The Moonblood: Prt. 1

Submitted into Contest #89 in response to: Start your story with a character taking a leap of faith.... view prompt


Fantasy Adventure Christian

Note: This may not seem like a leap of faith type of story, but I thought it kind of fit. I mostly just really wanted to enter this story! :D


I’m most certainly, without a doubt, positively going to die. I’m Leena Moonblood of the Moonblood clan, and I’m being chased by an angry, sword wielding, flame spewing Firen elf. 

There are four elf clans: the Moonbloods, the Firens, the Droplawas, and the Earthleins. My Earthlein friend Ezra Willow and I were just exploring like we always do when this Firen jumped out of some bushes and claimed that we were tresspassing on Firen territory and started chasing us! If I were already 13 and if I had gotten my powers, this would be no problem. But I’m turning 13 in a few months, and I don’t have my powers, so we have to run like two terrified shadow-cats with our tails between our legs. 

“Leena!” Ezra calls, “Help me!” 

I glance over my shoulder and see him sprawled soft grass, clutching his ankle. The pleading look and tears on his face tell me that he can’t walk. Reluctantly, I turn around and dash back to help him to his feet. The Firen is catching up to us, thanks to Ezra’s stumble. 

“Can you run?” I ask him, already knowing the answer.  

“I don’t think so.” he replies with a grimace. I manage to get his arm on my shoulders so he can put his weight on me. With him limping and me struggling under the weight, we slowly move forward. The bandit is almost on top of us. That’s when I see him. 

“Dad! Help!” My dad is working in our small songfruit farm! 

“Leena?” my dad looks up, confused, "What's going on?” 

“Help!” I yell again. He starts toward us and when he sees the Firen, he breaks into a sprint. My dad takes Ezra and tells me to run. I look over my shoulder as I bolt away, and I see a flash of white light. I look up and see that it’s a full moon. My dad used a moonshine spell! The moonshine spell blinds all targets for 2 hours and when their sight comes back everything is super blurry for the next 2 days! It’s an advanced spell. The Firen yells and falls to the ground, hands on his face.  

Suddenly, my dad is beside me, and we’re at my house. I realize I’ve been holding my breath and I gasp for air. 

“Leena! What happened? Why were the Firens chasing you?” my dad bellows. 

“We were just exploring Whispering Hollow and he thought we crossed the border! It’s not our fault!” I reply, defensively.  

“Leena... don’t you know that Whispering Hollow is right in between Lava City and Twilight Grove? He had a valid reason to say that! You could have died!” 

“Well, we didn’t know! I’m sorry. We won’t go there again.” 

“Will you please stop arguing!” I hear my mom’s agitated voice, “It’s not anyone's fault. We’re just lucky that all three of you are safe. Now drop it.” 

I glance outside on more time and see the Firen groping around, trying to find his way back to Lava City. 

Chapter 1: The Prophecy 


“Today, we will be learning about a prophecy.” said the drawling voice of our History teacher, Mrs. Oaks. She used to be an Earthlien, but she somehow got Moonblood powers, so they “gave” her to us Moonbloods. 

“The prophecy goes like this: When names match, and clans clash a girl of twelve of clan of moon will kill the clan of fire. The leader will be first to die and then the rest can say good-bye." Mrs. Oaks said slowly, almost like she was falling asleep. After she’s done reading the prophecy, she starts her lesson about how the prophecy was created and all the boring stuff. 

“But Mrs. Oaks, what does it mean?” I ask, because she didn’t explain that. 

“Well, it means that a twelve-year-old Moonblood girl will destroy the Firens.” Now, she just sounded exasperated.  

“Yes, but who’s this girl?” I question. 

“No one knows. That’s one reason I’m teaching you this. It could be any of you. Now, you are dismissed.” Later that day, a starry-eyed me walked out of Twilight Grove Training School. 

“Mom, am I the girl in the prophecy?” I ask, during dinner that night. I’m stll daydreaming about it. 

“Maybe. But don’t get your hopes up, my sweet girl.” my mom chuckles. I went to bed that night dreaming of what role I might play in the death of Leeland, leader of the Firens. 

Chapter 2: Catching Fire 


The Firen soldier hurried through the dark, empty halls, past the jail cells holding dead or dying elves and creatures. Past the ominous statue of him loaming above it all. 

“Colonel Leeland, sir. More and more Moonblood girls are being born. Our records show a ten percent increase. What should we do, sir?” the nervous soldier asked, bursting into the room. 

“Kill them.” A dark and foreboding shape moved from the shadows. 

“Ex-excuse me?” the poor soldier stuttered. Had the great Firens really stooped low enough to kill little girls? 

“Excuse me sir. I said, kill them. Every last one.” Colonel Leeland frowned, tossing a fireball between his hands, lighting up the room. 

“Yes sir! Right away sir!” the terrified soldier scurried away before he could make Leeland anymore displeased. A spine-tingling laugh filled the room as Leeland squashed the fireball out between his fingers. The room fell into darkness once more. 

Chapter 3: Friends again 


“C’mon Leena! We’re going to be late for church!” yelled my mom, as I tried to shove my foot into a tiny shoe that I didn’t want to wear. 

“I’m coming!” I yelled back. When we got to Twilight Grove Gospel Church, everyone inside was already singing. We quickly found our seats next to Ezra’s family and joined in the worship.  

“How’s your ankle?” I whispered to Ezra. 

“Pretty good.” was all he said. I wait for more words, but they don’t come. 

“Are you mad? You usually say more than that.” 

“Well wouldn’t you be mad if you were hurt and your friend didn’t want to help you? You didn’t care when I fell! You just wanted to save yourself!” he said angerly. Someone behind us whispered, “Shhhh!” 

“Well, I’m sorry!” I said quietly to him. “You’re right, that Firen scared me! But I did help you, didn’t I?” 

“Ok, but next time think about others please! Let’s listen to Pastor Matt.” I turned my attention to our pastor, who was standing on the stage saying, “Adonai teaches us to treat others how we want to be treated.” That gives me a lot to think about. I thought. 

A little bit later, we were on our way home with Ezra in the backseat of our fluffernut, Bob. 

Chapter 4: Life isn’t all Glowberry Muffins 

Ez and I are busy making a mess and a batch of glowberry muffins, when there’s a knock at the door. My dad answers it. It’s Counceller Joe! He rarely visits any house. 

“Hello Counceller Joe! What can I do for you?” my dad says, very surprised. 

“We are going around town seeing how many girls 12 years of age there are. Do you have any children that fit that description?” Joe replies lazily. 

“Why yes! I have a daughter named Leena who is exactly 12! But why, if I may ask, do you need this information?” When my dad says this, Counceller Joe suddenly looks very panicked. Ezra and I exchange confused looks. 

“W-well *cough cough* that’s council secrets! Good day to you.” he says as he hurries away. Dad stares after him for a moment and then closes the door. 

“Strange...” he murmurs. 

“Hey Dad... what was that all about?” I ask curiously. 

“I have no clue, sweetie.” my dad replies, closing the door. Ezra and I went back to baking, without any worries. Later, he left, and I went to bed. At midnight, I heard a strange hissing noise. 


SSSSssss... Boom! The ground shook around me. Through all the screaming and booming, I heard someone calling my name. 

“Leena?! Leena!! There you are!” my dad shouted as he burst into my bedroom. 

“Dad? What’s going on?” I yell over the noise. 

“Firens * gasp * attacking * wheeze * Twilight Grove!” He pants, “We have to get you out of here! C’mon!” I’m frozen on the spot scared, confused, and terrified so my dad scoops me into his arms and carries me into the living room. I notice that the carpet is moved and there’s an open trapdoor underneath. 

“Go in there and don’t come out until you’re sure that it’s safe.” I see my mom sobbing in the corner, “We love you.” 

He’s talking like I’ll never see them again. I will though, right? “But aren’t you coming with me?” I ask. 

“There’s not enough room. I love you, Leena.” my dad says as he gently lowers me in. The trapdoor slams shut as the front door bangs open. 

“Who is it? Who’s there?” my dad yells. My mom's crying intensifies. I’m petrified. There’s a swooshing noise, then a scream, and then my mom’s sobbing stop. My dad yells. Shock hits me as I realize that my mom is dead. Tears silently run down my face. 

“Where’s the girl?” yells the rough voice of a Firen. 

“What girl?” my dad says in between sobs. I freeze, tears still streaming down my face. There’s another swoosh. My dad’s body hits the ground with a soft thud. The pain is too much. NO! I think, the tears now like a waterfall running down my face. There are muffled footsteps above my head. I guess my dad threw the rug over the trapdoor before the Firens came in. 

“There’s no one here, sir.” another stupid Firen says. 

A bone-chilling voice replies, "Well then, let's move on.” Then my house is eerily silent. Outside, there are more bangs, swooshes, thuds, and cries of horror. I sob uncontrollably for hours. After I lose track of time, I fall asleep. When I wake up, all is quiet. I push the trapdoor open and am greeted by sunlight. The world seems happy, even though it feels like it shouldn’t be. After climbing out of the small hiding place, I bolt outside, not wanting to see my parent's cold faces. 

Chapter 5: 

I sucked in a breath. The whole town is in ruins. Hot fires and cold bodies are everywhere. Why? Why would the Firens do this? There are three or four strangers walking around, observing the damage. Strange. All the people alive except me are males. I think to myself.  

Trying to distract myself from the fact that everyone I know if probably dead, I realize I need a place to stay. Grandma? No, she’s probably... well just not her. Uncle? No. He lives in Uewnmoon. Too far away. Ezra? Yes, I’ll go to Ezra. A little while later, I’m standing on Ezra’s doorstep, huffing and puffing because I ran most of the way. 

“Leena? Are you alright?” Ezra looks scared. 

All of the sudden, a wave of fatigue and emotion washes over me, and everything goes black. I wake up on Ezra’s couch and there are three people around me: Ezra, his mom, and his cute five-year-old sister Moria. 

“Leena? Leena! You’re awake!” his mom gasps in relief.  

“Leena, I need you to tell me exactly what happened.” Ezra’s dad says, rushing over.   

“I-- Firens—Twilight Hollow—my parents are dead!” I start crying all over again. 

“Shhh... it’s ok Leena.” Mrs. Willow says, trying to calm me down. 

Once I’m calm, I say, “The-the Firens attacked Tw-Twilight Hollow and k-killed my parents.” I shudder. Ezra’s dad grabs a jacket and rushes out the door, a look of horror on his face. 

“Leena... sweetie. Oh no. I’m so sorry. You’re going to stay with us for a while, ok?” she says, embracing me.   

“I’m going up to my room for a while.” Ezra says, a look of shock and terror on his face, and then bolts up the stairs. 

“Is Ez ok?” I sniffle.  

“Don’t worry about Ezra,” Mrs. Willow replies, “You need rest.” Then I fell into a deep sleep.  

Chapter 6: 

CLATTER! I woke with a start. After glancing at the clock, I realize I’d been asleep for four hours.  

“Sorry, honey! I just dropped some cutlery!” Mrs. Willow says, poking her head into the living room, “How are you feeling?” 

“I’m as good as I can be! Where’s Ezra? I was wondering if I could talk to him.” I asked. 

“Oh. He’s been in his room ever since you fell asleep. Maybe you could see if he’s ok. He won’t talk to us.” Her eyes were moist. 

“Oh, ok! I’ll go see him.” I said looking for an escape. I hobbled up the stairs as fast as I could on my stiff legs. When I knocked on his bedroom door he said, “Who is it?” He sounded angry and sad. 

“It’s me, Leena.” 

“Oh. Come in.” his voice softened a bit. I opened the door and looked around his room. It was a pigsty! He was sitting on his bed, bright red hair messy and his clothes all wrinkled, tearing up a piece of paper. 

“How are you feeling?” he asked, quietly. 

“Oh! I’m much better. But, how are you?” I plopped down beside him. 


“Well, before I fell asleep you kinda left really suddenly.” 

“Oh, I’m fine.” 

“Are you sure?” 

“Yeah, I said I’m fine!” 

“Oh, ok. I wanted to talk to you. I think I’m the girl in the prophecy,” I said. 

“What!?” he almost yelled. 


“Why would you think that?” he asked, clearly flustered.  

“Well, all the girls in my village died. Only I survived. And it’s the right time! The ‘clans are clashing’ as I quote. I don’t get the ‘names match’, but I think it means that the name of the girl and the leader of the Firens have to rhyme, and LEEna and LEEland kind of rhyme!” I explain.  

“Leena. Ok. I kind of get it. But... even if it is you, how are you going to kill the Firens?” he asked. 

“I... I don’t know. But I do know that I’ll need your help. I’ve been thinking. I’m going to run away. Once I’m feeling better, of course.” Silence. Ezra looked and looked at me. His green eyes were thoughtful. Finally, he spoke. 

“I’m in.”  

“REALLY?! I mean, good.” I say, overjoyed. 

“But only because I want you to be safe.” 

“Oh, ok. I’m feeling good but I’ll need another two weeks maybe a month more before I’ll be able to go.” 

“Ok. But are we going to tell my parents?” 

“....... no?” I say with a sheepish smile. 

“Oh... I don’t know...” he shifted uncomfortably. 

“Please! Trust me. If we tell them, then they’ll try and stop us.” 

“Ok... I guess.” 

“Sorry.” I whispered. He was making me feel bad. 

“It’s fine.” He wasn’t fine. 

“Oh yeah, I’m supposed to tell you that your mom wants to talk to you.” I left his room and found his mom at the bottom of the staircase.  

“So?” she questioned. 

“He’s fine. But I need to sleep.” I laid down and went off to dreamland. 


Chapter 7: 

                                      A MONTH LATER 

I woke up late at night and tiptoed to Ezra’s room with my bag. Mrs. Willow had bought me clothes and books and toys to make me feel better.  

“Ez! Wake up!” I whisper yelled. 

“I’m already up! Come in!” he whisper yelled back. I went in and he was packing his toothbrush. 

“Do you really think you need that? We probably won’t have anywhere to brush our teeth.” I spoke. 

“No, I guess you’re right.” He tossed it into the corner of his room. When he was done, we left his room, but he paused. 

“Ez... we need to leave.” I knew he didn’t want to leave his parents, “Ezra, we will see them again. They’ll be ok. You’ll be ok.” 

“Ok. Let’s go. He sighed. We left the house and set off down the path towards the Firens realm. We walked in silence until Ezra said,” Leena, do you even have a plan? You get your powers tomorrow, but you have no one to give them to you.” I thought for a minute. 

“I don’t know. We just need to find a place to stay for now. I mean, we could walk all night, but it’ll be easier in the morning if we sleep tonight.” After walking a bit further in the cool night air. We saw a sign. “The Unicorn Inn” it read.  

“That’s where we’ll stay.” I said firmly.  


Chapter 8: Unicorn Inn 

We walked in and were greeted by the laughs of elves of every clan. Moonbloods and Firens sat at the same table. It was amazing. Just then, my thoughts were interrupted by a soft voice behind us. 

“Ez, why are they laughing so much?” I whipped around and gasped. 

“Ezr- Ezra! Look who followed us!” Little Moria was standing there looking very innocent. 

“Moria! What are you doing here!?” Ezra yelled. People started staring. 

“Let’s go outside.” I said, feeling self-conscious.  

Once we were outside, we got Moria to explain. 

“I saw you leaving with lots of bwags and I wanted to come too! Look! I even packed, too!” she said, holding up a tiny backpack that I’m sure contained toys and stuffies and nothing useful.  

“Moria...” Ezra and I both groaned at the same time. 

“Moria, Ez and I need to talk alone. Stay here.” I spoke. 

“Okie!” she replied. We moved to a secluded bunch of trees. 

“Ezra, we need to take her with us! If she goes back to your house, then she’ll tell your parents!” I pleaded. 

“But...” silence, “Fine.” he replied then looked at her. She was skipping around, humming a children's song about traveling. 


“I said, FINE.” Then he went back to Moria. I followed him. We got a room in the inn and fell asleep. 


Chapter 9: Angel of the Forest 

The next morning, we went down to the dining hall and started to talk about what we are doing next. Oh. And it’s my birthday. 

“Leena, we need to find someone to give you your powers.” Ezra says to me. Moria is sitting in between us humming happy birthday under her breath. 

“All the Moonbloods are dead.” I say. 

“Not all! We could go to Uwenmoon!” Ezra says happily. 

“Do you even know where it is?” I asked. If you can’t tell, I’m a bit grumpy this morning. 


“Well, we can’t bring Moria in there! Or you! You have to be 13 to get in!” I say angerly.  

“Excuse me, but did you say you want to go to Uwenmoon?” a silky voice says. 

“Who’s askwing?” says Moria, trying and failing to look tough. The voice laughs. 

“My aren’t you adorable! I’ll introduce myself. My name is Angel and I think I can help you!” Angel says, stepping out of the shadows. She is beautiful. Her long, golden hair seems to shimmer in the light and her brilliant blue eyes are smiling along with her full lips. Ezra immediately goes ga-ga over her. 

“Yes- we- do want to get into Moonuewn!” he says, stuttering. 

“Ha ha ha! Silly! You mean Uwenmoon!” It sounds like she is singing!  

“Yeah! Oops! That’s what I meant!” he blushes. 

“Alright. Let me do the talking. How can you help us?” I ask. 

“Well, when I turned 13, I was orphaned, like you! So, I learned all four tribes magic because people from all four tribes adopted me. But they all died, too. I decided I was the cause, so I left. I live on my own in the forest now! The point is, I can give you your magic!” 


Chapter 10: 

“What?!” I almost yelled, “How?!” 

“Well, I want you to say yes, first. I’ll give you some time to think about it. Meet me here tomorrow at the same time as today.” Angel said, sashaying away. We went up to our room and thought long and hard. We finally decided to go with this mysterious Angel of the forest. We went down to breakfast the next morning and told Angel our decision, then we packed up and left. 

We walked for an hour under the cool and peaceful canopy of leaves that the tall trees formed. After another half hour, we came to a quaint cottage surrounded by sweet smelling flowers. 

“Come on in! I’ll make us some glowberry iced tea!” Angel smiled. She whipped up so fast and it was so delicous! We spent the rest of the day talking and getting to know each other. When night fell and Moria was asleep in Ezra’s lap, we got cozy in some extra hammocks that Angel had. 


“Yawn! Good morning.” Ezra says, climbing out of his hammock, which is super saggy because he and Moria were sleeping in it. 

“How are you two sleepy heads?” I ask. Angel and I have been up for a while, making breakfast. 

“We’re good. What’s for breakfast?” Ezra asks. 

“It’s right on the table, dumb-dumb.” I say. We sit down to eat I ask about how getting my powers works. 

“Well... It’s kind of complicated. First, you need to wear the special dress that I have from my ceremony. Them, we need to go to a certain place, and I need to perform the ritual. There are a few other minor details that I have to worry about.” Angel said. 

“That doesn’t sound too bad.” Ezra says. 

“It’s harder than it sounds.” Angel replies, “Why don’t you two stay here while I go scout out a good place to do it.” 

“Sure!” I say. Once Angel’s gone, Ezra pulls me aside and says, “She knew that you are an orphan. We didn’t tell her that! I don’t trust her.” 

“We probably said it and she overheard it!” I say in her defense. We argued about it for a while longer, but we had no clue that Ezra might actually be right... 


“I think they might be catching on to me.” said Angel the Firen into her iGem. The jewel glittered as a blurred face appeared on the screen.  

“Calm down and act normal. They can’t know. How would they?” said the chilling voice on the other end of the call. 

“The boy Ezra said that I shouldn’t know that she is an orphan! He’s right! I’m just using the information you gave me!” Angel replied nervously. 

“It will be alright, my dear. Your mother and I have prepared the spell you’ll need to perform.” he soothed, “Now, I’ve sent you the spell. Memorize it. Go back to them and say you’ve found the spot. You know where I’m talking about. Remember, stay calm. This all depends on you, daughter.” Leeland hung up and left Angel with an important task.

April 10, 2021 23:15

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Michael Boquet
03:45 Apr 23, 2021

This is a really fun YA fantasy tale. The world you've built is so vibrant and vivid. I love the characters too. Great job.


Nora Friesen
02:50 Apr 24, 2021



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Kat Mordaunt
00:25 Apr 11, 2021



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Nora Friesen
00:24 Apr 11, 2021

I'm going to add more parts to this story because it's not over (I have a bunch more written, I just need to edit and stuff...)!!!! The reason I think this is a leap of faith story is because Leena takes the leap of faith by going to try and defeat Leeland without knowing for sure if she's the girl in the prophecy or not, without any magic (at first :D). I hope that qualifies as a "leap of faith" story! Also, some of the chapters don't have names because I haven't decided what to call them.


Kat Mordaunt
00:27 Apr 11, 2021



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