Fantasy Adventure Fiction

A black box sat on my white wooden porch.  Curiosity ate at me, my blue eyes noting the stunning lack of an address.  A cloaked man darted into the chilly cold winter night, my hand raised to stop him.  Stars twinkled up in the inky black sky, a white moon shone down on my green  silk robe.  White flakes fluttered around me, snow landing gently in my long red wavy hair.  Cautiously, my shivering body poked the box with a nearby umbrella.  Clamping my eyes shut, praying it wouldn’t blow up my black saltbox home.  Nothing happened, if it wasn’t a bomb then what was it.  Closing my red door, I scurried to get my green dish washing gloves to pick it up.    The rubber stuck to my pale skin, cold sweat dripping down my forehead.  My hands trembled as it felt unwieldy in my sweaty palms.  Unsure of what it was, it landed on the round oak table in a thud.  The plastic squeaked, my box cutter slicing through the clear packing tape.  Orange peanuts sat on top, begging to be searched through.  Disbelief dropped my jaw, wonder filling my eyes.  A beautiful emerald ring glittered in the yellow light of the black metal chandelier over my table.  Furrowing my brows, the gloves slipped off in a swift motion.  Mesmerized by its beauty, it felt odd in between my fingers.  Fido barked behind me, the ring slipping onto my ring finger on my right hand.  

“What is wrong , Fido?” I inquired, gently patting his golden furry head. “It is just a weird ring.”  Panic gripped my body, realizing that it wouldn’t come off.  Shrugging off it, I just reached for my nearby book.  The binding creaked open, the sweet smell of an old book floating up my nose.  A flash of light exploded around me, my house was now gone.  Lush green trees circled me, a river whispered next to me.  A white rabbit in a vest stopped and stared at me, anxiously glancing back at his clock.  

“I am so freaking late.” It moaned in despair. “For an important appointment.”  He was gone before I could ask him some questions.  A yellow brick road unfolded in front of me, an emerald city sparkled in the distance.  Joy brightened my face, a large smile spreading across my face.  

“Welcome to Booktopia.” A tall man in a silver suit greeted me. “The place where all literature characters live, and meet everyday.”  Confusion, and excitement buzzed within me, his green eyes glittering cheerfully.  His silver hair just hung to the left, his hand rubbing his chin.  My heart skipped a beat just looking at him.   

“Do you like it here?” I queried awkwardly, playing with my hair. “Where do you go to have fun?”  Chuckling to himself, his foot tapped to an invisible rhythm.  His green eyes flickered back to me and something behind me.  A furry paw touched my shoulder, making me jump out of my skin.  A tall brown bear popped up in front of me, hot salmon breath nauseating my stomach.   

“Back down, Papa Bear.” The strange man ordered, glaring at the bear. “Go to your story.  I am almost certain you are required somewhere else.” The bear growled, lumbering away into the forest.  Crossing my arms, my eyes scanned for a way out.  As much fun as this was, I had work in the morning. 

“I’d best be going.” I muttered, checking my invisible watch. “I-” He put his hand up to stop me, irking me slightly.  A small frown dimmed my face, doubt clouding my judgement.  

“I am Luigi Booksmith.” He mused, running his hand through his hair. “Please enjoy yourself.  It is rare that we get visitors from another world.  Talking to the same people is dull as sin.  Please stay.”  Sighing, he pulled me to a thatch topped stone building.  Ivy climbed the side of the building clinging to the ancient rocks.  The large worn wooden door creaked open to reveal everyone from the Phantom of the Opera to Peter Pan.  Childlike wonder ate at my screaming brain.  Surely, I have fallen and hurt my head.  

“Are these the real characters from almost every book I have read?” I questioned watching the Phantom take to the piano like a moth to flame. “Is he going to play a beautiful song?”  Luigi rolled his eyes, a lump forming in my throat.  Clearly a nerve was touched there.  

“Of course he is.” He retorted coolly, jealousy lacing his voice. “He made you hate him and feel bad for him at the same time.  He gets a pass even though he stalks a girl, and threatens everyone around him.  Ultimately to kidnap her, just to disappear through a hollow mirror.  What can I say? He is one complicated dude.”  My eyes fell on a sullen looking fellow with a raven sitting on his shoulder.  

“I thought only book characters came here.” I said, watching who I knew was Edgar Allen Poe. “How did he get here?”  Taking a deep breath, he rubbed his temples.  Annoyance leaked from his every pore.  How on earth did he not expect questions?

“He was every character of his stories.” He explained with a small courteous grin. “Other authors are here too.”  My mouth was practically salivating from the opportunity to talk to everyone I had ever read.  The ground shook beneath my feet, a giant worm exploding from the worn wooden floors.  Large pieces of wood shot in every direction, screaming erupting from around me.  People cowered behind the shiny cherry wood bar, praying out loud to not be eaten.

“What is that?”  I shouted over the chaos, watching sadness darken his eyes. “Just tell me.”  Raising a sword, the blade sliced the thick body.  A head full of teeth rolled to my feet, threatening to toss my dinner up.  

“That is a page eater.” He answered, wiping his sword with a white rag. “They appear when another book is forgotten.  Such a shame that you guys forget the good ones.”  Anger boiled beneath my skin, disappointment in human society simmering in my head.  Has technology taken the joy of reading away from all of us?  There were always the people who would never pick up another book after high school.  

“Come with me.” I suggested warmly, holding his hand. “Help me remind people of the magic of reading.”  Contemplation twisted his face, guilt darkened his features.  The characters gathered around us, staring in disbelief.  Whispers crashed around us, a wave of depression slamming into me.  

“I can’t.” He murmured quietly to himself. “I have to defend them from the page eaters.” His shoulders slumped forward, the Phantom walking up to him.  His dark eyes flickered between Luigi’s and mine.

“I know you aren’t a fan of me.” He uttered, lifting up his chin. “You can save us out there.  The eaters will stop when you fight on the front line out there.  Here you are just managing the issue.”  

Luigi’s eyes welled, tears threatening to flow.  My heart was shattering into little pieces, hope slowly fading away.  

“Okay.” He promised quietly. “I promise to fix the problem for all of you.  Soon people will see the joy of all of you again.”  Before anyone could cheer, a bright light blanketed us.  We were back in my house, the pink rays of the morning light peaking in.  Glumly, his body collapsed into a nearby chair.  

“I work at a bookstore.” I informed him, lifting up his chin. “I also run a book podcast.  How about you be my partner in it all?  In fact I am going to start one now.  Come on.”  He followed me to my office to start his new battle.   

December 03, 2021 12:47

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