Adventure Fantasy Fiction

Seravina Rebus posed before an ornate long mirror in the master bedroom on the villa’s first floor. The ivory Bohemian dress flowed perfectly around her athletic build. The Tasanaris had graciously allowed her to use the room to get ready. A distant church bell chimed twelve times. The ceremony would finally begin in thirty minutes. Seravina smiled as the reflection revealed two members of her new family.  

Mrs. Hemingway, the groom’s adopted mother, fiddled with the final touches of Vina’s dress, while Emmy, Tood’s reunited daughter, placed violets in the empress’s lovely braided blonde hair. Granny stepped back and sighed.

“You my dear, are radiant. You are ready to marry a king.”

Emmy placed the last flower and joined her great grandmother. “Good thing you are. Tood is a lucky man. Vina, you are stunning.”

“Thank you, friends. I am ready.”

“We will give you some space, dear. I have to adjust Emmy's gown and hair.  She has been fidgety. Come along.”  The elderly woman held Emmy’s hand and dragged her from the bedroom.

“You would be too, if it was your wedding, our wedding, my family’s wedding day. I can’t believe it, can you believe it? In less than an hour, you will have a husband, my father. You will be a wife and a mother.  My mom. Wow.”

“Stepmother, Emmy,” Seravina replied and laughed, “I know. It is great. Please go with Granny and get ready. See you soon.” She gave Emmy a hug.

The sweet young lady waved while Granny pulled her from the room into the deserted hallway. Seravina grinned with tenderness and heard their light steps exit into another room.  

The bride's ears perked up when the villa’s front door creaked open. Her eardrums vibrated as familiar leather boots traversed from the front entrance, down her hallway and halted at her door. Deft hands adjusted a tie, straightened his suit, and then brushed some crumbs from his pants. He unfastened the jacket and quickly buttoned it up again. The man brushed fingers through his hair, popped a tiny mint into his mouth, and exhaled. He raised his left hand to knock but never got the chance.

The princess called, “Salutations, Jak. Please, come in. I have been expecting you.” She turned to face the visitor.

 The door swung open. Captain Jak Chico leaned against the door frame. He kept his head down and smirked. His vision only caught a glimpse of the bride.

“You gotta tell me how you do….”

 His brilliant smile faded to awestruck wonder as he gazed upon Seravina in all her nuptial splendor. The boisterous captain could not utter another syllable.

“You can close your mouth now, Mr. Chico. I am not a trollop to be ogled.  I will assume your reaction is a compliment.  How have you been?  Staying out of mischief?” 

Chico followed her direction and cleared his throat. He stepped into the room and started to close the door. 

“For the most part, Your Highness. You look…. You look… I mean you look…” 

“I see your vocabulary has not improved.” She teased. “Keep the door ajar, please. I am glad you accepted our invitation. You look handsome.”

“Thank you, Seravina.” He blushed. “I was surprised, but I am glad I'm here.  It will be a glorious day for you. How is the Ol’ Junkman?”

"My groom, Tood is wonderful, thank you.”

Jak grounded his teeth. “Good.”

“Did you bring a guest?”

“Yes.  She is parking the car. I am still learning to drive.” He finger combed his hair. “I’m moving to Florida. Miami. I was signed by the Panthers as a punter, but they traded me to a team named the Dolphins.”

“Congratulations. You are extremely athletic. You will do well in the warmer climate.”

“Thanks. Woof told me you played Battleball and won. Did you like it?”

“Yes, quite exhilarating.” Her green eyes sparkled. “Almost as grand as casting down a worthy foe on the field of battle and plunging my sword into his bowels.”

He blinked several times. 


“Enough with the pleasantries, what do you want Jak?”

“Right to the point.” He frowned and shoved his hands into pant pockets. 

The bride said, “Just because I am friendly does not make us compatriots.” 

He chuckled, “I already know when you are unfriendly. I have the scar to prove it.” The Legion captain pointed to a jagged scar over his left eye. 


Jak said, “You saved my life twice. I am in your debt.  I don’t like to be in debt.”

“Actually it was three times. Remember, on the streets of Between.”

He recalled and smiled, “Correct again, Counselor. But I am here to warn you.”

“Is this about Joselyn Castillo, Emmy’s mother? 

“Yes.  Josie has recruited me to join her cause.  She made me a very enticing offer.  I have not accepted.  She wants to teach me how to use my powers.”

“That is not all, I imagine.” She sat down on the bed. “Jak. She cannot be trusted.  She is a powerful witch.  She will use you and throw you away like a rag.”

“I know.” He leaned against the wall. “She said the same thing about you. I will handle it when the time comes.” 

“Does she know you are here with me?”

“Yes and no. I told her I had to use the restroom.  She dropped me out front. I came right into the house. Your security is pretty slack.” 

“Someone has been watching you the whole time.” Seravina said, “She must have used a masking spell.” She asked Jak, “What type of vehicle was it? Did it have the symbol of a trident?”

“Maybe?  It was black and gold. I stared at her body more than the vehicle.  I think it started with an ‘M’.” 

Seravina touched her ear. She lifted a finger to silence Chico. “Will and Penny report.” She said and listened to the reply. “Excellent. You noticed a black and gold Maserati. New York license plate. It was Sandy’s vehicle. The woman is five feet nine inches tall, light-skinned, freckled with short auburn hair.  Floor length green dress with a long slit.” 

Chico nodded in agreement. 

“That’s her. Observe and report. Have an usher escort her to the ceremony and seat her on the bride’s side. Do not engage. Thank you.”

She tapped her ear and stood up. 

“Thank you, Jak.” 

“Josie has wicked plans for you and your fiance. She mentioned something about a Bloodstone.  I had no idea…”

A silver dagger suddenly appeared at the captain’s throat. Seravina’s skilled hand held it millimeters from his jugular. He did not move.  Sweat drops formed on his hairline.

“Do not play me false, Mr. Chico. Your pulse just quickened.  I would hate to have scarlet stains on my wedding gown.” 

“I am telling the truth.  She wants to destroy you.  She hates you.  For some reason she wants Tood.”

“I have deduced as much. How Jak? Where? When?” 

“I don’t know specifics.” 

The knife slipped closer.  Chico gulped.

“She mentioned a sword and a baby.  She spoke about places I’ve never heard of before; sounded foreign.  She has a massive army of Reckons waiting for her orders.  I know it’s soon, 24-36 hours.”

She lowered the weapon and it disappeared in her dress.

“My gratitude for the information. It is Rakkans.  I like you, Jak, but I don’t trust you. You are a scheming and charming juvenile delinquent.”

“Thanks. You say the nicest things.  Are we even?” He touched his neck.

“Far from it.  However, you have reduced your debt by one.”

“That’s fair. It’s fun being a secret agent. Bond, James Bond.”

“Who is that?” Seravina asked.

“Never mind. I will contact you if I find out more. I better find my seat and date. Good luck with the whole marriage thing.” 

He walked out of the room and paused in the doorway.

“Captain,” Seravina called, “be mindful and alert. Your adversary is a hungry lioness.” 

He smirked and walked away, “She also described you the same way.”

She touched her ear again. “Do not let her out of your sight.”

Her gray eyes glistened.  

She knelt down and prayed for her fiance.


Tood wiggled on an intricate rocking chair inside the groom’s tent.  The white canvas building was perched past the ceremony seating area. Preston King, his best friend from New York, leaned against the tent next to the inside flap. Preston twirled an elaborate Blackthorn walking stick.

Tood removed his heirloom pocket watch. He slipped the gold chain through his fingers and then whirled it three times.  He caught it and scanned the time. 

 12:15 pm.  

“Are you nervous, Mr. Doorf?” Preston said, glancing at his wrist watch.

“Nervous, Mr. Preston? It’s only the biggest day of my life.” He exhaled.

He slicked back his wavy brown hair. He walked over to the plastic window and observed many guests arriving and sitting in the rows of the white folding chairs. 

“You know this is my third engagement and…”

Preston replied, “This is the fourth time you have told me. Everything is going as planned. It is a lovely spring day. My sister has all the venues covered and staffed with good, vetted people. Don’t worry when you can pray. You taught me that.”

“Right. Where is the preacher?” Tood asked. “I want to speak with him.”

Preston touched his ear. “Is the pastor here? What do you mean he just arrived? Bring him to the groom, immediately.” He turned to Tood. “No worries, I will handle this. Stay put.” 

Preston snatched the walking stick in mid-rotation and exited from the enclosure. Tood watched his oldest friend leave and then returned to viewing the arrivals.  

The tent flap reopened. A ginger haired woman in an emerald dress entered. She jumped in surprise, dropped her matching clutch purse, and blushed.

“Sorry, I was told this was the ladies room. Wrong place. You look like the groom. I'll be going.” She retreated. 

“No problem. You’re not the first one searching for the bathroom. Thanks for coming to the wedding. Who are you?”

“You are too kind. I’m Jessie, a friend of Jak Chico, the football player. We just met.”

“I see. Nice to meet you. The restrooms are near the house.”

“Thanks. By the way, you look very handsome in your military attire. Is that a real sword?”

Tood grinned, “Thank you. Yes, a family relic.”

“Sorry to have bothered you,” Jessie said, “good luck today.” 

“Thank you.” 

Tood returned to the window, but spotted her little bag. He picked it up. As she pulled open the flap, he called out.

“Excuse me, Miss, you left your purse.”

She paused and stepped back inside. 

Tood’s eyes widened.  

The redhead transformed into an ebony haired beauty with brilliant blue eyes wearing an indigo outfit.  Josie tossed her long dark hair to one side and smiled. Her deliberate, sexy walk held Tood captive. He rubbed his eyes in disbelief. The double slits on her shimmering blue dress revealed her toned legs. His heart galloped and his throat became the Sahara. Tiny droplets of perspiration formed on his upper lip. Her french tips slithered down her sides and rested on sensuous hips.  Josie undressed the groom with lustful eyes.  

“Look who shines like a new Maserati. Hello, lover.”

“How dare you come here after what you did to Emmy and Mario. Why did you come back?”

“They’re kids; they’ll get over it. No greetings. No hug. No kisses. How about one little kiss between old friends?” Josie pouted as she advanced.

Tood gulped and lifted a clammy hand in protest.

“Stop Josie. Don’t get any closer. I don’t want you anymore."

“Tood, sweet, Tood.” She scanned his body. “Your mouth is not speaking for your chiseled body. You are barely able to resist me and I haven’t even used magic. Yet.” 

Her alluring gaze transfixed his mind as she drew closer and closer. The intoxicating aroma of Chanel Number 5 lowered his defenses further. Tood shut his eyes to escape from the dark-haired abyss and remembered a glimmer of hope. ‘During temptation, the Good provides a way of escape.’ He sensed Josie’s soft hands reaching forward to caress his face. 

“No!” He stepped away from the temptress. “Do not touch me. I belong to another.” Tood extended the purse to her.

Josie halted and lowered her hands. She retrieved the purse, and casually put it behind her back. “I understand. No touching. Just talking.” 

“What do you want?” 

She pointed to him. “I thought it was obvious.”

“On my wedding day!” Tood barked, “There is more to this incursion than just me.”

“Incursion?” Josie laughed. “You know, Tood, I am not as bad as your prude paints me. I have used my powers for good. I founded an orphanage and provided college scholarships for countless youth. Of course, I have been selfish and vain. I am human, not a monster. The father of our daughter is getting married. I wouldn’t miss this event.”

“How did you…”

“I have my ways.” Her manicured nails ran through her silky strands. “I am disappointed you have repelled me, but I am not done with you. I have three proposals for you. I’m giving you a choice.”

“I’m listening. Just keep your distance.”

“May I sit, these heels are killing me.”

He pointed to the rocking chair. She sat, crossed her legs, and removed the shoes. 

“Thank you. This is so smooth and quiet. Is that a mini-fridge? May I have some water, please?”

“Your proposals?”

“First, if you run away with me now privately and become my partner, then I promise not to destroy Between or Seravina.”

Tood opened his mouth in protest, but Josie raised her hand. 

“Please wait, until I finish, my friend. Where was I? Yes, second, if you call off the wedding, break Seravina’s heart and publicly leave with me, then you can keep Between and I will not kill Seravina or any of your family and friends. Third, if you hand over your ancient sword to me, right now, then I will not disturb the wedding ceremony, the reception, or your honeymoon; 72 hours tops. Unless your honeymoon is like two weeks later, I can give you that time. Oh, I also promise never to harm Emmy and Mario.” 

“We are going to Bermuda in a week. Everything was booked. Short notice. Would that work?”

“I can work with that. I completely understand. Last year, my spontaneous trip to Hawaii. A complete disaster. I had to alter so many people’s minds just to get a beach house. Such a headache.” 

“What assurances will I have that you won’t destroy Between even if I go with you?”

“My word.”

“None.” Tood paced. “You have become powerful enough to threaten Between, but you don’t have enough strength. Why destroy Between when you could rule it and control all the worlds?”

“Like you?” She said, “Tood, you have immense power, but you choose to hide it, protect it, and for Good’s sake, never use it. Your power and control of the Doors has never been challenged. You could manipulate the world and mold it in your image for good, yet you cower to help the innocent and lowly. Like they even care for you. The same people you protect day after day, year after year, generation after generation, consider you and your family nothing but trashy junkers. Garbage men and women. They look down at you, spit on you, and laugh at you. Remember, I saw it first hand. You, who are kind, sweet, giving, loving, but these awful people despise you.”

“The Doorfs have been challenged before over this exact concern. The war caused the Black Death in Europe. My family won, but millions of people died.”

“The bubonic plague was caused by rats and poor hygiene.”

“Between rats fleeing the war and contaminating the food and water.” 

“Your time is over. I will do what is best for all the worlds. Once I unleash my….” She laughed and pointed a finger at him. “Sometimes, I forget how clever you are, Mr. Doorf. Not another peep from me. Make your choice.” 

Tood asked, “Why do you want the sword?”

“Personal reason: a souvenir of our forbidden love.”

“Josie, it is not too late to stop, come to your senses, and prevent all this bloodshed.”

“I have to come to my senses? For hundreds of years, your family has done nothing to help the unfortunate, the poor, the destitute, the starving in any of these worlds. But I have to come to my senses. Wake up, my love. Your ways have not worked and will not work. Join me and together we will do the right thing. Maybe, we can have a little fun along the way.” She winked at him. “I am the definition of fun.”

Tood unstrapped the sheath holding his Oothbert sword. He held it out to Josie. She gathered her heels in one hand, stepped forward, and grasped the leather. They held it together for a moment. 

The groom announced, “I will never run away with you or humiliate Seravina. I have chosen her over you. I will fight you until my last breath to protect those awful Between people.”

He released it to her. 

Josie placed the weapon behind her back and tiptoed next to him. Their eyes locked. Without warning, her voluminous lips discovered his surprised mouth. The light kiss sparked purple and glowed. 

She released him and stepped back.

“Sweet as the first time. I haven’t given up, my love. You have two weeks from the end of the reception. Enjoy your honeymoon.” 

Josie smirked, spun a half-turn, and glided away. She vanished into a puff of white smoke.  

Tood blinked his confused eyes and exhaled. The sword rattled against his left leg. He caressed his lips and then examined his pocket watch.

12:16 pm.

August 22, 2024 00:48

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Jim King
15:28 Aug 29, 2024

I like how he has used fantasy with reality, there is humour with James Bond being mentioned. The only thing missing was muggles not being there, Harry Potter lives forever.


Keith Menendez
17:37 Aug 31, 2024



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