
Council of the Zodiac Ambassadors 

            Week of 4/8/2024

            Agenda: Horoscope Town Hall with Ambassadors Aria (Ram District), Tori (Bull District), Gev (Twin District), Candace (Crab District), Leon (Lion District), Virginia (Maiden District), Libby (Scales District), Scott (Scorpion District), Satoshi (Archer District), Catherine (Sea-Goat District), Atticus (Water Bearer District), Pierce (Fish District)

            “Order, everybody! I call Day 4 of the Convention of the Zodiac Ambassadors to order!” Aria announces, pounding the gavel to commence the meeting. A hush falls over the audience in the gallery – as leader of the Zodiac, Aria’s voice is quite commanding, and her flame red gown makes her impossible to ignore as she crosses the stage briskly to her seat at the head of the table. The eleven other ambassadors settle into their seats as well: Tori daintily crosses her ankles, Leon runs a proud hand through his honey blonde mane, and Candace smooths out her flowing, turquoise skirt. 

            “Thank you for coming to the Town Hall with the Ambassadors,” Aria continues. “Each of the representatives will first give an update of the happenings in each of the Districts, and then give you the opportunity to ask questions and voice any concerns. At the end of the hour, we will discuss the upcoming solar eclipse. For now, we will begin going down the table. Tori?” she passes the microphone to her left.

            Tori stands up with the charm and grace of a Southern belle, her pearly pink dress like a petal around her. “Residents of the Bull District should be cautious to watch their spending during the next month until the Sun moves into our District,” her twangy voice rings sweetly through the hall. “We have recently prospered and received a large influx of wealth, but what may seem like good investments now could come back to haunt us on a rainy day. We are in a solid economic place now, but we should beware of easy come, easy go.” She starts to sit down, then adds, “Oh, but our restaurant industry has really taken off since the start of the spring.” Constituents from the Bull District give a little cheer.

            “Thank you, Tori,” Aria says. “Gev? News from the Twin District?”

            Gev takes the microphone and straightens out his jewel-toned tie. His stylishly messy hair swoops as he stands up and a couple of girls in the audience swoon. “The Twin District has faced some problems getting projects completed. Management has promised one thing but done another, so I want to reassure you that it is my top priority to get those projects underway on schedule.” – the British pronunciation –  “I have already spoken with Representatives Castor and Pollux, and they’ve agreed to form committees to oversee each of the tasks. These include breaking ground on the new computer science wing at the main university campus, awarding the research grants from the record-breaking number of applicants we received this year,” a pause for applause, “and updating the exhibits in the museum. We have many good ideas in progress, but we are lacking in completion. Take this time to focus on priorities and make these ideas come into fruition. We will be very proud of the results once we put in the hard work.” 

            “When will the grant recipients be announced?” someone in the audience asks.

            “I anticipate by the end of Saturn in our District.”

            “Will there be much disruption in traffic with the construction near campus?” someone else asks.

            “Some road closures around the IT departments are planned, but it should not cause much more congestion than that.”

            Candace is up next, tucking her thick red hair out of her heart-shaped face before she begins in a soft voice. “The Crab District has been functioning well as a community, but we’ve found ourselves closed off from our neighbors. Since we are an island, that is to be expected, but we need to be more open. I know we are often afraid of being taken advantage of or we can be overprotective, but some more trust will do us a world of good and allow us to make stronger connections with people who care about us.” She adjusts her seashell necklace as she sits down and passes the microphone over to Leon, who grabs it eagerly.

            Leon does not need a microphone. He uses it anyway. “No matter which District the Sun is in, we are getting the best path of the Sun anyway,” he grins, confidence radiating around him. “The Lion District is prepared for being the hub on the Path of Totality for the upcoming eclipse, and we are ready for tourists to flock into our fine District for the sight. We are shining bright, and big success is in our future!” Big cheers from the Lion District audience. 

            Virginia rises with a more subdued, down-to-earth attitude. “While we may not be as flashy as some of our neighbors,” she shoots Leon a cool look, “our District’s vegetation is in full bloom, which means that we will soon be able to export our harvests. Some of our main contracts are with the Ram District in exchange for coal,” she glances over to Aria who nods in agreement, “with the Bull District in exchange for timber,” Tori also confirms, “and with the Water Bearer District in exchange for clay and cement,” she shares a nod with Atticus. “We are refreshed and rejuvenated and ready to go with a renewed sense of purpose and energy.” 

            “Would we be able to trade for shellfish from the Crab District as well?” a resident asks. 

            Virginia glances over at Candace, who agrees.

            “Yes, Candace, let’s work on a contract for that after this meeting.”

She folds the creases of her green gown around her and passes off to Libby, who stands up poised and diplomatic. Her black hair is pinned up in perfection, and lace white gloves fit snugly to her delicate wrists. “As the center of legal doctrine,” she begins with masterful eloquence, “our District’s judges and scholars are preparing this year’s case studies for publication. We are still undecided on how to resolve a handful of technicalities, but we anticipate the volume to be available for all Districts by the start of Jupiter in the Bull District. At that time, our busy season will come to an end and we will be able to take a rest from our obligations. Until then, we are hard at work.”

“Are there any new regulations the other Districts should be aware of at this point?” an audience member asks.

            “We are finalizing some zoning and property permits, but nothing that should affect existing property laws. These will be more relevant for new construction projects.”

            “Like the computer science wing?” a Twin District resident wonders, and Gev glances over curiously.

            “Ah, yes, that is a very good point,” Libby answers. “We will be sure to publish any guidelines before breaking ground on the wing. Gev, you and I can speak on this matter later.”

Scott addresses the audience next. “The Scorpion District has perfected new technology that makes the mining of ore and minerals much easier and faster. We have a large supply or quartz and silver –” a sliver watches flashes on his wrist under the sleeve of his black cashmere sweater – “that we are going to be putting on the market soon. Part of this week’s convention is to draw up contracts with the other Districts so they can get first purchase at favorable prices.” This creates a collective mutter of approval from the Ambassadors. “Overall, our District is aimed for success and forecasted to receive much financial gain.”

“I would like to address the Archer District's spring health goals,” Satoshi says, brushing the jet-black bangs out of his eyes. “With the start of warmer weather, the District parks will be open for recreation again.” A soft wave of applause from its residents. “Air quality has been improving, and we also have some new greenspaces open. I would like to encourage our residents to get outside and be active this season. Take the opportunity to care for your mind and body, and spend some time in nature.”

“I would like to echo Satoshi’s encouragement,” Catherine takes over. “The Sea-Goat District faced an exceptionally harsh winter this year that has made many people lonely and discouraged, but as some Neptune moves into the Scales District, this promises an improvement in both the weather and our moods. We should find ourselves motivated and energetic again in the coming weeks.”

Atticus stands up, adjusting his glasses so that the sleeve of his denim blazer slips a little to reveal his I know wrist tattoo. “Our residents have been incredibly creative while Uranus was in the Scales District, and we have produced some wonderful artwork as a result. Therefore, the Water Bearer District would like to invite you all to our art exhibition in honor of the eclipse entitled, From Dark Into Light: An exhibition of black and white photography. Entry fee is $10; all proceeds go towards scholarships for our art students and any remaining funds go towards local charities. The exhibit runs from the eclipse to the end the Sun in the Ram District.” The Ambassadors and audience give a round of applause. 

Pierce closes out the line of Ambassadors. “The Fish District has been investing heavily into our education system, especially early education programs, and in healthcare for the elderly. These programs include art classes, social dances, poetry readings, gardening days. We want to make sure the most vulnerable in our communities are cared for and don’t feel forgotten. Our District’s residents are caring and compassionate, and we are dreamers because we believe we can turn those dreams into reality – and these programs are serving as proof that we can.” He takes a small, shy bow as he receives some applause, his green eyes crinkling happily. The microphone makes its way back to the start of the table to Aria.

“Alright, thank you to all the Ambassadors for their updates. To close out the table, the Ram District has been very active in research the past couple of months. We are brimming with ideas, inspired by Jupiter in the Water Bearer District, and we are making substantial progress getting our results out there. I know that we are impatient to get things done, but I caution us to take our time – I know it’s hard for us – but really take a moment to step back to make sure we check all our boxes, cross all our t’s, dot all our i’s, so we don’t have to go back and redo silly mistakes. But overall, we are in a good place.”

There’s a brief shift in the room as the Ambassadors wrap up their respective updates and field any remaining questions before focus changes to the upcoming solar eclipse. 

            “Well, as we all know,” Aria continues to lead, “the solar eclipse is coming up. Atticus mentioned the art exhibit in its honor, and Leon invited everyone to the Lion District to best witness totality. Are there any questions about what to expect for this special event?”

            “Is it a good day to work and be productive?” someone else asks.

            “Well, I was thinking to take the day off from work to actually see it,” another audience member replies instead.

            “I agree with that,” Aria laughs. “To answer your question though, yes. All signs point to any endeavors taken up on the day of the eclipse are more likely to succeed, especially before peak, so if there is anything you want to accomplish, I suggest doing it then – just don’t miss the actual eclipse!”

            “Will it be a good day for love?” someone asks and people immediately chatter in interest – always a popular question for the Ambassadors.

            “Should I go for the ‘total eclipse of the heart’ joke?” Scott teases. 

            Libby rolls her eyes and answers seriously, “For that, I would recommend asking your local Constellation Consultant to look at your personal star chart.”

            “Any other question?” Candace glances around.

            The audience members, satisfied with the answers and guidance they’ve been given, start to mill towards the exit.

            “Wait!” a child excitedly remembers. “Are there still eclipse glasses available?” 

            “Yes, definitely,” Atticus says. “In fact, you can find them at the main entrance of the hall, so pick up a pair as you leave!”

            “Have a lovely Sun in Ram District season and a wonderful solar eclipse, everybody!” Aria adjourns the meeting.

April 09, 2024 02:47

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Darvico Ulmeli
16:55 Apr 18, 2024

It's entertaining. Enjoyed.


Martha Kowalski
21:21 Apr 18, 2024

Thanks for the read and comment!


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K.A. Murray
00:27 Apr 13, 2024

I saw your comment on mine so came to read this - it’s so fun! I totally agree that you could expand it into something longer. Nice work!


Martha Kowalski
17:26 Apr 13, 2024

Thanks for coming over and reading, Kerriann!


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Kristi Gott
20:35 Apr 10, 2024

I love this unique concept and the creativity of the Zodiac Ambassadors idea. This seems like it could be expanded into a longer work with all the threads of their fantasy universe woven into further stories. Very clever concept! It is also a good concept for metaphorical social or political commentary. Well done!


Martha Kowalski
01:52 Apr 11, 2024

Thanks, Kristi! I've actually been wanting to make a longer work out of a similar idea so this prompt was a good chance to be able to try out these characters. Thanks for reading!


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Mary Bendickson
18:35 Apr 09, 2024

Think that covers all the signs astronomically.💫


Martha Kowalski
21:25 Apr 09, 2024

That's what I was going for - thanks for reading, Mary!


Mary Bendickson
00:17 Apr 16, 2024

Thanks for liking my too-cute eclipse.


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Trudy Jas
13:39 Apr 09, 2024

How cute is this! Such a unique take on the prompt. And funny.


Martha Kowalski
17:45 Apr 09, 2024

Aww thank you, Trudy!!


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