Joshua Jackson an Alumni who purposefully avoids their high School Reunion.

Submitted into Contest #61 in response to: Write about a character who goes to — or purposefully avoids — their high school reunion.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction High School Mystery

This story tells of Joshua Jackson an Alumni who purposefully avoids their high school reunion.

High School Reunion is a meeting of former classmates often organized at or near their school.

Joshua Jackson purposefully avoids his high school reunion at Lincoln Community School due to the following reasons . Among them includes

Joshua Jackson commented that he was too far from the school so he could not possibly attend high school reunion, the neatness and proximity to the school was another factor.

Again Joshua Jackson commented that high school reunion cost too much especially at Lincoln Community School which is about fifty dollars and hundred dollars for registration for a day event for alumni and each participant.

Also Joshua Jackson had nothing to see or do in that city where the school was located . Others also including Joshua Jackson ,knew that high School Reunion were like a bunch of boring people standing around bragging about their jobs ,their marriages and their kids.

This is probably the stereotype of what many high school reunions are like.

Again Joshua Jackson commented that he purposefully avoids high school reunion because he won't know anyone there at the event since it was a long time since he finished school.

In addition , Joshua Jackson commented that the people he knew would not be attending especially most of his classmates because some teachers inflicted corporal punishment on them during their childhood days when they were in school.

Again Joshua Jackson also gained weight and was not successful enough ,he was facing the challenges in life.

Joshua Jackson was concerned much about what teachers and other students will think ultimately of him.

It can also be observed that Joshua Jackson never bothered about the issue of joining in the fun, frolic and festivities of the High School Reunion of Lincoln Community School because he commented that most young students do drain treasury during School Reunion. The young man Joshua Jackson did not attend any high school reunion because he was also not informed through any other notice or newspaper. Joshua Jackson was kept unaware about any High School Reunion that the teachers and counsellors had in mind that was another reason for him not to have attended High School Reunion.

It was Joshua Jackson who disliked the fact that he does not want to be bullied by colleagues during high school reunion or some teachers to inflict some sort of corporal punishment on him.

Joshua Jackson does not want to demean himself to the level of high school Reunion, due to the fact that he was a Professor in Education and a graduate with his PhD.

As Joshua Jackson commented high school reunion was not a good experience but rather a horrible time for him. Also during reunion many kids and other students felt rejected by the

cliques for the stupidest of reasons.

Other kids and students including Joshua Jackson, Prince and Yvonne were relentlessly harassed and bullied, ostracized ,singled out since they were noted as victims of some sort of malicious rumours and gossip.

Again Joshua Jackson never thought it necessary to attend high school reunion because he was not ready in running another marathon.

It can also be noted that the harsh realities of the Adult world does not trespass onto school property. As noted Joshua Jackson never wanted to attend high school reunion because people knew him as an outcast,that weird kid or child everyone bullied made fun of back then in school.

Another reason for Joshua Jackson refusing high school reunion was that high school was a stepping stone that isn't any more special to them, they do not want to live their life back because of the challenges they have been through in life.

Joshua Jackson again commented that life moves on. He added that he was completely different now ,he had different outlook ,values,morals,ideas in life now and was not interested in engaging in high school reunion in his old age. Also even family get-together are not his idea of fun. Joshua Jackson does not have kids and does not want to talk about that either, this was a question that comes up much often during high school reunion.

Also Joshua Jackson was not interested in attending high school reunion because he wasn't popular in high school and didn't actually fit in their reunion. In addition Joshua Jacksons job or family commitments conflicts with the date, much often. Another factor or reason was that Joshua Jackson didn't like some classmates and still holds grudge with some of the students that was the reason why he never wanted to attend high school reunion .

Again Joshua Jackson never attended his high school reunion because he did not feel good about their present life or or what they have accomplished entirely in life.

Others including Joshua Jackson never attended high school reunion because they were afraid of not being recognized or remembered in life.

In addition Joshua Jackson never liked attending high school reunion because the people who set up the reunions were the jokes and cheerleaders.

He also wanted to avoid the fact of wasting time and money attending a High school reunion.

Also Joshua Jackson, knew that his school was not a fun place to attend high school reunion because there have been cases of alleged assaults and corporal punishment of some students and teachers.

As commented by Joshua Jackson that high school was not the highlight of his life and that he had very close friendship due to that he never attended High school reunion.

It is also noted that Joshua Jackson commented that if you didn't particularly have any fond memories in high school, then going to a high school reunion is not worth it entirely.

As previously noted , Joshua Jackson also avoided the fact of being singled out, pushed around and also undermined by other students,due to the fact that he wasn't simply like them ,so he never attended school reunion, but some students are noted not to be of some mature minds.

As noted honestly high school reunions are ridiculous some are full of bad attitudes.

Joshua Jackson added that attending the high school reunion makes me wonder how my former classmates in high school think of me now.

Also attending high school reunion was not a concern to Joshua Jackson.

Finally, Joshua Jackson added that he does not want to attend high school reunion since they sometimes invoke bad memories and other bad attitudes in students and other alumni.

Lastly, Joshua Jackson was trying to avoid seeing other teachers and students since they caused his high school experience to be terrible and also avoided all sorts of network opportunities since he does not know the behaviour of most of his colleagues and classmates.

October 01, 2020 09:55

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