
Another news story notification flashed across my phone screen, " please continue to stay inside...."

I couldn't bring myself to open it just to be told this nation wide quarrantine was going to continue for longer. 

I threw myself down on my bed, phone discarded beside me, as I stared at my ceiling. 

If I had talent or material it would be covered in colleges instead of the plan white I had already been starring at for weeks. 

Why is the man hole opening in my bedroom ceiling? Above my wardrobe? That thought amazes me everytime I look at it. Why isn't it in the hall way, like every other house I have ever lived in ? 

Was I really bored enough to climb up and see what other tenants my have left behind? 

I picked up my phone 2:30 pm checked if my phone had a flashlight, ok I think I need a chair. 

After some struggling I am now sitting on top of my wardrobe, I have lifted the man hole cover to one side, now I wonder just how much of me I can squeeze through the hole with out getting stuck. 

I put the flashlight function on and check phone charge 57 percent. I sit the phone just inside the man hole light shining up to the roof and start trying to pull myself up in to the hole , my head, shoulders and arms are through and I am struggling to catch my breath with all the dust I have disturbed.

I rest my elbows on the edge of the hole to stop myself from falling back into my room.

I so wish that I could have put a chair on top of my wardrobe, so I could use it to boost myself in to the roof further. 

As I lift my phone to try and look around I am confused, there seems to be another room up here. That doesn't make sense. I shine my flashlight over towards the door in my roof space, and lay it down light shining up as I use my arms to pull me through the rest of the hole. It's a very tight fit, as I am not a thin person, I am not very tall either as you might have figured out by now.

Finally i am in the roof ! From the out side of the house and the high ceilings in the house I expected this space to be so much smaller. I shine my flashlight around and see a few boxes on the other side of the hole clearly old Christmas decorations put up here and forgotten.

My attention is drawn back to the room and the door. Why is it up here? And what on Earth could It be used for? I start to walk over to it watching my step as the area around the man hole had boards down, to put things on but the path to the room was just a roof beam. 

Each step feels like I am walking a tight rope, trying to keep my balance. The beam is really only a center meter narrower than my foot on each side but being fat is not helping my balance. Thankfully it's only 20 of my heel to toe steps away and I grab hold of the door handle like a life line.

As I am finally standing there holding the handle, I start thinking that this wasn't such a great idea, I glance back over my shoulder and the hole seems so far away and there is going to be no support to grab hold of when I get back there and getting out of the hole and back on to my wardrobe ....wow let's just say I really didn't think this through. 

Holding the handle I see no key holes and let out a relieved breath, if the door was locked this would have been such a pointless venture.

Taking a deep breath, I twist the handle, I can hear the mechanism moving and the handle twisting. The door is sticking, probably hasn't been opened in a while, I put my shoulder to it and holding on to the handle I give it a little shove. The door swings open and I hang onto the handle with both hands, trying not to fall or stumble forward, but too late.

The room is dark as I expected and the sensation of falling seems to last forever.

I want my phone to see in the dark but realize I must have left it near the hole, although I don't remember putting it down.

Iam starting to freak out ! How am I still falling? The room isn't that big, I am short and a lot closer to the floor than most people. 

Suddenly Bam I land on something. 

Winded I lay there catching my breath glad there isn't more dust. I am on my side, I realize my eyes are closed. I can feel sunlight but know somehow that I am still inside.

I reluctantly open my eyes and I get the feeling of being in a fun house with the repeated mirror reflection. I can see myself laying down facing myself and as I try to start sitting up me in the reflection is watching me but not moving. 

I slowly take my eyes off my reflection and look at the items around me. I seem to be in my room, my other self is still on the bed. I quickly look up at the ceiling ..no man hole. Oh bugga. I slowly walk to my bedroom door and listen. I can hear my kids, I turn back to look around my room and the other me is still on the bed like she is asleep. A few things are different. My computer tablet is missing from my night stand and there is no sign of my phone. I turn back to the door and open it slowly, this is not my house! My bedroom door has opened on to a beach , I see my kids out near the water and one waves at me. I wave back. the ocean looks different, the colour are wrong some how.

 I am reluctant to let go of my bedroom door, but I want to join my children, I see one of my daughters and realize that I have traveled some how to another dimension. My daughter sees me and smiles, as she runs towards me to hug me. I want to let go of the door and hug her with both arms. I have missed her so much, she hasn't been in my life for so long now. She is so beautiful and I am so proud. I put my foot in my doorway to stop the door from closing. I know this isn't real. As my daughter reaches me and we hug. I cry , she laughs and asks why I am crying at the beach and I hug her tighter and breathe in her fragrance. I cherish the feel of her arms around my neck. I want to take my foot away from the door and stay in this strange place forever. My other children hear the laughter and come over to me. My grandchildren trailing behind all happy to see me. I want so much to be able to walk on the strange new beach with my beautiful family. I start to think maybe I died in my man hole. When I was choking on the dust and struggling to breathe. I am afraid to let of the door even more now.... What if I am dead? What if this new dimension is heaven ? What if this is all just a dream ? I don't want to leave my family on the beach. I don't want to miss my estranged daughter again. But it's getting harder to hold the door open. I don't want to be dead ! But if I let that door close I am sure I will be. I hug all my children and grandchildren. I slowly force my door open. And slide back into my room. The door closes behind and disappears. I look at me laying on the bed asleep and lay down next to me. I close my eyes and pray that I am not dead. 

 As my eyes close that feeling of falling overwhelmes me. It seems to go on forever. I land winded and confused again. I lay there trying to catch my breath. But this time I am on my back. 

 I slowly open my eyes and stare straight up at my white ceiling. I laugh thinking that had to be some bizarre dream. I glace over to the man hole and there are dusty finger prints on it and the ceiling around it and the man hole cover isn't quite in it's place. I sit up on my bed and the chair is still up against the wardrobe door. 

 I reach around for my phone. Charge is 58 percent time is 2:29 pm.... Ok that made no sense at all. I had a nap and time traveled back 1 minute? My phone charged itself 1 percent even though it wasn't plugged in. And I was covered in dust.

April 23, 2020 10:50

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