My story is entitled In the middle of a traffic jam, the young man Prince Brempong a driver got to the Heathrow Airport about thirty minutes late.

Written in response to: Start your story in the middle of a traffic jam.... view prompt


Adventure Creative Nonfiction Mystery

My story is entitled In the middle of a traffic jam , the young man Prince Brempong a driver got to the Heathrow Airport about thirty minutes late.

Once upon a time the young man Prince Brempong a driver was driving along the Prince of Wales Street in London. When he reached the West life Garden crossing, he was then caught in a traffic jam.

It was also during the traffic jam that Prince actually observed a long procession of workers who were then driving and moving ahead of some other cars.

He then realized that it was a very long procession and some other workers were then holding some red flags, placards and other banners in their hands due to this there was a traffic jam. The traffic jam was a situation in which a long line of vehicles on a road have stopped moving and are moving very slowly stuck in traffic jam.

The young man Prince Brempong the driver stopped his car for a while when he was in the traffic jam.

The traffic jam also known as the traffic congestion is a condition in transport that is being characterised by some sort of slower speeds, longer trip times and an increased vehicular queueing.

At instances where vehicles are fully stopped for some periods of time it is known as traffic jam or informally as a traffic snarl-up.

Also others argue that traffic congestion on urban networks has increased substantially. When traffic demand is great enough the interaction between vehicles slows the speed of the traffic stream that results in congestion. Also traffic congestion is a possibility for any mode of transmission that is the Automobile congestion on public roads. As demand approaches the capacity of a road or the intersections along the road with some extreme traffic congestions sets in entirely.

In addition when vehicles are fully stopped for some periods of time it is known as traffic jam or a traffic snarl-up.

As noted during traffic jam or traffic congestion this issue can lead to some drivers becoming frustrated and then engaging in road rage or accident.

Also traffic is modeled as a flow through a fixed point on the analogously of fluid dynamics.

It can be noted that the main causes of traffic congestion or traffic jam is bottlenecking.

Another cause of traffic jam is normally due to the fact that there is often a block on roads due to fog.

It is noted that Sao Paulo has recorded the World's worst traffic jams.

Other drivers are often informed through some variable message signs that then displays the prevailing queue length.

Again traffic congestion is a condition in transport that is being characterised by slower speeds. As observed traffic jam is a situation in which vehicles cannot move and they seem to be moving very slowly on the road.

As noted a traffic jam refers to a serious road block when there is a long line of vehicles on the road. In addition when there is reckless and some sort of uncontrolled driving it sometimes causes traffic jam.

The young driver Prince Brempong was caught in a traffic jam . This happens to be a situation in which a long line of vehicles on a road have stopped moving and are moving very slowly in a quiet manner stuck in a traffic jam.

The traffic jam occurs when a number of some road users cannot drive at speeds they would not like to drive up to the maximum speeds.

There occured a traffic jam on the road caused by a car wreck right infront of them on the road.

When there is traffic jam ,it is random because one can't know whether there will be an accident or traffic jam.

Again sometimes the intention is caused by the deliberation alone such as the decisions to take an alternative route when faced with a traffic jam.

Again a person who fails to then vote is caught in a traffic jam . Almost everybody who has been stuck in traffic jam for about fifteen minutes or thirty minutes must then resent to the waste time entirely.

It can be noted that there was a traffic jam on the road whilst Prince Brempong was driving for three long hours.

As noted it can take about two hours to reach the hospital when one is traveling through a solid traffic jam.

There is no warning about the traffic jam in which one suddenly finds oneself.

Others argue that they are delighted to say that traffic jam will one day be a thing of the past when the link road is built.

It can be noted that almost all traffic jam occurs through the coincidence of a number of factors.

Among some of the factors are that

They are stuck in a coagulated traffic jam in all record temperatures.

It is sometimes terrible to be stuck in a traffic jam.

During the summer there was a traffic jam in which the traffic lined up right back through an entire tunnel.

This seems to be extraordinary that people may seem to think that there is an advantage to be then gained from sitting in a traffic jam.

In addition one does not need to be the owner of the motor car to then suffer the inconvenience of a traffic jam it occurs to passengers also that actually happens on a sudden note much often on the roads.

It is also appalling sometimes to come down to the century farce of the traffic jam.

Other drivers also mentioned that without exception the young driver Prince Brempong might be caught in a major traffic jam. Also some people or other drivers are then immediately informed when a traffic jam occurs on the road.

Also, when the road is clear of traffic ,more motorist tend to use it, which causes traffic jam as the process continues.

As the young driver Prince Brempong was caught in a traffic jam all the cars were by then sitting in a traffic jam.

There seems to be the most ludicrous and avoidable traffic jam on our roads.

Also there is a permanent traffic jam with the result that there is no kerb crawling.

Whilst the young driver Prince Brempong was stuck in a traffic jam his stress level increased considerably.

Other market forces were created by the city traffic jam.

Also one may not want to be an advocate driving his bus faster or over the pavement when there is a traffic jam which is very dangerous and can cause accident and injury to some pedestrians.

During traffic jam, spending time in traffic is noted not to be attractive at all times. Also when one is stuck in traffic jam for some hours one easily starts to get a little annoyed and irritated about issues of traffic jam.

As clearly observed in order not to waste time in a traffic jam ,others cautioned that the young driver Prince Brempong should travel by railway through the means of transportation such as train.

Also a large increase in road tariffs in this country would mean that there is a perpetual traffic jam on our existing roads at all times.

Others also mentioned that ,"There is nothing more polluting than a traffic jam on our roads."

In addition, when in the air-conditioning car it costs a vasts amount of money and mostly drivers and passengers are cooled whilst sitting in a traffic jam. The immovable object is said to be the motor car stuck in a traffic jam.

Again traffic jam seem to be spreading on our roads and motorways.

Most drivers whilst driving often experience a huge traffic jam on our roads , that is observed to be filled with cars ,buses and some trucks.

As noted traffic waves are a type of traffic jam that occurs mostly on our roads.

Also when vehicles are fully stopped some periods of time it is colloquially known as traffic jam or traffic snarl-up.

Finally, I will like to conclude that the major cause of most traffic jam on our roads is the broken down of old vehicles.

In conclusion the traffic jam is a separate entity that emerges from the individual behaviors of some sort of drivers on our roads.

November 29, 2021 06:38

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