I'm going to America. Episode 4 . This is a SEIRES!!!!!

Submitted into Contest #96 in response to: Write a story about strangers becoming friends, or friends becoming strangers.... view prompt


Drama Adventure Friendship

Note: This is not related to the story’s topic. This is a series (my first series in fact). If you are interested, I suggest you go read my first episode, and my second episode, and my third one. go to my profile (link): https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/author/iron-genius/

Episode 1: Torrey tells the story of how he met Amber Chanel and is about to tell about his brother’s death for the first time in his life to another outside person. This is also the past. It has been five months since Amber’s sister’s death in the present. It has been two months for Torrey (the person who is telling the story) at that time when he was at Starbucks.

Episode 2: Torrey tells how his brother, Logan, dies. He is thinking about running away from his parents.

Episode 3: Torrey thinks about leaving the house to run away.


I hate safety. In my house, it’s more like stalking. Why? Well because there’s a camera in every single inch!!! Unless you actually have a camera every single inch, you’ll have no clue what it feels. Since my house is like a mansion, there’s like a hundred cameras. It’s so annoying. I just had to pack my bags and leave through the windows to not get caught or pull out the electric cord, so every camera goes off. But I wouldn’t do that because my phone’s charging. So I’ll just have to cover up the camera and jump out my window. I guess the impact on my foot will be okay but I’m pretty sure it’ll be okay. 

30 minutes into Torrey’s packing

Okay… *panting* I’m done packing almost everything necessary in my bag. Ooooooh!!! I got it! I’ll just throw down my bag first then try to land on my bag cause it’s mostly my clothes. So it’ll be a pretty smooth landing. Well let’s try it… *crosses finger* Okay… *sweating* Let’s do this. *Falls on bag* YESSSS!!! There is zero possibility I just landed that drop. It’s like landing a pencil. I mean the bag’s like three feet! Dang! I’m GOATED in landing just like Michael Jackson except he sang, and I landed. Well anyway, now I just have to get out through the back door. *opens the backyard door and gets out* OKAY!!! I’m officially out of the dang house!!! That was hard. I mean I had to pack all my bags and then jump out the window then get out of the house. I mean it must’ve taken like 40-45 minutes just getting out of the house! I mean now what am I gonna do now? I guess I’ll have to just go to school and rent a room there so I might a good roommate. I’ll probably write a note on the front door so my parents will know what I feel exactly and where I’ll be so they don’t call the police when I’m in school.

*rides his own car and goes to school*

Now that I’m in the hall, I’ll just have to ask the office to see if there’s a room available or not. Ah! Dang it! Now I don’t know what my plan B. is! Dang it! Now that I’m here in the office, I can’t turn back. *stands in front of a woman* “Hi! Umm… I came here to see if there’s a room available?” I asked her. “Young man. Everybody was supposed to rent a room in the beginning of the year. I don’t really know if there’s a room anymore. Nope. I don’t see a room that’s available right now.” “NO! I mean there has to be a room available! I mean… can you just check one more time?! Please.” I pleaded her. She put on her glasses and checked. “Uhm… OK!!! I found a room!” “YESSSS!!!!” I yelled. Well I technically didn’t scream but it was just right below from screaming. “Okay th- Which room is it!!!???” I cut her off. “calm down, will you! As I was about to say. Your room will be room 248. Second floor on your right.” “THANK YOU!!!!” “Hey! mister. Your keys?” “Yeah… That. THANK YOU!!!” Then I ran to the stairs. I either wanted nobody in my room or one of my best friends. Well here goes nothing.

*Walks into room to see nobody*

“LETTTTTSSSS GOOOOOOOO!!! Nobody is in this room! LETS GOOOOOOOOO!!!” I shouted. “Uhm… EXCUSE ME?! Do you not see me?!” “Wait what!!! Amber?! Wh-what are you doing here exactly?” I asked her very confused. “That’s what I should be asking YOU! I was here first so what are you doing here?!” “Running away from home.” “WHAT???!!! And why are you doing that?!” “Because. You know what! I don’t want to talk about it.” I said while I clenched my teeth. “uhm… ok.” She said ending our conversation. After a few minutes, I realized that I kind of yelled at my crush?! Dang it. I totally screwed up everything. I always manage to screw up almost everything in my life including my crush!!! Now that I screwed our first conversation, it's super awkward here and that was the last thing I wanted to do. Well I guess I forgot the order. Kind of set it up backwards to forward as the order. I kind of want to just run away from the awkwardness in the room. It took awkwardness to a whole new level. The only way I could’ve lowered the tension in the room was to… I guessed was to apologize to Amber. I started another conversation trying not to screw things up with her anymore. “You know what. I’m sorry. I was such a jerk. Sorry Amber.” I started the conversation.

June 05, 2021 03:51

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Amel Parvez
07:37 Jun 05, 2021

ahh wanna know what happens next. isnt he bit 'always in a hurry'? lol. amazinh work.


Somegenius Kid
06:29 Jun 06, 2021

THANKS!! I'll post my next episode asap!


Amel Parvez
15:37 Jun 06, 2021

YOU'RE WELCOME!! I am waiting..........


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