Mary and jerry:spending one knight at graveyard

Submitted into Contest #65 in response to: Start your story with two characters deciding to spend the night in a graveyard.... view prompt


Adventure African American

do youyou think its true?Mary asked while jerry kissing her cheeks

They're in inside a camp tent not far from the old lady's grave,painted in orange with a lot of balloons around it flying around like someone is playing with them.marry hears footsteps coming towards the tent and a shadow,as soon as the shadow reaches the tent she screams"oh jesus what now"?jerry asks marry while stopping to kiss her.

She points at the shadow at back of jerry,when he turns he's head around the door's tent is opened by the security man"oh how can we help you "?jerry asks the security" I should be the one who asking you that?are you working with them?the security asks them shaking he's head"hey what do you mean"?marry asked the security

"My shift is over,oh I wish you all the luck I hope to see you tomorrow he said leaving" hey what do you mean"marry asks the security"don't you know about the story that happened here?"no tell me what happened "marry said.the security shakes he's head" one day a Mayor from the other cities was buried and two days after,I heard a knock on the door,I thought its some people who came to check out a free space to bury their loved ones but I was mistaken it was that Mayor,he said to me,he wants to drink a whiskey for the last time and he did and guess what he ranned away after drinking the whiskey after a while I heard that he's whole family was killed and my mother was killed too,I never knew who did that, I gotta warn you, don't open this tent when someone knows again good Knight "he said while leaving

" he's bluffing,you know how security can be"he said while laughing looking at marry

Mary runs her hand through her hair,"this is not right,we are supposed to come here ok"!she swallows down the lump on her throat,hoping to find a glue about what the security said

Jerry hold's Marty's hand and kisses her forehead"chill babey let's enjoy this moment ok,with me on your side nothing will happen to you"jerry lays on her back looking up sighing heavy.

Again the trees swinging to the right while the air is going to the left,the low roar of a kat close to the tent and old woman's cough to the grave.marry slowly opens the tent's window to see the cat.

"Should have known I am dating a jerk"!marry argues alone while looking at jerry on his sleep.

The tree swing harder and harder,the tent is being blown by the strong wind" whoa what's happening "?jerry wakes up fast" I told you this was a bad idea,you're an idiot"marry said covering herself with a blanket so tightly.

The words tug at Jerry's heartstrings"that's not fair of you to say that,how could I know something like this will happen, I said I'll protect you why being a baby"marry moves away from him and covers her ears with her hands.

While jerry listens what's happening outside, the rain start raining softly,lightning strikes close to the tent marry wakes up fast and hugs jerry tightly"oh please nothing its happening outside,its just a lightning indicating that the rain is coming chill babey"Jerry said while turning at the other side,marry begins to pray none stop"please babey just sleep nothing its gonna happening here.

Another lightning hits the grave,jerry goes out of the tent holding a torch and a bat"oh you came with a bat here I didn't know you gonna play cricket here"marry said while going after jerry.

The rain stops,the air stops too when jerry sets he's foot out of the tent"oh my god the hole to the grave is opened, jerry we gotta get out here before its too late"marry said while running back to the tent,the tent gets blown away too.marry runs back to jerry.

Jerry when he looks at he's right hand side,he sees an old womam covered with mud walking towards them"oh no we need to get out of here"marry said while crying

They try jump the gate but its gets longer and longer when they arrive in front of it"what the hell is this"jerry asked with a sweat on he's neck.

The grandmother walks towards them slowly,they run in front of the door of the church,marry tries to open the door but it is locked,the old woman walks towards them and marry holds jerry tightly.

"Please don't kill us,we sorry to wake you up" jerry says while holding marry, the old begins to talk"why are you all children doing here this knight"she asks

"We just came to spend Knight we are sorry please don't kill us,we are begging you" jerry said bowing down"I've been up for years without resting in peace without company, can you all come and a chill with for the last time in my life,I wanna laugh.

They went to the tent, the old woman did her trick,delicious cookies,and juices appeared,they all ate and talked laughing out loud,finally the time of the old woman to rest in peace,she smiled and said"I wish you all good luck,you make a wonderful couple'she disappeared.

"I think we had enough for today" jerry said,"I thought you're not afraid go anything, what changed"?marry asks j

Marry and jerry were left alone with a lot of food inside the tent,they pack their tent and leave the graveyard "can we come back tomorrow"? Marry asks jerry while laughing.jerry laughs at her" I'll never come back here ever again,"but at the end it was fun and peaceful "marry said while laughing at jerry.

They start the engine of their mini van,and leave the graveyard,the lightning hits for the last time at the grave and the voice began to say" I've rested in peace at last,I should sleep till god wakes up us again, what a wonderful with the happy couple, they look good together "the voice goes quite.

The rain starts showering, marry and jerry arrives at their house and make each other coffees, they both sits at the couch while watching television"babey I am pregnant" marry said while looking at jerry with a smile on her face "oh really" he stands and starts dancing

The grave goes back at normal the woman rested in peace,every in the graveyard is normal no longer strange or scary.

The end!

October 29, 2020 16:07

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Great story! :)


15:41 Oct 31, 2020

Thank you


No problem! :)


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John K Adams
21:52 Oct 30, 2020

Maybe I'm old fashioned, but your eccentric spelling style detracted from an otherwise good story. Proof reading is a virtue.


15:41 Oct 31, 2020

Thank you


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