My story is entitled Jesus Christ being followed by the twelve disciples who were his followers.

Written in response to: "Start your story with a character being followed. "

Adventure Creative Nonfiction Mystery

My story is entitled Jesus Christ being followed by the twelve disciples who were his followers.

Once upon a time, the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and informed her that she will give birth to a baby boy called Jesus and he will perform miracles and wonders, heal the sick and raise the dead.

Also Jesus will be crucified and on the third day he will resurrect and ascend to heaven.

Mary later informed Joseph about what the Angel Gabriel informed her about her about her unborn son, Jesus.

When Jesus was about to be born, King Herod heard about his good deeds and miracles that he will perform so he ordered for all babies born at that period to be killed.

Jesus Christ is the greatest being to be born on this earth. He is Lord of Lords , the creator, our Saviour and He came earth so that we could live with God.

Jesus Christ was born to the virgin Mary in a small village in a remote corner of the World. Also the humble birth of Jesus Christ fulfilled the hopes and dreams of all of us. Jesus was the son of God with infinite knowledge and power and yet he was also mortal and susceptible to hunger and pain.

However Jesus Christ fully experienced the challenges and sorrows of his life.

Again Jesus Christ knew each of us and then understands us perfectly.

As a young man, Jesus was teaching the word of God. At the age of twelve years he taught in the temple and those who heard him were astonished .

When Jesus began his ministry of the word of God , he fasted and prayed in the wilderness for fourty days. Jesus was tempted by the devil and he overcame temptation.

Jesus Christ was baptized in the Jordan River by John the Baptist.

Although Jesus was without sin he was still baptized by immersion in order to teach us the obedience to God.

After the baptism of Jesus, God declared , “This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. (Matthew 3:17).

Also Jesus healed the sick , gave sight to the blind and even brought the dead back to life.

Jesus more importantly performed miracles and he worked in mysterious ways. Jesus works was considered Blasphemous behaviour by the Jewish Priests.

However Jesus continually reminded people that his works were aligned within Gods will so that the father may be glorified in the son.

Again Jesus exhibited the perfect example of love. During his life on earth he cared for the poor.

Jesus healed the sick and he never turned away little children . Jesus love is endless and available for all of us.

Also Jesus taught his followers and disciples that we must forgive. Although Jesus died on the cross he forgave the people who killed him. The twelve disciples and followers of Jesus were known as the Apostles.

Also the bible teaches that the original Apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ were Peter, James, John, Andrew, Thomas, James , James son of Alpheus , Bartholomew, Thaddeus and Simon Zelotes.

Again the twelve disciples and followers of Jesus Christ represented those Apostles who would learn from him and then assist him in his mission.

The number twelve is symbolic as it represents the twelve tribes of Israel in the Jewish scriptures.

However, the mission of the twelve followers and also disciples was to preach the gospel, perform exorcisms in order to drive out evil spirits and be with Jesus.

Also Jesus many important things to his disciples and followers on the hill side.

Again Jesus told people not to swear , to share with people who ask us for things to serve God and not to worry about earthly treasures and to become perfect like our father in heaven.

Howbeit, Jesus also called the twelve disciples to preach and then bless others.

Again Jesus Christ had followers who were known as his disciples. It can be noted that Jesus healed the sick , walked on water , raised the dead, calmed the sea and then turned water into wine.

Also these miracles fulfilled ancient prophesies and then demonstrated his divinity. Jesus Christ was showed infinite compassion for us.

With all his assurance , we know that he is our God and that he has power over all creations.

Also we can have faith in him to perform miracles in our lives today.

It was Jesus Christ who gave sight to the blind.

Again Jesus Christ touched their eyes saying according to your faith be it unto you , and their eyes were opened.

Jesus Christ cleansed the lepers and they lifted up their voices saying Jesus , Master Have mercy on us.

Jesus healed the sick and the afflicted. When Jesus saw her he called her to him and said unto her woman thou art loosed from thine infirmity.

In addition Jesus raised the dead. There was a dead man carried , the only son of his mother and she was a widow. Jesus Christ said unto her, Weep not.

 The young man I say unto thee, Arise and he that was dead sat up. Luke 7:12-5

Jesus turned water into wine. Jesus said unto them fill the waterpots with water.

In the fourth watch of the night , Jesus went unto them , walking on the sea. Matthew 14:25).

Jesus fed thousands with little food. Also Jesus took the five loaves and two fishes he looked up to heaven and then broke the loaves and gave them to his followers known as his disciples to set before them and two fishes divided among them all.

Jesus was the greatest teacher who ever lived. Also he often used Parables or stories to teach important lessons that we can still learn from today.

Jesus condemned hypocrisy , he taught them unfamiliar truths and then showed compassion to all sinners. Also Jesus demonstrated to the incredible power and some civic and church leaders felt threatened by his influence.

However the night before he was killed Jesus retreated to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray.

He felt the weight of every sin and pain known to humankind and he suffered for every person who ever lived.

Afterward Jesus was betrayed arrested , mocked, beaten and the crucified on the cross.

Jesus Christ fulfilled Gods will. Even as Jesus Christ was being killed by his own people he cried out that God may have mercy on them.

Jesus rose from the grave. It can be noted that three days after the death , he rose from the tomb and then appeared to his friends and followers.

Also because Jesus lives , I can face tomorrow , because my redeemer lives.

As Jesus lives again , we too will be resurrected one day.

It can be noted that Jesus broke the bands of death when he arose from the tomb the that first Easter morning.

Also because of his sacrifice and then resurrection we can possibly meet our daily challenges with faith in our lord and saviour Jesus Christ. 

Lastly we can know that there are no lost causes , there are no endings and none of us are beyond his perfect love and infinite power to save.

Posted May 30, 2024

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