Gay LGBTQ+ Romance

Cole had just moved from Ukraine to California. He was an experienced baker, there was nothing he could not bake. From cakes, to pastries and pies. He came in on the 12th of September, 2018 He had plans on starting very little, he started making cakes and bread in his apartment, on his first day he had over thirty persons come to his apartment telling him the Aroma drew them to his place. On the first day, he gave majortiy of them the things he prepared to taste, but they kept on coming. so he decided to rent a whole new place just for his bakery as his apartment was becoming too little for the crowd. In no time, everybody had forgotten that other bakeries were in existence in that town, it was all about Cole. He had stolen their hearts. But this fame did not last for too long as another wonderful baker came into town. Also a guy, his name was Nathan.

Covered up in flour, Nathan ran around his bakery trying to get everyone to work so as to meet the orders before their deadline. Nathan used to live in Nigeria in Africa, but decided to relocate to California after he was done with college. He just got into town and decided to open a bakery. He attended a culinary school while he was in Nigeria and was a professional when it came to things that had to do with flour and an oven. He opened his bakery and in no time had a lot of customers, but the young man was not aware he had a rival and was already an enemy to that person. Cole and Nathans bakery stores were just opposite each other. They disliked each other so much. They both had to make and deliver all their pending orders as It was two days to the City's annual food festival that took place on the 14th of November every year. On this day, nobody picked orders or bought anything, it was a day of getting free food. Everybody looked forward to this festival because who doesn't like free food? Especially Cole and Nathan because this was the event that proved who had the better year amongst the both of them. The most exciting part of this event was when they got to crown the winner of the towns bakery for the year. This was always a fierce competition between Nathan and his arch rival Cole. They had never really spoken, only walked passed each other and it usually ended up in giving themselves annoying glares and stares. Cole hated Nathan so much because he came to the city before Cole and stole the hearts of everyone. Apparently, Cole came a year later and splitted these customers into two and took one half.

Bells Jingled and the people of the town ran out of their houses with so much excitement, it was the day of the Annual food festival. The crowd at the towns center was something else. Fathers, mothers and children were all packed up for the event. There were foods of all kinds already set up waiting to be devoured. But the event could not start without the presence of the "MVPS .Both bakeries were closed on that day for sales, but they were very busy trying to prepare the best dishes to impress the mayor and his wife. They both wanted the crown and the cash prize of $15,000. It was exactly 12:00pm when Cole and Nathan arrived the city's center with their employees and bakery products. They were both very handsome young men, even in between their hate, they checked each other out once in a while. The towns Mayor and his wife were to taste the food and make the judgements. Cole presented his first, a plate filled with cup cakes, bread and samosas. The mayor and his wife tasted them and made wonderful comments as usual. Nathan went to their presence with his own plate containing the same items, the mayor and his wife also tasted his and made wonderful comments. The Arena was quiet and intense as everyone waited for the results. After twenty minutes, the Mayor stood up, made his speech. He commended everyone for being present and thanked them. He then moved to the moment everyone was waiting for. The arena was filled with so much suspense. The suspense both bakers and their team felt was even more but there had to be just one winner. The Mayor announced Nathan as the winner of the years best baker. People started screaming and celebrating, Nathans employees started throwing plates of pie over at Cole whilst screaming "booooooooooo". Out of shame, Cole ran to the water fountain to cry. He felt devastated and wanted to leave the town after loosing twice in a row. He was still crying when he felt a hand on his shoulders, he turned and saw that it was Nathan. He asked what he wanted in a harsh tone, Nathan said he came to apologize because he was feeling bad. Cole asked why and Nathan told him even if they had been enemies for a while, he still had emotions in him and hence why he was apologizing. Cole held Nathans face and looked into his eyes. In no time, they found themselves kissing passionately. They were surprised at the fact that they kissed, not because they were both guys, at some point they suspected they were queer, but because they had been enemies for the longest time. After the kiss, Nathan told Cole that they were both good at what they do so instead of fighting and being enemies, why don't they become friends and collaborate to make an even bigger business and to also satisfy a wider range of customers from different countries. Cole agreed with him and said it was a perfect idea. They were shook when they heard a very loud "Awwww". They did not know the people had been watching. They were so shy at the sight of them. Everyone celebrated once more as they were tired of these guys being enemies. Now the two best bakers may probably end up being a couple. Well, their prediction was right,From that kiss, things became really romantic amongst them,they realized they were In love with each other. From being enemies, they later became friends and they ended up having a joint bakery and later got married.

December 11, 2020 12:29

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Ari Berri
16:24 Dec 15, 2020

This story is awseome! Feedback I would give, is to break it up into smaller paragraphs. It'll be easier to read that way. But other than that, great job!


Willie Samuel
19:05 Dec 15, 2020

Thank you so much! I'll try to do better next time. My first time writing a story actually 😊😂


Ari Berri
19:11 Dec 15, 2020

No problem. It's great! Please tell me when you write the next one. I'd love to read it.


Willie Samuel
13:33 Dec 16, 2020

Definitely! I read a few of your stories too and you're an excellent writer. Please put down your email so I text you for a few tips🤝


Ari Berri
14:47 Dec 16, 2020

I don't really use email. Can you you write them in the commets?


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