I remember the day that Jenny moved into the first floor of the 5-story apartment building where I lived in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, in the summer of 1998. School had just let out a week before and I had no real responsibilities, other than finding ways to entertain myself while staying out of trouble. It was always the second part that was difficult.
Me and two of my friends who lived on the second floor - Josh and Nathan Cohen - were playing stickball out in the street, using the wall near the corner of our building as a backstop. We used a thick piece of chalk to draw in the strike zone, but it would always wash away in the rain. I thought we should just chuck the chalk and use spray paint. Permanent strike zone! There was already plenty of graffiti all around our neighborhood anyway. A little more wouldn’t hurt, plus it would support youth athletics!
The Buddies were all up on the corner, as always, standing around in front of the Italian deli that one of them apparently owned, drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes. Maybe all of them owned it. No one really knew, and the Buddies didn’t like questions very much. We called them the Buddies because whenever you walked past them, they always said, “Hey Buddy”. They seemed nice enough, but everyone knew that they were involved in something shady.
Anyway, that was when the moving truck came down the block and pulled over to the curb right outside the front door to our building at 233 West Broome Street. I barely noticed until Jenny stepped out of the truck wearing Levi’s jeans, black Chuck Taylor high-top sneakers and a NY Yankees pullover hoodie. She was so pretty. I didn’t know it at the time but she had already planted her flag in my heart.
“Here, Josh. Take over for me on the mound. I gotta go to the bathroom.” I tossed him the ball so the game could continue, sort of. While Nathan liked to picture himself as Derek Jeter, Josh liked to see himself as the legendary closer on the Yankees pitching staff, Mariano Rivera. If either of those two ever found themselves as part of the NY Yankees franchise, it would surely be somewhere in Accounting, or maybe Legal Counsel. Even those professions seemed unlikely, but only because Nathan and Josh were into art and books and film and stuff like that. But they were both really smart and could probably do anything they wanted to do (except sports).
One time I went into Greenwich Village with them and their dad on a Saturday and we went to the movie theater to see an old black-and-white film called “The Sorrow And The Pity”, about the Holocaust in World War Two. It was so boring I considered faking an epileptic seizure so we could leave early. I would have preferred to spend that time in an ER waiting room. By the end of the movie I really didn’t feel that bad for the prisoners of the Nazi concentration camps. That movie was four hours and twenty five fucking minutes long! I estimated that my suffering was basically the equivalent of theirs.
Sorry. I’m kind of a dick sometimes. I can’t help it.
But afterwards we went to Katz’s Deli and got those huge pastrami sandwiches on Jewish rye with mustard and cream soda and unlimited pickles. As always, it was all delicious. Moi! Chef’s kiss! It was almost worth it to sit through that movie just for those pastrami sandwiches..
Sorry. I’m rambling. I do that sometimes when I’m distracted or nervous or scared. Let me get back on point here.
I tried to make it look incidental that Jenny and I both reached the front stoop to our building at the same time, but in truth I was watching her closely out of the corner of my eye and pacing my footsteps to achieve this goal. When I arrived there and saw her carrying a cardboard box, I smiled and nodded at her and then jogged up the last few steps to hold the door open for her. She thanked me as she passed and I wanted to say something but I didn’t know what. It’s probably best that I stayed quiet. I surely would have said something mindless and moronic in that moment; a silent moment which will remain frozen in a state of perfect crystal clarity in my mind until the day that I die.
I watched Jenny disappear down the hall and into apartment 1B, where the door was propped open. I heard footsteps racing down the steps and a voice shouting, “COME ON, PAPA! WE’RE LATE” Omar. The little 8-year old Albanian kid from apartment 4B. He smiled at me and punched me in my arm as he raced past me down the staircase. I used to steal a candy bar from the corner market for him sometimes. He was loud and never walked anywhere, but he was a good kid. I liked him.
I passed by Omar’s father, Mister Markovic, the building’s superintendent, on the staircase. He was moving much slower than his son, as always. He always seemed to look angry with his dark eyes and furrowed brows, but he was actually a nice guy. He was just kind of awkward. I heard that most of his family got killed in that Bosnian War a few years back. Maybe that’s why he is the way he is.
Still, he’s kind of scary. When he was fixing the leak beneath our sink last month it was a hot day and when he removed his long-sleeve work shirt to do the rest of the job in his tank top, I saw the thick muscles in his back and chest and arms. He was definitely very strong, and he was angrily muttering what must have been some kind of Albanian curses (I gotta learn some of those) at the stubborn pipe joint as he threw enough brute force torque into it until it cried uncle and screeched into place.
He stopped for a moment to speak with me on the staircase.
“Hello, Randy. How are you?” He had the deepest voice I ever heard. Darth Vader had nothing on him.
“I’m good, Mister Markovic. How are you?”
From down on the sidewalk, Omar screamed, “COME ON, PAPA! WE’RE LATE!” That kid was born with some set of lungs on him. Mister Markovic slowly closed his eyes, inhaled a deep breath through his nose and then exhaled.
“Randy, how is your mother doing? Is she okay? Does she need anything?”
My mother had Leukemia. She and my father got divorced when I was eight and he moved down to Florida now, with his new wife and his two new kids and his whole new life. We never talked anymore. He even stopped sending me a lousy Christmas card with a twenty-dollar bill inside every year. I guess he figured he could do better than me and Mom. Fuck him, I hope he gets eaten by a huge bull shark.
“She’s doing okay. I don’t think we need anything right now. I will ask her and let you know. Thank you, Mister Markovic.”
From down on the street below: “PAPA! WE’RE LATE!!!”
He closed his eyes again briefly and inhaled a deep breath through his nose, then resumed descending the staircase, rubbing his temples.
“Hey Mister Markovic, it looks like we have new people moving into 1B today, huh? Who are they? Where are they moving here from?” I was fishing.
He stopped to look at me and he smiled. It was the first time I ever saw him smile. It was thin, but it was there.
“So, you saw the girl, yes? Oh, I will pray for you, young man.” He chuckled softly and then he kept on moving down the staircase at an unhurried pace. As he went, he responded to me briefly in his thick eastern European accent without looking back.
“I don’t know much. They are the Lee family - father, mother and daughter - and I think they are moving here from Sheepshead Bay. That is all I know.” He exited the building.
Nice! Jenny didn’t have any big brothers I had to worry about.
I was kind of scared to run into Jenny again, to be honest. She was already filling my head with her mere presence in the building, and although I didn’t know her name yet, I knew I would probably be getting little sleep that night. I had to think. I had to plan out something to say next time. Something good. Fuck, I wished I was smarter!
When I got back down there, Josh and Nathan were sitting on the front stoop, the cut-off broomstick with black electrical tape wrapped around the grip-end was leaning against the wall, but I didn’t see the tennis ball.
“Where’s the ball?”
“We don’t know. I think it went down the storm drain, just like all the others. It was Josh’s fault. He threw a wild pitch and it bounced off the wall and rolled down the street.”
“Bullshit, Nathan. You kicked it when you were chasing after it and that’s why it rolled down the hill.”
They were both silent for a little while, looking off in opposite directions. Josh broke the silence while I was thinking about something else.
“Yeah, it’s probably my fault. I threw the wild pitch. It probably went down the storm drain.”
“Yeah, that’s probably where it went,” Nathan said, rejoining his brother in solidarity, shooting him a quick look of measured reconciliation. Like all brothers, they fought sometimes. I’ve had to break up a few of those fights when they got physical. It has never required very much effort on my part.
The beautiful blonde girl who was moving into apartment 1B did not show herself again that day. The moving men came and went until the truck was empty and then they drove off.
I walked down the block to buy a slice of Sicilian pizza (we call them “squares” here) for my mom and a regular pepperoni slice for myself. On my way there and back I got the standard “Hey Buddy” greeting at least ten times. After I finished eating at my mom’s bedside while she watched the evening news, I went downstairs to Josh and Nathan’s apartment to watch a movie with them in their bedroom. I warned them that any of this “The Sorrow and the Pity” bullshit would immediately be met with physical violence.
Nathan quietly reached into a stack of DVDs in the corner and removed one, grinning at his brother. He turned the DVD cover towards us, and it read “The Crying Game”. I had never heard of it.
Josh shook his head. “He will kill us both.”
“It’s so good though. One of the greatest reveals in cinematic history.”
Josh folded his arms over his chest and shook his head again. Nathan returned to the stack of DVDs, shuffled around for a minute and pulled another one out. He turned the cover towards us and the title read “Reservoir Dogs”. Josh nodded his head.
“You're going to like this, Randy. I promise you.”
He was right. Still one of my favorite films of all time. I might never be a NY Times film critic, but I know a great movie when I see it. Mister Blonde. What a perfect sociopath.
The next day was Saturday and when I woke up, I went to my mom’s room to say good morning and check on her.
“Are you hungry, Mom? Do you want me to go get you a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich from the deli?”
“I’m not hungry, Sweetie. But you go get one for yourself.” She reached into her drawer and stuffed a five-dollar bill into my hand. “Just get me a glass of water before you go so I can take my medicine now.”
I brought her the water and kissed her on her forehead. She returned it with a pained smile that she was trying to suppress.
When I went downstairs to Josh and Nathan’s apartment they were all excited. It was Nathan’s birthday, and his uncle bought him a camcorder. They were busily figuring out all of the features. Then we just recorded each other acting stupid but trying to be funny.
Afterwards, we went outside, and the new girl Jenny was sitting on the stoop eating a bagel with cream cheese. I had to say something. “Hey, I’m Randy and this is Josh and that’s Nathan. Welcome to the building”. Nathan wasn’t paying attention at all, just fidgeting with his new camcorder.
“Hi, I’m Jenny.” She had a little cream cheese on her lip and I wanted to wipe it away for her.
“What’s your middle name?” I was not great at talking to pretty girls, but Josh was just helpless. I gave him a look that said, “One more dumb question and I will kick your ass right here.”
“Jason,” she replied and took another bite of her bagel.
Nathan finally stopped messing with his new camcorder. He laughed. “Jason is a boy’s name.” I gave him a look twice as threatening as the one I just gave his brother. He went back to fidgeting with his camcorder.
Jenny took it in stride though. “Yeah, it is. It was my grandfather’s name, and I loved him. I like my middle name”. She finished off her bagel. “What’s your middle name?” she asked Nathan.
“Avraham,” he replied.
She smiled but said nothing. She just bundled up the tin foil that the bagel had been wrapped in and dropped it into the brown paper bag that she carried it home in. Then she got up. “Well, I gotta go. I have dance class in a half hour.”
“Oh yeah. You’re into dance?”
“I love dance. I am in ballet now but I want to learn swing dance next. Maybe ballroom after that. She did a perfect pirouette and then disappeared into the building. I was completely infatuated.
Me and Josh and Nathan didn’t play stickball that day on account of the fact that we couldn’t get Nathan to put down that camcorder. We had some fun with it though, yelling weird things at passing cars from a hidden spot - Nice car. Do they make them for men too? - and then we recorded the driver’s reaction and laughed at it afterwards.
The next day is when everything on our block went crazy. I heard Omar yelling at his father as he came out the front of the building. “PAPA, COME ON! WE’RE LATE!” Jenny was out on the sidewalk practicing some dance moves. She was really good.
“Wow, you’re really good, Jenny. I’ve never seen such great dancing. Not that I’ve seen a lot of dance, but I think you’re really talented. I’m so glad you moved into our building. I think you’re just great.” I paused for a moment then added, “I’m sorry. I’ve said too much.” I hung my head bashfully.
“You didn’t say too much. I appreciate the compliment.” Then she quickly leaned in and kissed me on the cheek and I thought my heart was going to explode right there. She went back to the sidewalk and continued dancing.
Just then little Omar screamed for his father to hurry up and ran across the street to where his father’s car was parked, but just then one of the Buddies was driving down the block in an old Lincoln, with two more Buddies riding along with him. The driver instinctively swerved to avoid hitting Omar and ran his car into a parked car in the process. The damage was extensive. The Buddy who was driving got out of the car and grabbed Omar by his shirt and threw him up against the car, cursing a blue streak at him and jabbing a finger in his face. The boy looked terrified.
I tried to mediate, completely ineffectually. They should have listened to me though. Right then Mister Markovic came out of the front door of the building, saw what was happening, and raced across the street.
“You don’t EVER touch my son!” He threw one punch and knocked The Buddy unconscious. The other two Buddies got out of the car, racing to their friend’s defense. The first one got a vicious headbutt that immediately opened up a nasty cut on his forehead, followed by a hard knee to the gut. Then he was on the ground. The third Buddy looked very hesitant, and he yelled up to the corner and a whole bunch of Buddies came running down the block. Before they could get there Mister Markovic grabbed the third Buddy from the car, lifted him off his feet, turned him upside down and slammed him headfirst into the pavement.
By then about a dozen more Buddies were on the scene and one-by-one Mister Markovic dealt with all of them harshly. Little Omar was smiling the whole time. Watching Mister Markovic fight the Buddies was like watching a professional boxer take on a bunch of first grade kids.
Jennifer Jason Lee stopped paying attention and went back to doing a grand adage on the sidewalk (I learned about these dance moves later) and Mister Markovic single-handedly destroyed all of the Buddies, while the Cohen brothers filmed it all from the stoop; Nathan working the camera while Josh provided direction. When it was all done the street was littered with the bodies of unconscious Buddies.
That summer I got my first girlfriend, and I was in love. But as with most good things it didn’t last long enough. Jenny and I went to different schools and sometime that Fall she told me she liked me a lot but she just didn’t have time to mess around with boys anymore. She was too busy with school and dance. I suspected there was another boy, but I didn’t know.
It hurt so bad at the time, but I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.
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Really captured the NY vibe in this Thomas, great job! I really feel like I just walked through someone's childhood memory. I think it was due to all the extra detail you included which made the characters come to life (i.e.,Mr.Markovic wrestling the sink). Loved everything except for Jenny's Yanks tee. Go Mets!
Thanks, Thomas. Glad you enjoyed this story. As a Mets fan - I like your team this year btw - maybe you are from Queens or Long Island? That tends to be Mets territory. Manhattan and The Bronx, mostly Yanks fans. I've never even been to Staten Island, so I have no clue who they root for there. (Besides, that's in Jersey anyway, I think.)
If you learn one thing here, and only one thing, let it be this: Never fight an Albanian. (Those guys are as hard as coffin nails.)
Thanks for reading, dude. Hope all is well with you.
You said it! I went to school in the Bronx and picked up on that pretty quick. Arthur Ave is almost entirely run by Albanians these days. They're not ones to be messed with.
Staten Island roots for a hybrid of Mets, Yanks and a few traitorous Philly fans. I do think they're put in the same category as Queens in being recognized as Mets territory though.
Thanks again for a great read!
When I was a teenager, I was friends with a kid named Pat whose father Pasquale owned - and still owns - Pasquale's Rigoletto restaurant on Arthur Ave. (Asian fusion cuisine, obviously.) I didn't know it at the time, but the family is heavily mobbed up. The father slapped the son of the Gambino family consigliere, a guy name Tore Losacio who later went to prison with John Gotti. A week later my friend Pat was shot and killed out in front of his house. (I had moved by then and we were no longer in contact. I found out like two years later.)
His father just got out of prison 2-3 years ago and he is apparently the underboss or consiglieri of the Gambino family now, He's been in and out of prison (mostly in) for the last 30 years. Here, read all about it:
What a nice story. I can picture the place in my head. The awkwardness of the boy, the loving care he gave everyone in his circle. It was beautiful. If only all neighborhoods were like this.
Great writing Thomas! I've always had a soft spot for baseball and New York. And you get both into this story plus a nice little love story. (Not to mention the action movie with Mr Markovic taking on The Buddies :-) ) I loved this!
Thank you, Frankie. One of the things I find interesting about NYC is that, while it is the largest city in the America, with a metro area population over 20 million, for most of those people the city doesn't really expand too far beyond the block they live on.
I have been a fan of the NY Yankees going back to when Reggie Jackson hit three homers off the Dodgers in one World Series game. Think I was 7 or 8 years old at the time, but I remember that game. (I was also at the Stadium for Boomer Wells' perfect game and I watched one-handed Yankee pitcher Jim Abbott throw a complete game no-hitter a few years before that.)
Everything about this is fantastic-you really captured the coming of age feeling perfectly.
Thanks, Audrey, Back when I was a kid it seemed like every summer there would be one or two days that everyone talked about until something crazier happened, then we all talked about that.
Love it! Also have family born and raised in BK and lived there for a bit myself so this story really hits!
So I read this whole story in the voice of an adult man voicing over a look back into his childhood, just like all our coming of age stories used to give us.
The setting was vivid with really lush sensory details, and that always makes it easy to immerse oneself in a story. Well done :)
Thanks so much for reading this story, LeeAnn. I appreciate your time and I am glad you liked it. (I want one of those pastrami sandwiches so bad right now!)
I loved this piece — it pulled me in right away and kept me there. It feels super personal, like someone lived this and just sat down to tell it. You nailed the tone. It’s raw, a little self-deprecating, funny, and real. The way Randy talks feels natural. He’s a little awkward, a little cocky, and a teenage boy. That part’s perfect. Everyone stands out. The Cohen brothers feel like real siblings. Omar is adorable. Mister Markovic is such a badass, and you did a great job making him intimidating but also tender. And Jenny? You captured that feeling of teenage infatuation with just a glance and a kiss on the cheek. It’s all there. This neighborhood feels alive. I can smell the pizza, see the graffiti, hear the Buddies saying “Hey Buddy.” The little stuff — chalk strike zones, pastrami sandwiches, storm drains eating tennis balls — it adds so much texture. The dialogue feels natural, funny, and it moves things forward. Everyone has their own voice, which is not easy to pull off, but you do it.
Thanks so much, Rebecca. Glad this story held the ring of truth for you. I once heard a saying (paraphrasing here) that went something like: "There is no small town so small as a single block in a very large city." Everyone is just sort of connected in some way.
And yeah, all those small details are things that still stand out to me when I think back on those days. Thanks for reading!
Really enjoyed how this captures the messy, fleeting vibe of a Brooklyn summer—one can almost taste the pizza and hear the stickball games. The fight scene was wild and perfectly chaotic, great work bringing that block to life.
Thanks, Dennis! I appreciate you taking the time to read this and I'm glad it landed well. I really tried to cram as much as I could under this 3k word limit.
I need some NYC pizza. Need, not want. Need.
This was such a fun read, Thomas—I felt like I was right there on the stoop in Bensonhurst watching all the action unfold. I especially loved the humor sprinkled throughout, like when Randy says: "Permanent strike zone! There was already plenty of graffiti all around our neighborhood anyway. A little more wouldn’t hurt, plus it would support youth athletics!"—it's hilarious, perfectly capturing that mischievous adolescent logic we all remember from summers growing up. And those subtle nods to iconic movies like Reservoir Dogs and The Crying Game made me smile!
Great storytelling, Thomas—thanks for sharing such an engaging slice of nostalgia!
Thanks, Mary. Where ya' been? We've been missing you. I heard they had to call in an FBI negotiator to talk one of the Reedsy judges off the ledge.
Glad you liked that story.
You're the best, Thomas—thank you! I've been missing all my Reedsy buddies too! As you know, I was sick for practically a year (okay, not quite a year, but it felt like it!). Once I finally bounced back, I had a mountain of catching up to do.
Lately, I’ve been deep in the creative trenches, focusing on my projects and building my author website—gotta have a home base for all my books once they’re ready to meet the world!
Also... my sincerest apologies for stirring things up with the Reedsy judges! 😅 I did submit a story this week, though! The prompt was to use the Reedsy title generator, and I ended up with Mystery of the Ugly Baker—so of course, I had to run with it. It’s very on-brand: weird, silly, and a little absurd. Just how I like it!
Life's a movie, or movies as life? Never mind, Jenny is a gem either way.
(?) Until the day I day (?) :-)
Thanks, Trudy! And I appreciate you catching that error and pointing it out. I have been doing a shit job of editing my own work lately.
No prob. It's tough editing your own stuff.
This was great! Took me a second to catch the familiar references, which means you did a great job of subtly weaving them in.
Thanks, Maisie. I thought I masked "the Cohen/Coen brothers" reference well enough, but I thought Jenny's middle name might have given that joke away. Glad to hear they both snuck in under the radar.
Ah, a Wetzel love song! I loved this.
Great all-American teenage story! Nice humour and characters - a fun read!
Perfect coming of age story.😁
One question. Lukas or Omar?
Thanks for catching that, Mary. I just fixed it. I always appreciate when people point out those kind of errors. Hard to edit your own work sometimes.
Much appreciated, Mary. Thanks for reading. Hope you are happy and well.
No problem. I let some things I see slide but some things take you out of the story so I figure it is important to let writer know if still time to fix.
There's so much here. Did you get Jenny's number? Was it 867.5309? Was her school Ridgemont High? The Cohens. Great! Love Katz's Deli. I've only been once, but was scared into submission when we we got to the counter to give our order. So many great moments in this memory. Loved it.
Thanks, Liz. Yes that was obviously her phone number and yes she went to Ridgemont High and served pizza at the mall. I love her. It cracked me up when they killed her and her brother (played by Channing Tatum) in The Hateful Eight. I love Tarantino films. All of them.