Science Fiction Fantasy Fiction

   Once upon a time, in a world far away from ours, there lived a family. Now, this wasn’t an ordinary family, they loved to build electronic devices. The youngest son, Aaron, was the smartest of the five, and was always playing with gadgets. His two older brothers would play with him and teach him what they knew. 

   Their family had been trying for ages to build a device that could take them to other worlds, and let them communicate with them from a very far distance. Adrian, the second oldest of the brothers would play with Aaron the most. Adrian would play games that would help Aaron remember everything that he had been taught, and also games that would require Aaron to use all the knowledge he had. The games included Guess the Part, Correct the Code and others that would require Aaron to use all the knowledge he had. The Parker family taught Aaron everything not only because he was the smartest and that the best memory, but also because their ancestors had been telling the next generation and so on that the first Aaron Parker in the family would be able to achieve their goal. The family protected Aaron like a prince because he was so very valuable. Shaun the oldest of the three brothers would learn something new only to teach Aaron. Shaun helped their parents, Paula and Vincent a lot so that they could continue to use what they knew to build up their planet so that Aaron had a good environment to grow up in. The Parker family, excluding Aaron, had only one goal, to protect Aaron so that their real goal would be achieved.

   Aaron had been told about the prophecy lots and lots of times. Each time they would tell him about it, he would give them a different expression that would seem like he didn't quite understand or believe it. His family knew that he understood what they said because he was quite smart. They didn't understand why he didn't believe it, but they knew that as time progressed, he would start to believe and trust what they had been telling them.

   Aaron grew up from a very knowledgeable three-year old to a smart, handsome, and kind teenager. He had already started building a small communication device, and had worked on it for a very long time. His best friend had been a robot that he had built when he was younger, and had continued to work on it. He would teach the robot everything he knew, so that the robot would be as smart as him. He named the robot Martin. When he became 17, he started to build a ship that could take them to far away places. His family, including Martin, became extremely excited for this was the prophecy. 

  He had told his parents that working day and night he would be able to complete the ship and device in a maximum of five years. His parents told him that if he worked all day and all night, he would fall ill. He went against his parents’ advice and continued to work for long extensive hours. He wouldn’t eat his meals at the correct time, he wouldn’t exercise, and wouldn’t do what he needed to do in order to keep himself healthy. Eventually this made him sick. He would feel sleep, get headaches, and stomachaches, but never not even once did he tell his parents, because he knew that his parents were already old and worried, and that they would get scared if he told them that. He usually did his work at night depriving him of his sleep. Since he would work in the night, all of his family would be asleep, so they couldn’t remind him to do this or to do that. He kept this very unhealthy routine up for the next four years. His parents started to get worried because they thought he was sick, though Aaron would try not to show it. 

  One day, after four years and 163 days of working on the intelligence, he just kind of collapsed. His family rushed him to the hospital. Before this, Aaron didn’t imagine this happening. He thought that if he didn’t tell his parents that he felt sick, he would save them a lot of trouble. He didn’t know that he would get seriously ill, and then his parents would be even more worried than they would have been then. The doctor said that there was nothing that could be done and that they could try a few things, but he would live for a maximum of six more months. She also said that nothing could be done for all the years of unhealthy habits. His family was drowned in tears. What could they do? Their beloved Aaron was dying. 

   There was only one thing that was as smart as him, and that thing was Aaron’s best friend, Martin the robot. Martin could try to finish what his master had started even if Aaron dies, but even he needed Aaron to teach him new concepts. Since Martin was smarter than the doctor Susie, and knew Aaron better, he asked Susie if he could try and cure Aaron, since he remembered that Aaron had said something about how to try to treat him when he fell ill, and also because he couldn’t bear to see his beloved master so sick. He knew if he didn’t cure Aaron, he wouldn’t be able to see the same master who had loved him so much die. Martin worked for nearly five months and 20 days, but he wasn’t able to find any cure. The Parker family thought all hope was gone in trying to save their Aaron. Martin tried until the last hour, and when the Parkers thought that there was no hope in saving their precious Aaron, Martin cracked the code of how to cure the sick boy. Martin had suddenly remembered that Aaron had told him to use the game that Adrian had played with him so long ago when he was a boy: Correct the Code. That was how Martin was able to find the cure for Aaron. 

   Martin had created a prototype medicine, and tried it on Aaron. When it didn’t work, he corrected the “code” a little bit. Then he tried again, and so on until he found what would have to work. When the medicine was injected into Aaron’s body at the last minute, and not only Aaron and Martin knew that it would work, but everyone else knew too. Everyone was crying as they were so happy that Aaron would live. 

   After Aaron recovered, he continued to work on the project, this time keeping more focus on his health, and was able to complete the project successfully. Everyone was crying tears of happiness because the prophecy came true: The first Aaron Parker had achieved what they had wanted for so long. Aaron grew up to become 25 years old. He married Susie’s daughter Michelle and lived happily ever after, still being the smartest person on their planet. As for Martin, Aaron kept him and continued to teach the very intelligent, and heroic robot new things. 

October 03, 2020 21:13

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