The Reflections and Recollections of Damien Everett

Submitted into Contest #36 in response to: In the form of diary/ journal entries, write about someone who's just decided to take up journaling. ... view prompt

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August 6th, 2021.

At least, I think it is. It's been a while since I've read anything that could tell me a date. Anne told me to keep a journal of everything that's happened. She said it's supposed to be good for the mind- keep you sane, all that. All I've really had time to do is scrounge up enough food to get me through the week, let alone peruse a crafts shop for an artsy calendar. Anyway, today I saw a deer out in the woods, just west of that old mining town on the coast. Thinking of heading back down that way after I finish this supply run out east. Maybe I'll get lucky, who knows? If I was lucky enough to find this old piece of crap leather journal and a couple pencils, maybe I could snag a deer. Would last a while, if nothing else.

August 10th, 2021.

I spent the last couple days heading back out west. Weren't many supplies left in that old camp, just a bunch of clothes we never took with us. I saw a photo album or two, tucked away underneath some scarves. Women always take the photos with them, huh? One of those albums had my name, all bold and big, on the front of it. "Damien Everett: Early Life." Christ, never thought I'd be so embarrassed to see a damn book. Should've burned those albums. Would've done the world a favor, I reckon.

August 14th, 2021.

It's been a few days since I've written in this thing. Anne had to remind me to take an hour to relax, and I only now remembered I even had this old scrap of leather. Haven't had much luck with that deer, but I did run into some biters on the way home. Lucky they didn't get me too bad, just a few scratches, but I think I'll be fine. Seems like more and more of them keep popping up everywhere. At this rate they'll outnumber what's left of the country.

August 15th, 2021.

Anne and I found a decent spot up on a hill to camp out for a few weeks. The horses seem alright with it, and I don't think I mind it too much myself. We couldn't stay where we were with all those biters around, that's for sure. Cozy, if not a bit open. I can tell Anne's getting hungry though; she keeps mumbling about food when she sleeps. Can't say I blame her though, I don't think neither of us have had a decent meal in at least a week.

August 17th, 2021. 

I found the damn deer! I know Anne's not gonna be happy about basically eating what's worth table scraps everyday, but it's better living than starving. However that may be. We still have plenty of carrots and oatcakes for the horses, so splitting the deer meat should last us at least a week, if not longer. She scoffs at my idea of what to be happy about. That woman's never appreciated my optimism.

August 23rd, 2021.

Longest break I've had writing in this thing yet. There were some complications at camp. I was coming back from the woods, trying to find any more food for the two of us, when I see our fire's gone. Anne's gone. Her horse is gone. The only thing left is my horse and my rifle, which didn't even have any ammo. That damn woman. I knew I shouldn't have trusted a stranger. That's what my kindness gets me. You save a woman struggling with a biter and she repays your generosity by stealing almost everything you own. Sounds about right.

August 28th, 2021.

Came across a run down gun shop on my way into town. Wasn't much left of the inside, but lady luck must have graced my being, cause I found myself 3 whole boxes of .300 Winchester, and an old magazine that goes to what looks like some Glock model. As for the rest of my time in town, I found a bag of beef jerky and a half-drank bottle of water. Better than dying, I always say. Just hope that's enough these days.

September 2nd, 2021.

I actually found a calendar while I was grabbing a few things from an old crafts store. Granted, it's a year or so old, but I guess it works regardless. Just hope there wasn't a leap year I forgot about. Saw a couple biters roaming about, so I couldn't do much else for scavenging. I don't know whether to be more afraid of them, or people. If Anne's anything to note, I'd say the people. Still, I wouldn't take my chances with either. Not anymore.

September 4th, 2021.

For some reason, I've been feeling kinda sick. Hasn't just felt like a stomach bug, either. Hope it's not my hunger kicking back at me. Those scratches I got from that biter a while back are still there, they haven't healed. I wonder if that has anything to do with it. I hope not. Don't need to be debilitated from sickness AND hungry.

September 7th, 2021.

In my 40-something odd years of living, I have never, and I mean NEVER, experienced a sickness like this. Water went down the wrong pipe not but 10 minutes ago, made me cough something fierce. Craziest thing is, I coughed up a handful of blood. Have to say, never been a fan of anything bodily related. Even taking a piss has its moments of disgust for me. I hope this sickness passes soon, whatever it is. I have things to do, and I certainly can't let something like the flu weigh me down.

September 15th, 2021.

A few rotten apples down the hatch and I threw up everything I'd eaten for days. Just my luck, it'd seem. My sickness has only gotten worse. Feels like I'm gonna puke my stomach out next. Gotta wonder if this is just penance for all those crappy things I did back in high school. Sorry Ms. Johansen. Could always be worse, I suppose. At least if I die from whatever this is, I won't end up a biter. Those poor saps. Must be hell what they're going through. Though I'm sure they've been dead a while. Mentally, at least. Maybe I'm already dead. Maybe this is all just a weird dream.

September 18th, 2021.

This is definitely it, now. I'm writing this on the roof of a supermarket. Biters are all inside, I could hardly make it up the ladder. On my way up, one of them bit my damn ankle. If it wasn't over for me then, it surely is now. Wherever this journal ends up, don't waste it. For what it's worth, Anne was right, it's kept me sane. Maybe I'll see her around. Maybe I'll see you around, whoever ends up reading this. Regardless, keep this journal when you find it. It might save your life one day.

April 04, 2020 16:03

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Zilla Babbitt
22:57 Apr 15, 2020

Here for the critique circle :). Wow! This kept me on the edge of my seat, which I'm not used to from non-thriller stories! I love how you have no backstory at all-- maybe this is aftermath from the pandemic? Who knows? What the heck are biters? Why is Anne the only human around? I also love your title, it drew me in. I really have no criticisms. This is witty yet dramatic and meaningful. I enjoyed reading this. Keep it up!


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