exactly.” He just continues the argument. “Man…” I say sighing as they both turn to me. “You two are legit, Hall & Oates’ ‘Missed Opportunity’. But that song is kind of why I- ”

“Why you created me? Because you played a little game, liked a little character and then decided- ”

”OKAY, OKAY! That’s enough! You get it now! Okay?” I blurt out. “And it was actually a role-play I was in that inspired you.., Marina Del Rey Mariposa, sister of Marina Mariposa, who basically replaced you after your abandonment and one day you met geek over here while he was traveling through realities you two became close friends and so he left some tech behind for you so you’d see each other again and you ended up sending your sister to another reality… although that didn’t happen in the role-play, you just kinda worked there and then the guy that owns the place- ” I heard Benjamin laughing, he’s got such an annoying voice but he’s adorable. Somehow related to Benson, either a son or a brother I don’t remember, point is. Polar opposites. Or maybe it’s just because he’s a rabbit…

“Oh, ‘close friends’. That’s what we’re calling this now!” He teases them. Even pointed at them when he said that last part. They both look at him like ‘No! What are you talking about?’. I just hum and sing ‘Possession Obsession’ to myself in the background of such a discussion.

Yes, it’s also by Hall & Oates.

No, I’m not ashamed of liking Hall & Oates.

“Arianna, right?”


“Really, Arianna? Singing? During a time like this?” Of course Benson is telling me this. “Oh c’mon Benson, she’s just staying positive. I mean she’s the one who may never get to go back home.” Yeah, I know Benjamin is only trying to help..


“Excuse me,… WHAT?!” Benson explains to me how I’m not from these realities or worlds or dimensions or universes or like I don’t know what ever you wanna call ‘em. I’m from I guess ‘The Real World’ he says I could’ve stuck with him, which I would I’ve enjoyed, because he was always traveling through realities not staying in one place, I would do fine. But he doesn’t need to do that anymore because he’s found Benjamin now. Oh well, a nice way of saying I don’t exactly belong anywhere. All this and Benjamin says “Oh… well, then I’ll get lost again..” Benson quickly turn's to face him. “Absolutely not!” He shouts as Marina just giggles. He awkwardly clears his throat, or at least makes the sound of clearing it. Not entirely sure how that works because he’s a robot and all… anyone else notice how he calmed down once Marina reacted? I know there’s something going on….

“It’s getting late, you technically saved us by bringing us here. What do you think we should do?” Marina asks me. I thought for a moment, I don’t like having all eyes on me, I can feel when people like stare or look at me when I’m not looking. I often turn cherry red because of it. “It’s eighteen-twenty..” I think out loud. “There’s gone be a ball… a ball can either be private or public…” Benjamin interrupts my thinking by asking “A ball! Oh wow! I can’t wait!…. What’s a ball?” I sigh. “It’s like a very fancy party someone hosts sometimes, there’s different types of balls…” “Seriously! Now we- ”

“Marie please….” Benson tells her.

Benjamin gasps and teases them once more.

“Using the little nicknames, huh?”

Benson seems… nervous? Embarrassed maybe? There is… or was… something going on.. I swear! I just can’t put my finger on it!

“No.. I-… Benjamin…”

“Aw! You’re too shy to admit it! How adorable!”

“Benjamin please…”

“Okay, okay…”

Aha! Benson and Marina do have history together! They fell in love! But… they both were afraid to admit it, so yeah the nicknames and stuff came forward as ways to hint to each other! Case closed! Wait… Good I didn’t say that out loud..

“Benson’s right! It doesn’t matter! So, Ari what the heck do we do?!” Marina yells. “Oh, even you are beginning to act like you’re hiding something..” Benjamin tells her. “Yeah, enough is enough. Let’s just get into this ball, Marina your dress has to be a pastel color cuz you aren’t married just don’t be surprised when someone hits on you.” I tell her. She looks incredibly disturbed. Benjamin throws in the plan of her and Benson pretending to be married, they’re hesitant at first but go with it. I’d like to go too but I’ll DIE, in one of those dresses! Have you read about what’s worn under?! Benjamin goes with them acting as their son. Which is just half true.

How would that even….. be possible?

“This dress is going to be the end of me…” Marina mumbles. “Well….. you look nice..”

Benson tries comforting her. She shyly smiles at him. Benjamin scoffs. “Nice?! That’s all you got! She looks gorgeous! I thought you were smart?!” I scream into the… microphone, communication thingy in his ear. “Focus!” I watch him rub his ears as he apologizes. “Just go in, get Benson’s tech, enjoy yourselves a bit before the huge journey and get out of there! Sim- okay not exactly simple..” Benson just nods. “It actually is pretty simple, kind of, what’s not simple is getting past all these people.” I sigh. “You’ll have much more luck than Benji over here.” I say. Marina groans, “I told you to act like a married man!” She scolds him. “Yeah but it would’ve been weird going in without a wife..” He tells her as they walk in. In a way they look ridiculous. Like sarcastically saying, “I doubt anyone will notice!”. Cuz oh boy…

They’re gonna notice.

I watch them walk in and begin their search. They have to greet and have a small conversation with others at times but it all seems to be going well. I think in just gonna close my eyes for a little.

I hear a static and then someone yell.


I jump up. “Stop calling me that!” I tell her. “Okay I’m sorry! Arian, we seem to be getting caught up in the dance…” I turn back to the window to see that they are indeed getting sucked into the dance, the item we need just across the room. “I don’t know what to tell you.” I do indeed know what to tell her. But I’m gonna write about her talking to Benson about this plan.

An important conversation while dancing.

“It’s just right across the room.” She tells him. “Maybe if we just continue dancing til we, somehow, get to the other side of this, we’ll be able to grab it and go.” He was busy staring at her, or maybe just daydreaming, before shaking his head and saying. “Wait what? Are you suggesting we dance our way to my tech?” She nods. See? But this wouldn’t have been good enough if I told her. “Okay, I’m kind of…” Benson sighs. “I don’t have a better idea. Let’s just get this over with.”

Yes, there will be another dance for you two. Another chance..

Benjamin also sneaks over to the tech. I just watch, yeah sorry. They finally reach it and manage to sneak out and back onto the roof. “Now we can leave this place.” Benson says placing it back on his cyborg suit. “The place we got to all thanks to you…” He turns to me. “It was here or falling for eternity.” Marina reminds him. He sighs. “Let’s just get out of here.”

And just like that. We’re back in sixties…


June 09, 2024 23:12

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1 comment

Arianna Casillas
23:14 Jun 09, 2024

I don’t really have anything to say about this other than it’s kind of like a fanfic and it’s been stuck in my head all week since I missed the last prompt.


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