
Written in response to: Write a story about anger.... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction

If you find any errors, I would be happy if you pointed them out.   


I have a hard job. After all, going around from one place to another took patience. It doesn't take long to find work; only it seemed to. Being busy all the time was hard. Doing one meeting, then doing another right after. What’s my work? Well, that’s hard to explain. Let's see. First, no matter what, I do not get emotional. That is what my clients are supposed to do. Secondly, I’m always there waiting for a spark. For a chance to ignite a fire. Thirdly, there is no money involved with my work. Does that sum up my job? Most certainly not. Like I said before, my job is very hard to explain. Oh wait, I think I see a potential client.  This should explain my job well enough. 

“John! Did you hear anything I said?” Said a young woman wearing a pink designer blouse, a maxi skirt, and black heels. 

John studied his girlfriend for a few seconds. 

“I’m sorry I did not hear you, Kelly,” John replied. 

Kelly expressed her desire to go to Giovanni’s the following night. Kelly always wanted to go to the finest restaurants. John knew it was an expensive restaurant, and he already had plans to go to a baseball game with a few of his friends from work. 

”Kel, that’s a very expensive restaurant. Besides, I’m going to a Yankees game with the guys.” 

He would be glad to be able to wear jeans and a T-shirt rather than a suit and dress shoes. 

“You’d rather spend time with your friends than your own girlfriend?” Kelly asked. 

“No, of course not, we spend a lot of time together,” John said. 

“I understand that, but don’t you love me?” Kelly asked, feigning tears. 

It was Kelly’s usual tactic of manipulation-fake tears. She knew John never resisted her pleas. 

“Kel, I do love you. Please don’t cause a scene in a public place.” 

“Then cancel your plans and take me to Giovanni’s.” 

Kelly was used to getting her way, but today would be different. 

I saw a chance to strike and decided to take it. 

I said, “John.” 

John looked around and saw he no longer stood beside his girlfriend. He looked around for my voice, but all he found was a mirror of himself.  

“Who are you?” 

“A friend,” I responded. 

“Truly?” John asked. 

“Yes, and I can help you.” 

“How so?” 

“Don’t you think it’s time for you to stop this? I mean are you just going to let Kelly treat you like that?” 

“There’s nothing to do.” 

“There is,” I insisted with a mischievous grin spread on my face. 

“It’s time you flourish instead of wilting.” 

John looked around again; he was back on the sidewalk with Kelly.  

“Are you going to cancel your plans and take me to Giovanni’s tonight or not?” Kelly said impatiently, her eyes boring into John. 

“You know what? No, I’m not going to cancel my Yankees game with my friends tonight. You don’t even deserve to eat at Giovanni’s. I don’t even think you deserve to be with me. You’re the most manipulating person I have ever known. I’d be happy to never see you again, Kelly.” John said, his blood boiling. 

Disgust and surprise were evident on Kelly’s face. No doubt because she had never been spoken to like this before. 

Clutching her designer purse, Kelly said, “How dare you say that to me! You’re an atrocious man, John. I am done with you, John!” 

“Too late-I’m done with you first!” 

With a chuckle, I began to walk away; my work here is done. I could still hear John and Kelly arguing in the distance. Another job was done well. Does that explain my job? The best way to put it is, I’m you. You could venture to say my job could ruin your life. You probably guessed it by now, I’m Anger. What else could I be? No, I’m not your friend or your enemy. I’m part of your life. I suppose you must be surprised about who I am. It’s only the truth, though when you’re angry you don’t always say the truth, right? I’m like a pest, no one can rid oneself of. Even though I’m not always a bad thing. 

Life isn’t easy, especially, not for me. You can hate me all you want, but it’s hard being Anger. I have no life except other people’s lives. It seems as if everywhere I go, I either cause trouble or I am trouble. I wage it’s not as terrible as being Death. I hear he has it rough.  

 I was recruited into A.E. (Army of Emotions) as a youth. All the emotions are taken there. You’re trained on how to behave and what you’re supposed to do as an emotion. They don’t give you a choice in the A.E., you’re forced to work for them. Emotions don’t have a life. We’re similar to plants; we take root. They take you from your home, and you are controlled for the rest of ‘your life’. There’s nothing you can do about the A.E. It’s top-secret information -no one is supposed to. That’s how I’ve lived for over 400 years.  

I suppose it’s not all bad being Anger. There are a lot of perks. I never need to go to a movie theater, because I see all the entertainment I need during my work. I don’t need to eat, because I feed on people being angry. I get to travel often -about every few hours. I have no need to keep up with social life because your social life is mine. I’m always busy as well. 

I’m not a villain. Rather an anti-hero. I’m always there; waiting for an opportunity to strike. Remember, next time you talk to Jessica or Bobby, I will be there. I know how it gets sometimes, and you might need to contact some of my friends afterwards. I got to go; I believe work is calling me.  

June 16, 2024 01:23

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Trudy Jas
18:26 Jun 19, 2024

Hi, Lady C. A fun take on the prompt. Yes, anger often causes trouble, but it's also quite healthy. The trick is to send anger on its way before opening your mouth. :-) And here is your friendly neighborhood editor. :-) Your opening paragraph is a bit disjointed, switches from past to present. it (didn't / doesn't) take long to find it. Find what? And the paragraph starting Kelly was (is) John's gf.


18:43 Jun 19, 2024

Always a pleasure to here from my editor! I believe I fixed the issues you stated. Thanks for pointing them out.


Trudy Jas
19:18 Jun 19, 2024

If you haven't already, I recommend Dryan Haddad's story w=for this week. He did a similar take on the same prompt. (find him in my "following" list. And you're welcome. :-)


21:06 Jun 19, 2024

I will.


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Kathleen March
12:30 Jun 29, 2024

The paragraph that starts ‘With a chuckle’ has even more potential. I can still hear rathe than could? I wager (bet), not wage. I also see potential in the final paragraph. That said, this is an almost perky story with a moralistic purpose. I enjoyed reading it. John, though, didn’t seem exactly angry; he just woke up to Kelly’s manipulation, fortunately. Good job.


15:32 Jun 29, 2024

Thank you, and I'll do some editing on it soon. 🌷


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Trisha Lee
21:42 Jun 22, 2024

I love the concept of anger and the AE walking among us. When I got to the end I wanted more - which is great. I think you could have a lot of fun taking this concept further. Loved the first person voice x


01:06 Jun 23, 2024

I agree that I could take the AE further. I think I just might continue the story of that concept. I'm glad you enjoyed the story.


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Beverly Goldberg
16:09 Jun 22, 2024

Anger is to me one of the most ungovernable emotions, something that you captured so well in this story. I found this crisp and strong. I do agree with the previous comment about the need to be more consistent about tenses in the first paragraph. I work on that problem and other such issues by reading the story aloud when I'm sure I'm finished. My hesitations when doing that alert me to silly things that need fixing.


20:52 Jun 22, 2024

Thank you for the comment and the advice 😊.


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Brian Haddad
22:07 Jun 19, 2024

It was nice of Trudy to suggest you take a look at my story and I'm glad I could see your take on the same concept. There are a lot of similarities between our stories! I think it would be a lot of fun to explore this A.E. concept further. How well does Anger get along with Love? What makes Death's job worse or better than Anger's? So many fun concepts to explore in this wider world! I love that you are looking for editing feedback. I can see that you are just getting started and I love that you have already pumped out a few stories. I hop...


22:45 Jun 19, 2024

Thanks for reading my story. I also saw how our stories were similar, but different as well. I appreciate your opinion. I won't call myself a professional author, and that's a why I enjoy getting feedback. I have a bit of experience with writing, but not professionally. Honestly, I'm just seeing what I can do, and I'm always up for getting input.


Brian Haddad
22:55 Jun 19, 2024

I'm not a professional author either. lol I just really love stories. :) Keep up the great attitude!


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E. Roux
05:09 Jun 19, 2024

Very nice story! I loved it!


14:33 Jun 19, 2024

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


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Mary Bendickson
19:23 Jun 16, 2024

Tough job.


19:25 Jun 16, 2024

I presume Anger would, "That is the truth."


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