Funny Romance Science Fiction

The sun shone as the sole source of light in the dull blackness of space that stretched to infinity and back. The warm sun rays felt good as they crashed against the cold cheeks of mine, providing me warmth in the freezing temperatures. Hours ago, a solar storm had traversed my doorstep and took me flying with it. Now, I rest, millions of miles away from where I should have been. The panels that converted the abundant solar energy to the much-craved electricity were all mutilated, vandalized by the vexed currents. Being the lone soul on a spaceship sometimes hurts.

The temperature kept reminding of the risks increasing by the moment. Without the heater, it would be only hours before the temperature fell well below the freezing point. Then another few hours before the blood that raced through my veins froze. And as I tried to go through all the situations I could face, the pain increased steadily with each passing minute. And then the warm thoughts of me on earth crossed my cerebrum. The royal blue painted night skies tinted with sparkling white stars, the half-bitten moon that signified love, and the crisp winds that brushed my hair regularly. And soon, with these thoughts came by a flying image, the very notion brought a faint smile on the grim, shivering face of mine. My mind traveled back into time, as the budding time-traveler in me gained the better of me for one last time.

I traveled back in time, and soon in front of my eyes, could I see a harsh summer afternoon in India. The sky that stretched for thousands of miles until the horizon was devoid of life donating clouds and the sun mercilessly poured down tons and tons of neutrons, creating havoc for the residents of Mumbai. Sweat kept trickling down as the body tried to counter the blistering heat. And in this heat, I raced down the lane, rushing to meet her for the last time before I left Indian, or rather the last time before I left earth. And as I the ferociously hot winds pierced my skin, I mentally rehearsed all that I had planned for today. In moments I stood in front of the cafe, where, through the glass door, I could see the love of my life sipping something from her mug. She looked exquisitely beautiful as she sported a yellow floral dress. Worry filled those intricately designed brown eyes of those. And as I opened the door and she noticed me, an enchanting smile. The thin layer of foam that resided on her bare upper lips indicated that she had been having a coffee.

Although that day we had been in that small cafe for about three hours, I don't remember a single thing she spoke, mostly because I couldn't take my eyes off the almond eyes of her and her fragranced hair made sure that no one could dare ignore her beauty. God! I loved her like hell. And the last thing I remember, she bid me with gleaming eyes that hid the millions of tears she was going to shed once I was here. I somehow didn't shy from dropping two or three drops. Or was it just her feelings that I reflected? I need to answer this question once. The way she had hugged me that day while I left, her face buried deep in my chest and tears escaping her eyes, I still feel that she is somewhere around. And then, the way she planted a brief kiss on my lips had done it, all, for the day and an entire lifetime.

And now that I am here, away from her, away from the world. I miss those weekend drives, the Friday nights and, the night binging. For now, all I have is a thick blanket draped over my shoulders and my blue hands. The blood seems to be freezing. It is just a matter of time before I'll be here, succumbing to internal bleeding. And I always found that she helped me whenever I needed her. Like just thinking of her eased my tense mind. And then a smile in such a situation could only have been done by her. And I think that remembering her would be the best thing to do, for loving her was the most sacred I could have imagined doing. Of course, another hour flies by, and so does my soul out of my body. I closed my eyes, a smile on my face, and as I rested myself against the chilled metallic wall, I felt vibrations all around. Then I started feeling heat seeping in through the walls, and soon the blanket that had been saving my life seemed a burden. I got rid of the blanket and peeped out through the window, merely some feet away. The thick glass was colder than I had expected it to be and as soon as I placed my hands on it, my palm hurt like hell. And then, I froze, not from the cold, from the shock, of course. In front of me was a swarm of spaceships, the difference? I saw some strange creatures maneuvering it. They were well above 7 feet, greenish-black in appearance. Their eyes were nothing more than slits on their face, and in place of a nose, they had a hollow space. To their back was attached a large muscle than once might have been a tail, but now resembled nothing less than a tree trunk.

Damn. I had run into a herd of wierd looking reptiles who traversed on two legs. Of course, they could eat me. Hell, I shoved her thoughts into a distant part of my mind as all that I could think was their grumbling stomachs and my precious life. "Help!!!!" I screamed in my mind as I scrambled around to find something to fight. I am not going to die without defending myself. After all, I am representing the earth in this inter-world life or death competition.

September 11, 2020 14:47

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Jessica C
01:52 Sep 17, 2020

Hi there! I'm here from the critique circle! First of all, you have some grammatical errors. Passive voice, switching tenses, etc...but I feel like that might just be a translation error. Are you fluent in another language besides English? As an American, I don't understand what it's like to have more than one language in my head. Because, you know, American schools are just top notch that way (insert sarcastic eye roll here...lol). But that aside, Vedaant, this story is brilliant. It's weird and quirky and just ambiguous enough ...


Vedaant Sengar
02:24 Sep 18, 2020

Hi there Felt elated to recieve your response. Yes you guessed it right, I am a 15 year old Indian and English comes as a second language to me. I will be more careful about your feedback regarding grammar and I am immensely grateful for the appreciation you have showered. Weaving more tales and looking forward to hearing from you.


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