Fantasy Fiction Inspirational

I miss my Grandma very much. Especially in those moments when I am feeling low in energy with some kind of uneasiness in my mind. Everytime it happens, I feel her hand somewhere on my hand or on the forehead as if telling me same thing that she kept telling right since my childhood because I had a very special connection with her. I remember, whenever I used to get angry on someone or something she would call me with a very sweet voice and a lot of love showering through her eyes. She, mostly, loved to sit on her restchair that had a permanent place right in front of her window. During the day, she used to enjoy the green fields and the sky, both easily visible from that window. She would just sit there with a serene calmness on her face and observing the land meeting sky.

The green of fields meeting white of the sky during the day was always quite exciting to observe. This union would keep telling a lot of stories full of joy and hope. So, in my angry moments, she would calmly make me sit in her lap and tell me to observe outside. Then she would ask me what do I see? I loved that magic window that used to change my dull mood to something filled all of a sudden with a lot of energy. That could be probably because is vast green fields, a variety of birds flying around and singing in their individual chirps. I used to get very excited during my those childhood days noticing how a bird would cross the boundary from green to white and coming back to ground after some time. On the right side of those green fields were huge trees.

These huge trees used to display a different kind of dance everyday depending on the direction and intensity of the wind. I used to love their rhythmic coordinated movement. Each tree bending on the next one in a synchronized manner and then coming back used to be a scene of its own kind. These trees were full of love. They had unlimited means to shower their love like by giving shelter and protection to birds, bearing fruits to ensure these birds never stay hungry, and so on. Grandma found a great source of energy and life through this magical window. So did I. Eventually. Initially, it was nothing more than a spot for fun and grandma's love. But eventually I started looking through this window via grandma's eyes. That was the moment of realization of a very different kind of experience. Now, we both were on the same platform.

We both, now, were gaining an out of world experience through this magical window. Whatever part of everyday scenic view grandma's weak eyes would miss to capture, I would ensure to not it let happen at any cost. That window and grandma, both have been an integral part of my childhood until I grew to a lad passing out of school and penning to join country's top college for higher studies. I was a brilliant student throughout. It was probably because of two most important factors of my childhood and youth period. One, Grandma's love and blessings that were there with me all the time. Two, that special closeness to nature listening to its music and stories everyday with grandmother through her magical window. It was a very big house where I spent my childhood with my grandmother. It was a big villa right at the centre of our farmhouse.

Those four years during my college that I spent living in college hostel were quite torturous for me because I was away from two most precious entities of my life - grandma and nature. The life here was very different. There was to magic window. My hostel room had two windows on two different sides and both windows only showed tall buildings outside. Down were the roads busy with heavy traffic. Up were the traces of sky trying to peep through this tall buildings. Air was not that clean here in one of the busiest city of the country. No variety of birds in the sky could be seen. My life during these four years was just this campus. Attending lectures in the morning, spending time in the library during the free hours, and studying in my hostel room till late hours in the night was a fixed routine. No exceptions at all.

During those four years, I missed grandma and her magic window a lot. It was not that I was out of touch. I would call her everyday without fail and we would talk at least for an hour. She was not that composed and strong as I could guess from her weakening voice. She would never talk to me anything about her weakness or falling health because she feared that would bother me and might impact on my studies. Also, she was still aware that I didn't have any magic window here on my room that could charge me back if I get discharged. I was eagerly waiting for the final year exams that were hardly four months away. It was a hell lot of pressure because of those. Despite being topper in all five pervious semesters, I was not too confident this time. That increased pressure further on me.

I was badly missing magic window. To relieve myself from growing pressure, on one weekend, I decided to visit Grandma. I knew meeting her will get me a big relief from my anxiety, fear, or whatsoever I was passing through. It was good that I took this decision of utilizing this extended weekend visiting grandma. After booking my flight online, I worked upon other logistics fast and spared out a few hours for my exams preparations. The flight was in time and I smoothly reached my native place well in time. Our farms and fields are on a huge piece of elevated land that somehow forms a kind of hill. So, this hill basically just comprises of our huge set of properties. I had not informed grandma about my visit as I wanted to give her a surprise. Instead, I got a surprise seeing my driver from farms who had come to pick me up.

When I asked the driver how did he know I was coming, he told that he is coming here for last three weekends as instructed by Grandma. So, for last three weekends, he would reach airport in the morning and would stay there till evening. After meeting Grandma, I asked her how did she know I was coming. She told she got to know from her magic window. Those three days were enough to fill me with fresh energy and shred off all my fears and doubts. Sitting right in front of magic window with Grandma did real wonder. Fully charged, I travelled back to city and get back on my fixed track. Talking to grandmother was as usual, without fail, everyday. That used to bless me with extra energy for extra preparation. As usual, appeared in exams with full confidence and scored highest marks.

There was a special farewell for me as I broke all previous year's records. I wished grandma was here to see how her blessings worked wonders. I knew she would be watching the whole function through her magic window.

June 10, 2021 13:10

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Brinda Vijay
16:16 Jun 17, 2021

Grandmas are magical for small children. We grow up on their lovely stories. A really lovely post about the everlasting bond between grandma and grandchild.


Jaideep Khanduja
05:05 Jun 22, 2021

Thank you so much.


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Jaideep Khanduja
05:05 Jun 22, 2021

Thank you so much.


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Jaideep Khanduja
05:05 Jun 22, 2021

Thank you so much.


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