
Submitted into Contest #60 in response to: Write a post-apocalyptic thriller.... view prompt


Adventure Science Fiction Thriller

*Fimbulwinter: Proper Noun (Norse Mythology): One of the signs of the onset of Ragnarok. A constant three-year winter.

“The bunker should be this way!” One man shouted as he led a group of about eight people through the heavy snowfall.

The year was 2591, and the world had been completely covered in snow and ice for over a century at that point. Why? No one could tell you. Over the years, snowfall began to become heavier and heavier, even covering places like the Sahara and Arizona in thick snow layers nearly year around. The population had gone from a staggering twenty-two billion individuals to little more than one billion, and it was still dropping quick. With food supplies dwindling and the extreme temperatures, survival was a difficult task to put it lightly.

“Where’d yah hear about this bunker, anyway, Butch?” Another man yelled from the back of the group. The had bright red hair and a long neck beard. His hair fell in braids off the back of his head. He was blind in one eye, evident by his eye being whited out.

In between the two individuals walking on the ground was a tall, futuristic looking tank. Built out of rusted metal and even some wood, the machine plowed through the snow. One the top of the tank sat three women. One woman, wearing padded clothing, gloves, and her head was wrapped and goggles covering her eyes. Her mouth was the only exposed skin on her body. Her black hair stuck out from her head wrappings. On her back was a large nameplate that read “BUTCH”.

“That man who came into the safehouse two weeks ago who had survived the wolf attack told me.” Butch answered. She was fiddling with a small flare gun she had strapped to her thigh. “I didn’t believe him at first! A bunker with several years supplies worth of food sounded too good to be true. The I put Kaiyo on the case, and things seemed more plausible.”

Kaiyo, a young Asian woman with bright pink hair, less padded than Butch but still heavily clothed, sat next to a small garbage-can fire on top of the tank. When her name was mentioned, she simply nodded.

“It does sound too good to be true!” The red-headed man responded. “This is a suicide mission, through and through! I cannot believe I let you guys talk me into going with you!”

“Shut up, Roach!” The man in the front of the group shouted back at the red-headed man. “My wife and kids haven’t had food for over four days! I’ll do anything to bring them back some nourishment!”

“We’ve been gone two days, Scott.” Butch shouted down from the top of the tank. “I pray they’ll survive until we get back.”

“I pray we survive.” Roach mumbled. “Wait. Scratch that. I don’t pray. I refuse to pray, in fact, because any of those retched gods that allowed this crap-heap of a winter doesn’t deserve my prayers!”

“I thought you didn’t believe in any gods?” Scott asked.

“That is also why I won’t pray.”

“At some point, Roach, you’ll realize that you’re gonna have to fall back on someone other than yourself for survival.” Butch said. “And at that point, you may not have anyone left but a god.”

“I’m the only person whose never let me down.” Roach responded.

Everyone rolled their eyes at Roach’s comment.

“Anyway, based off of Kaiyo’s estimates, we should reach the bunker within the next hour.” Scott shouted to the group behind him.

“How do we know we’ve been going the right direction?” The third woman asked from atop the tank. She was stick-thin with long blonde hair reaching down to her knees. She looked malnourished more than anything, with bones showing through her skin, and her eyes being sunken into her head. If the group hadn’t know her for several years, they might have assumed she was the oldest among them. But they all knew little Scrapper (the nickname the crew had given her) was far younger than anyone of them.

“The man we heard the rumor from gave us basic directions.” Butch answered. “Kaiyo charted the area and found that a bunker did in fact exist within the range that the man had said. After that, it’s a lot of faith.”

“Blind faith.” Roach muttered.

After another forty-five minutes of walking, the group could see ahead of them a formation. A man-made structure that was clearly the bunker they were looking for.

“I can’t freakin’ believe.” Roach whispered to himself.

“Good work, Kaiyo.” Scott exclaimed. Kaiyo simply nodded.

“Wait a sec.” Butch muttered. She stood up, revealing she was actually much taller and more muscular than she previously seemed, standing close to eight feet tall. “Guys, there’s more than just a bunker there.”

The crew stopped and looked for a moment, realizing Butch was correct. There was not just a singular bunker there, but also a large city.

“A city?” Scott confusedly asked. “Nothing was ever said about a city?”

“He never mentioned anything about it.” Butch responded. “Kaiyo, is it possible we lost track of where we’re going and found something else?”

Kaiyo shook her had. “Bunker here in city.”

“I should’ve known better than trusting that freakin’ pink-haired little…!” Roach began shouting.

“Roach, shut up!” Butch shouted back. She walked over to Kaiyo and placed her hand on the woman’s shoulder.

“Kaiyo, do you know if the city is abandoned or not?” Scott asked. “If it’s abandoned, our plans don’t change.”

“City inhabited.”

“Great. Just great!” Roach exclaimed. “Well. Time to turn around, I guess.”

“Why do you just assume this city won’t try to help us?” Scott asked optimistically. “Maybe they’ll give us some of their food.”

“Because, Scott. It’s a dog-eat-dog world now!” Roach answered. “I know you like to think we are still living in some sort of fantasy world where ‘we’re all in this together’, but really, most of us are just in it for ourselves, being dragged out here to die in the snow because of people like you!”

“I’m sorry that I’m trying to help other people that aren’t me, Roach!” Scott shouted back. “I’m sorry that I want to help the human race maybe survive another century!”

“If you two are done making a scene, I’d like to know what the plan is now.” Butch calmly stated.

“I’m going in.” Scott answered, not breaking his angry gaze from Roach. “Maybe they’ll help us out, at least to some extent.”

“I’m going in, too.” Butch responded. “You’re a good man Scott, but a bad fighter.” She winked at Scott.

“Kaiyo. Scrapper. I’m not gonna force you to do anything you don’t want to do. You either wait out here or come in with us. You’re choice.” Scott explained.

“I’ll come in with you.” Scrapper answered. “Roach creeps me out.”

“Same.” Kaiyo added.

“Good.” Roach muttered. “Means it’s working.”

“Okay, then.” Scott continued. “Roach? What are you gonna do?”

Roach thought for a moment, trying to figure out how best to answer. “You guys are gonna freakin’ die in there.”

“You don’t know that, Roach.” Butch responded.

He nodded his head. “I’d rather die in there than out here in the snow.” Roach answered. “I’m going in.”


When the crew pulled up to what seemed to be the front entrance of the city, Scott stood at the front of the group. The five people gathered together, all on the ground off of the tank, which they had left further back to keep from intimidating their potential help.

The door in front of them was huge, standing at least fifty feet tall and twenty feet wide. The city stood as a massive closed-off dome made of stone. Scott was unclear of how to go about opening the door.

Kaiyo stepped in front of Scott and placed her hand on the door. In a moment, her eyes glowed pink, before the door opened.

“Nice one.” Butch mentioned.

“Yeah. Let’s just break into this city.” Roach commented. “That’ll end well.”

As the door opened in front of them, six armed guards stood behind the entrance. In between the six guards stood a tall woman wearing a white suit. She had short, curly brown hair that extended to her chin.

“You are a crafty one, young android.” The woman stated, staring straight at Kaiyo. “Good job opening our door.”

“Great. We’re gonna die.”

“Shut up, Roach.” Scott muttered. “Hello. My name is Scott. This is my crew of scouts from Colony B-76 from the upper east territories. These are Kaiyo, Butch, Roach, and Scrapper.”

“What brings your crew here, Scott?” The woman asked.

“We were informed of a bunker containing edible foods this way out of our colony.” Scott explained. “We came on the assumption it was abandoned, but now realize it is actually an inhabited city. We simply ask that if there are any portions you are willing to part with, we may have some for our people.”

“While a nice request, our people do not so openly spread our food to outsiders.” The woman responded. My husband, the Prime President of this city-state, has made it clear that outsiders are not to…”

The woman paused, listening as someone spoke to her over an earpiece. She nodded.

“Yes sir.” She answered. She looked back up at Scott, then moved her eyes over to Roach. “My husband has informed me he would like to meet you before sending you off. Please, come in.”

As the crew walked into the city the doors closed behind them. Once they were completely shut, the guards each chose a particular member of the crew to stand by, with one covering the woman in white.

“I will have my maid-servants prepare you a place to stay over the week, per my husband’s request.” The woman stated.

“Okay, listen here, Snow.” Butch interjected. “We’re not staying a week. One night, maybe, but we’ve got families back at our colony who need food, and soon.”

“My husband never said anything about gifting you food.” The woman responded. “He just wants to meet… one of you.” She looked straight at Roach.

“Me?” Roach asked. “Why me?”

The woman simply smiled, then turned around and continued walking forward.

“I don’t like this.” Roach whispered to Scott.

“I’m starting to agree.”

They were led into a large, open room full of people. While the woman leading them was dressed quite well, the people in this room were dirty, dressed in rags and covered in dirt.

“What is this place?” Scrapper asked.

“This is where all of the people found in the wild stay waiting for clearance to enter into the city-proper.” The woman responded. “Most have been here their entire life times. Sad, but the Prime President has his priorities.”

“How is this any better than being out in the wild?” Butch asked.

“We have heating.”

At the doorway at the end of the room stood a man wearing a blue suit. He had bright red hair, and a long, scruffy beard. Roach froze dead in his tracks.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Roach whispered.

As the man looked Roach in the eyes, he extended out his arms. “Welcome home, younger brother.”

“Oh, crap.” Scott whispered.

“How long has it been?” Roach’s brother asked. “What? Like twenty-three years or something like that?”

“Not long enough.” Roach answered.

“Come on, brother. Don’t be like that.”

“You sold me!” Roach shouted. “For what, Mark?”

“A wife.” Mark responded. “She’s still with me if that’s any concern to you. She’s my favorite out of my five.” He laughed smugly, while the woman in white had a slight look of shame come over her face.

“Screw you.” Roach said. “Let’s go. I want nothing from this guy.”

“Can’t we talk this out?” Mark asked. “Don’t you think I might’ve come to regret that over the years?”

“Honestly, no.”

“Listen, brother. Just stay the night. You and I can talk and get caught up on life.” Mark continued. “Tomorrow morning you can leave, and I’ll send you off with plenty of food to last your colony months!”

Roach thought for a minute. He hated the idea of staying with his brother for more time than he wanted. But at the same time, he knew his colony needed food, and he didn’t want this trip to be worthless.

“Fine. One night.” Roach agreed. “But first thing tomorrow, there better be food waiting for us to deliver home.”

Scott looked at Roach and mouthed ‘thank you’. He had known Roach for a long time, and while the two did not always get along, he knew just how much Roach’s family had hurt him.

“Good. You can stay in my quarters, brother.” Mark explained. “I’ll make sure your friends have a safe place to stay as well.”


Roach and Mark arrived in Mark’s living quarters about half and hour later. Upon arriving, Roach was disgusted at what he saw. Five women all dressed in white gowns and with gold and blue paint over their faces. On their backs were written the words ‘The Wives of Mark’.

“Worse than I thought. “Roach stated in a quiet tone. “You’re sick. What do they even do all day?”

“That is… none of your business.” Mark answered. “I don’t see why you’re so resistant to me, brother. I’m trying to help.”

“You are not trying to help, Mark.” Roach responded. “You’re trying to get something from me. What you could possibly want from me, I’m not sure. I kinda suck.”

“Is this what your life’s become?” Mark asked. “I’ve had success while you and and your little crew is struggle to make it day to day.”

“Success, Mark? Is that what this is? You force women to ‘love’ you so you can feel better about yourself while there are people in your own city starving because you are too arrogant to help them!”

“You don’t know the stuff I deal with everyday to keep this city running!” Mark shouted. “I’ve seen pain and trauma you wouldn’t believe!”

“And I watched my daughter take her own life because it seemed better than my inability to provide for her!” Roach shouted back. “So shut up!”

“I’m sorry, brother.” Mark responded. “I really am.”

Before Roach could continue, the woman in white stormed into the room.

“Sir. The giant, she broke into the locker and stole food.”

‘Crap.’ Roach thought. ‘Butch’.

The three walked down to the large room they had been in earlier. In the center of the room was Butch surrounded by three guards who had Butch chained up.

“Chains? Really?” Roach stated. “Little overkill, don’t yah think?”

“Speak for yourself, giant.” Mark shouted at Butch.

“First off, my name is Butch, not giant.” She answered. “Secondly, the door was open, and people were walking in and out getting food as they please. Remember, I haven’t eaten in two whole days!”

“Listen, sir. We got some food too, so whatever you do to her should be done to us as well.” Scott interjected.

Mark ignored Scott. “Non-citizens stealing from us is a grave offense. You will be punished greatly.”

“Giants make for great slave labor, sir.” The woman in white stated. “Shall we condemn her to the mines?”

“Agreed.” Mark continued. “I too feel that would best suit her.”

“Holy crap.” Roach muttered. “I knew it! I knew all you wanted was to get something from me. You weren’t gonna help us until you saw Butch. All you wanted was an excuse to get an extra slave for your city!”

“Brother. Giants make for great slave labor. I’m sure you understand.” Mark explained.

“She’s my friend, jack-wad!” Roach shouted.

“Punishment must be served.”

“This isn’t punishment! You tricked us just so you could steal my friend as a slave!”

“You wish to propose some sort of deal?” Mark asked.

“Literally anything other than what you want right now.”

Mark and the woman in white paused to think for a moment. After some silence, Mark spoke.

“Kill them all. Take the giant.”

The guards instantly rose their weapons and aimed at the crew. They began open firing on them instantly.

Kaiyo was the first to be hit, but as an android she was able to withstand the shot more so than anyone else. Scott was shot in the back, falling over dead immediately.

Roach looked for Butch but saw she had been taken out of the room right away and was gone before he knew it. He picked up Scrapper and began running with Kaiyo by his side. They ran towards the exit they had come in, but the guards were too many. Kaiyo continued to take the majority of the shots, but was able to withstand much of them, though even she was slowing down too.

As they entered into the hallway where the exit was, Kaiyo used her last moments to open the door. As the door began to open, she fell over dead, too.

Roach and Scrapper were the only ones left and ran out the door as quickly as they could into the freezing snow. Mark and his guards stood at the door, this time with a larger weapon that would surely kill them. Roach was smart, though, and took Scrapper straight toward the tank they had left behind.

They jumped in as quickly as they could and aimed straight at the doorway. Within a moment, Scrapper hit the button and shot a missile straight into the door, killing the guards, and presumably Mark, too.

Roach and Scrapper sat for a moment, trying to catch their breath from what they had experienced.

“What now?” Scrapper asked. Roach thought for a moment, partially concerned at how unaffected she was by this. He knew what she had experience in her thirteen years of life, and it horrified him.

“We go back in for Butch.” Roach answered. “Then we take some food back home.”

September 19, 2020 16:06

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