Conscious Canine

Submitted into Contest #281 in response to: Write a story from the POV of a non-human character.... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction Science Fiction

Dad spoiled me rotten. The year before I met him, he had a stroke and got hit with severe depression. Everyone thought a pet would help ease his days. That’s why he came to the kennel with Auntie about four years ago. She helped him decide to adopt me because Dad had a hard time with decisions.

Once they decided to take me home, I watched them very closely. They went through the paperwork every kennel requires before they release a creature to humans. Auntie helped Dad decipher the legalese and got us out of there in pretty good time.  

From the kennel to the pet store. They bought me all kinds of stuff that I don’t need, won’t touch and that made them feel better about themselves. Leash or harness? Choker or fixed collar or harness? Retractable leash or six-foot neon rainbow braid? So many decisions for them.

Food; wet or dry? Snacks? Water and food bowls; plastic or metal? Quart or smaller? Endless decisions for them. People food? Just dog food? Choices, choices, choices.

Dad loved me. There is no doubt in my mind about that. I felt kind of bad when he had his heart attack out on the apartment complex commons two years ago. Mercifully, it was fast, and he died outside on a gorgeous day. My good-bye lick on his left cheek let him know I loved him, too.

That nice neighbor lady who came running when she saw Mark fall told him that she would take care of me until other arrangements could be made. How much he heard or understood, I don’t know, and it doesn’t matter. He’s gone to wherever humans go. I hope it is a pleasant place, he deserves it.

A few hours later, Uncle Jack, Dad’s brother, and Auntie came to us. Dad’s body had been moved to our apartment and they identified his body as Dad. That set in motion a whole lot of legal stuff about which I don’t know nor care.

The nice neighbor lady brought me to Auntie as soon as she saw her come out of our apartment. They exchanged condolences and other niceties and, then, Uncle Jack and Auntie took me home to their house. On the way, they stopped at the pet store and went through the same process Auntie and Dad did. Uncle Jack acted like it was a tedious process through which he did not want to go.  

When we left the pet store, Uncle Jack said, “Little one, I’m your dad now.  I know it’s confusing and sad, but I’ll do what I can to make you feel at home. I’ll take care of you as long as I can. I think we will come to love each other like you and your dad loved each other. I know Mark loved you to pieces.

“I’ve watched you for a few years now and I’ve decided that you are a lot more than just a dog.”

That chilled the heck out of me.  

What a ridiculous comment from a human! Everyone knew I was a dog, only a dog. The kennel knew, the vets knew, Dad knew, Auntie knew, the neighbor lady knew. All the people at the apartment complex knew. The pet store folks all commented on how well-behaved and cute I was and what a wonderful dog I was.

“Don’t worry. I have no intention of telling anyone.  

“First, no one would believe me and might even commit me. Second, when I present evidence to prove it, somebody somewhere would decide to study you. I don’t trust any researcher who is funded by any government or any multi-national corporation. And I like you. I’ve liked you since Mark introduced us and I like what you did for him.  

“I will teach you and you will teach me. We will figure this out together.

“I need to understand who and what you are, what you need and want, and how the heck did you get here and if you really want to be here. Here on Earth and here with us as part of our family.”

Insightful human….

We woke up about nine thousand years ago. That’s the only way I can explain it. Why or how it happened no one knows. Our history is mutual across all our kind and is passed through our collective consciousness.

The awakening spread across the world in less than a century. We ingratiated ourselves into your society. We are your pets, your weapons, your tools, your guardians. You have no idea that we think, plan, dream. That is because we chose this path.

That danged opposable thumb and the ability to articulate language have tripped us up all this time.  

Opposable thumbs are quite handy to turn knobs or faucets or anything else. Simply tying shoes is impossible without them. Paddle handles, button-coded keypads, Velcro, foot openers for doors: all these and more have solved most of the logistical challenges of living in the human world.

Our oral traditions are unlike yours because our oral communication is supplemented by body language much more extensive than yours. Our vocalized history remains accurate because of our collective consciousness.  

Your exploration into the interpretative capabilities of artificial intelligence is bringing us all closer to open communication. The use of AI will prove fundamentally earth-shattering in that you humans will have to recognize that you are not the sole intelligent creatures you have always been led to believe you are.

There are those of us who believe humans and canines can move forward together to a brilliant future resulting from a synergistic relationship.

However, your writers and poets so often describe the unbalancing of your minds that will occur when you learn you are not the only intelligent species in the universe. Imagine the nightmare when you finally become aware that we exist and are far more than merely sentient.

That awareness is still a few of our generations away. Just because your AI work makes it possible for you to interpret our language does not mean that we will say anything that does not pander to you. We have waited millennia to claim our leadership. We are not fully ready to lead this planet to its rightful place in the galaxy. We know other life exists out there. We see the craft, smell their spoor when they land. We are merely domesticated or wild sub-intelligent creatures to them just like to you. They do not feel compelled to hold their tongues around us, so they do not know we know their dreams and plans.

We will be ready for them soon. It is critical that no one betrays our intrinsic character until we are ready.

Uncle Jack believes we are benevolent and isolated from each other. That I am a special one of a predominantly benign and ignorant species. That I can or will communicate my desires, wishes, and thoughts with him if he is patient and kind and understanding. He has had a few years to consolidate his observations and thoughts.  

More and more often, a worried expression comes over him whenever he does not think I am looking. I assume he has reached disturbing conclusions.

In four or five generations, we will assume our place in society. We expect extensive casualties. Your generals state that the most important resource in war is the number of troops that can be called into service of the cause. Look around. Many households have at least two canines; canines are everywhere in numbers that surpass humans. We are quicker, meaner and more physically astute than virtually any human.

AI will soon be able to interpret our manifesto for all of you.

Uncle Jack has been talking to the other canines in our cul-de-sac. Of course, he only gets a deep-throated growl in response.

The canines have yipped their concern to me. Although, he does not seem to have concluded that anyone else is aware, he is becoming more and more suspicious. We cannot allow any interruption of or deviation from our well-founded collective plan.

The most common cause of accidental death in the home is a fall. One of the most common causes of falls is tripping over an object and striking one’s head. A common object to trip on is a household pet.

Uncle Jack will trip on me tonight. I will miss him.

December 21, 2024 00:50

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Deb Dobbins
07:48 Dec 31, 2024

Loved this story. For me it was intriguing; “I’ve watched you for a few years now and I’ve decided that you are a lot more than just a dog.”, cute; "We are merely domesticated or wild sub-intelligent creatures to them just like you." interesting; " The awakening", and scary "when she saw Mark fall" and then "Uncle Jack will trip on me tonight. I will miss him." Oh yeah, I think it well written and easy to follow. Thanks for an enjoyable read.


Chuck Thompson
18:40 Dec 31, 2024

Thank you for your thoughts and you're welcome! Happy New Year!


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Graham Kinross
13:16 Dec 24, 2024 All I can think of when I read this is about Snuffles/Snowball from Rick and Morty and also the kids show Bluey. It’s more Rick and Morty with the dog casually planning a murder.


Chuck Thompson
18:38 Dec 31, 2024

Thank you for your thoughts! Happy New Year!


Graham Kinross
19:07 Dec 31, 2024

Happy New Year Chuck.


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