Fantasy Fiction Funny

Alice was tying her shoelaces. She doesn't like to wear them as it's bothersome. But her Mom bought it especially for her. Her sister Rose loves this type of shoes. So she needs to wear them too.

With a huff, she pushed the door and went out. Ever since the pandemic happened, all of them has nowhere to go. Alice and Rose are taking lessons from home tuition. And her mother's boutique has been shut down. She has been baking cakes and selling them in neighborhood.

Alice was walking slowly along the trail. Every day morning, after having breakfast she goes out and takes a tour around the locality.

There are total five houses in this area.

Starting from the end, an elderly couple lives in a two storey house. And if she is right on time, they must be having their breakfast in their balcony now.

Alice waved at them. Their face was glistening under busking sun. She crossed their house and moved on to the next. A small kid was seen playing on the yard. He is so small that even Alice can pick him up in one hand.

Alice has never seen anyone other than the kid in this house. Painted chalky white, the house looks sad in appearance. She moved on to next where there was no one around. Same happened with next two homes.

Finally Alice was standing in the end of the lane. She was looking around when her eyes fell on a little park in far.

She strode off towards it. A huge elephant was standing in front, ready to welcome any guest inside.

Alice was looking here and there. She has been taking rounds every day. How come she missed such a beautiful park? Was it there yesterday? It must be. It's not possible to construct a park overnight and that too without any noise.

Tiptoed she entered inside.

"Ouch, Ma'am you are hurting me." Alice jumped out at first. She looked around to face who said it. But there was no body. She again started walking but soon she heard the shriek again.

"Please, take off your shoes. You are hurting me." This time she felt anger in the tone. She looked around to understand who is the person she has been hurting. "Where are you looking? I am here ."

Alice was never this shocked in her entire life. Her eyes were wide from the sight she was standing into.

In front of her, a long thin grass was standing, it has nose and eyes, something resembling with her favourite anime show.

"Stop gawking over me like I am some alien. " Alice felt her lips were ajar from the impossible.

"How's that possible?" She murmured softly.

"Why not? Have you not read science? Plants are living beings too. We cook, eat just like you people. We talk , we scream . It's another thing you people never heard us." Alice was watching it moving along with its words. No matter how hard she ignores but it's true something impossible was happening in front of her eyes.

"I am sorry I hurt you. Believe me I didn't mean it. " Alice was untying her shoes and keeping them aside.

She don't know what was the next surprise.

The grass was walking in front of her, keeping an ignorable yet valuable distance between them.

Alice was so engrossed in shock that for first few steps she missed the sight of velvety rose, sparkling sunflower, smiling trees and so many more.

"We have a guest today. " Alice's feet were froze at the spot.

They were standing in front of a long tree, it's huge branches were swirling along the wind. It's green leaves were kissing each other while it's branches were dancing around.

Two big eyes perfectly erected on the stem was looking at her intensely. There was adoration flickering in those eyes. Alice don't know why but she felt tears were brimming on her face, rolling down her cheeks.

For a second those eyes made her feel like she is standing in front of her grandmother. Her grandmother Evelyn has died last year after battling cancer. Alice has tried to find her in stars but couldn't spot that lovely smile.

But today she is having a feeling that her grandmother is standing in front of her.

"You are so beautiful. " Surprising Alice, the tree's branches leaned over and caressed her cheeks tenderly.

"You look sad. " The loose leaves were wiping her tears.

"Why are you crying? Everything will be alright. " To her surprise The tree read her mind and embraced her to ease her nerves.

Alice has never been this happy in her life ever since she lost Evelyn.

She followed the grass and befriended all the tress and flowers that were blooming around. The sunflower nudged her cheeks while the roses were blushing when she admired them.

For a second, Alice felt she has been sleeping in her home and this is a dream that she has been seeing.

And if this is a dream she doesn't want to wake up.

"Why I have never seen any of you before? It's been a while We have came to live here. And I come for a walk every day. " She sat down on a rock beside the pool inside the park.

There were lilies all around and a cute little frog was croaking incessantly inside the pool.

The see through water was glistening under the sun.

Alice put her fingers in the water and swirl it.

"Not everyone can see us. We only come before soul who are cringing inwardly." The grass's tiny eyes were fixed on a butterfly that was flying around.

Alice has only seen them once before in a magazine that her Dad reads.

Its blue and the glass skin of hers has made her more enticing.

Alice rose up and start chasing it around. But no matter how fast she runs the butterfly's pace is unbeatable.

She sat down on the grassbed after a while. She was taking long breaths while eyeing the blue canvas on top of her.

"So, you told you that I was sad. "

The grass came around and lied down beside her.

"We smell people's souls. And when you stroll every day we caught you weeping. So, we decided to bring you here."

"Will I be happy from now on?" Alice whispered. She doesn't want to go back to her clumsy life, where she feels like a burden. No body understands her.

"Life is all about adjusting with the world. If you are struggling you should try to understand what's hurting you more? Is it the situation or is it you not ready to give a fight?"

"I don't know. In fact I don't want to know. Why can't you let me live here?" Alice bolt up. Her eyes were glistening with tears.

The grass's face broke into a grin.

"Running away can never be a solution. Real warrior always fight hard till accomplishing the mission. So get up and start running. Your life is waiting for you."

Alice felt a punch on her back and in next second, she found herself standing in front of her own home.

She rubbed her eyes to make sure if she is seeing right.

No, she is standing in front of her home.

Her mother was working in the kitchen while Rose is sitting on the balcony.

"Come inside. I want to show you something. " Alice heard her screaming aloud.

"I am home. And this time I won't be sad anymore. I will work hard and will move forward with happiness and prosperity."

She jumped on the stairs while hopping inside her home.

March 23, 2021 10:21

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