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Kathleen was feeling numb as usual. Going to her local bookstore had helped her to escape. Escape to places that brought comfort to her mind while reading the stories others would deem childish. This particular day was raining. The rain on this day was different. It made her feel more lost. More alone. Instead of choosing yet another story of dashing princes and scaly dragons, her aimless walk brought her to the self help section of the bookstore. She was looking and looking. For what in particular she wasnt quite sure. She just figured a book of really great advice from some really great guru of sorts would make her feel. Feel something other than this heavy gloom in her chest. As she lost herself in thoughts of constant wishing, a man next to her was staring at her quite intensly. She glanced over to him and smirked. He smirked back. His stunning green eyes were very lovely. Too lovely perhaps. He looked away rather timidly and grabbed a book about self loathing. Kathleen was curious about why such a beautiful man would hate himself. And as if he could read her mind her answered, " i have been really stressed lately and i just dont think im doing anything right ya know". She was surprised he was so randomly candid with her, and replied " oh, yeah i know the feeling." "Oh really? You do? " he asked her. " um, yes i do" she muttered. As she spoke he moved in closer to her and examined her face and neck with his strong green eyes. " i should introduce myself. I am david." He put his hand up to hers to shake it. " oh yeah, hi. Haha, im kathleen". " well hello kathleen". She giggled and took his hand. It was very warm and soft. Much softer than expected for a man. The bookstore made an announcement that it was closing in 5 minutes. David grabbed the self loathing book and took it up to the counter. Kathleen was disappointed that she found nothing really to spark her interest. Except for david. As she approached the front of the store she saw nobody except an elderly woman and a few teens. The stunning man was no where to be found. Just her luck she thought as she made her way out the door. As she started walking to her car the man was standing next to it reading the book. He looked up as she approached. His broody smile made her giggle as she got closer. "Hey. Do you think you could give me a lift"? He asked her. " um... sure i guess so." She told him. He smirked and she blushed. He got in the passenger side and buckled up his seatbelt. "Where to?" She asked. "Just go straight for now." As she drove they talked about many things. Starting with the weather and politics and pets, etc. Then he got real quiet for awhile. Then he randomly started asking questions about supernatural topics. Especially whether or not she thought supernatural creatures existed. As he was going on and on with all these questions she didnt quite know how to respond to him. She never really had thought about all that stuff before. Except for watching the occasional ghost story or 2. She had told him she wasnt really sure. He looked alittle disappointed. She really didnt know why all of a sudden they were talking about such things. She had tried to change the subject to something else but he kept circling back around to the same topic. She had asked him why he was so interested in all that stuff anyway. He told her straight and simply that he believed in all of it because he was a dark one. When she turned to ask what that meant his lovely eyes turned completly black and his whole faced turned dark. She gasped as he jumped on her and sank his teeth into her face. When she awoke kathleen was laying on this very soft velvet couch. The room the couch was in was very luxurious. Very fancy wallpaper and very rich furniture and rugs. She got up and walked around the circular room to find nobody else present. Just her. Alone. Very confused she went looking for her purse and phone. But to her frustration she has found nothing. Then one of the doors at the side of the room swung open and david had walked in. He looked back to normal. Nice hair, stunning eyes, and no creepy dark demon skin. "Where am i?. Kathleen asked annoyed. "Dont worry hun, i brought you to my house at the coast." The coast! She did not understand what the heck was going on. And the coast. Did he understand how long it would take for her to get back. Unless of course he wasnt planning on her going back. At this thought she started to get very nervous. "David, why am i here". He poured a drink and turned to stare at her. "Well, this is your new home kathleen". "What are you talking about?" She was very confused and angry now. He continued by saying " you seemed so distraught at the store, i figured i would bring you here and you could be one of my transitions. Ya know, to cheer you up". Transitions? What the hell is this guy talking about, she wondered. " look i dont want any trouble. Ok?" He looked back at her perplexed. "Yes i know. Neither do i". She really was starting to think this man was crazy. " just please take me home now." He walked closer to her. "Sorry, love. Cant do that." She backed away from him. " what are you talking about?" He looked at her more intensly and said " i thought you would be pleased to become like me. This will give you a new start." " a new start?" Kathleen asked, very shocked and nervous now. " yeah", he said. " you will be my new dark one". He said this with such a grin that my skin crawled and i knew things will never be the same again.

January 20, 2020 02:09

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1 comment

23:01 Jan 29, 2020

It was a very interesting take on the prompt. I liked that you didn't go in a sad direction. I think adding some more descriptive words and in depth takes on the setting and emotions of the characters would add to the flow of the story. You also switch points of view and from past tense to present tense.


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