“Her...No My….White Dove”

Submitted into Contest #102 in response to: Frame your story as an adult recalling the events of their childhood.... view prompt


Friendship Funny Happy

“We all have that one person in life that we could trust, protect, love, care for, even sacrifice ourself for. My person was a beautiful graceful kind white dove. My white Dove, that I was supposed to trust, protect, love, care for, and sacrifice for…..in the end I couldn’t do it but someone else did.” 

My best friend (Loki) and I were like soul brothers when we were younger, we were both popular, smart, handsome looking, athletic, and social. Loki and I would tell each other everything and do everything together. We were inseparable like Steve Rogers and James Barnes, that was until Irene came along. I bet you're thinking of a classic boring story about the girl like him and not me, or best friend leaves me for the girl but let me finish the story, it takes a whole turn. Anyway Loki and I met Irene at the playground when we were 12. Loki was challenging people to a fruit roll up contest, whoever could eat the fruit roll the fastest won. So far he was winning until he decided to pick Irene. Irene was the quiet type and when she won, let just say it got her some serious popularity. After that day, Loki nudged me in the arm as we were walking home and said one day I am gonna marry that girl. I shook it off thinking he was crazy, because it was insane right…...right?

It was the 4th of July, of course me and Loki had to throw the biggest best part ever. We were heading into our Sophomore year and needed a big bang. I remember the day as if it was just a month ago. Loki, I and Irene had become a trio now. I wasn’t too happy about it but she was okay. Irene had a 2 year boyfriend and let just say Loki was not happy about that. Guess who he complained to about it.He is not good enough for her! He is not even cool. He is the biggest player, he would say. That night Irene caught her boyfriend cheating on her and I had to comfort her, as Loki went to beat the crap out of him. That is when Irene swore off boys and decided to stick to her boys which was us. I know right weirdo. 

The trio was finally graduating their senior year and was heading off to college. We all wanted to stay together so we decided to go to the same college, friendship goal am i right?! Anyway Irene went to study to become an actor/voice actor, Loki went to study to become a writer and me personally I went to study to become a music artist. I can lay down some sick beats about sad love songs, I mean I am in one. Loki was slowly falling for Irene harder each day as for I….I finally admit to myself that I love the dang fool. I mean it crazy he was my white dove, a sign of peace and love, while Irene was his. Loki was too chicken to ask Irene out so of course being the best friend I am I did it for him. He nearly threw me into the wall for it but she did say yes. I knew I couldn’t love him because he loved someone else but that didn’t mean that I wasn’t going to be a part of his life even if it killed me to see him with her. 

It was 5 years after college, Loki and Irene have been dating for too long and me….well call me the third wheel. We all moved in together, because we were the trio and couldn’t be split apart. Irene was slowly becoming a famous voice actor and Loki had published 2 books already that were getting so popular. I was so proud of him that I may have kissed him and he played it off as a joke. I guess that a new song I could write, Kiss my love of my life and he laughed it off. Talk about coming out the closet. My music career was not blasting as I hoped it was. I felt like I was falling behind Loki and Irene. I decided to stop pursuing music and to find something else. I couldn’t get a stable love life or a job so what good am I at life. 

Loki proposes to Irene, they are getting married. As always I put on a fake smile, I wanted to be happy for them but I wanted to be Irene. I found the perfect job for me atleast, I started doing that thing where people joke about their sad lives and turn into comedy and for some reason people find that funny. Anyway of course Loki asked me to be his best man. What could I say, totally man it is not like I've been in love with you since we were six. Psh I wish, maybe he would have called off the wedding? After all these years yup I was still in love with my best friend, not calling him soul brother cause that kinda weird if ya get what I mean. So there that, it hurt but it is fine I be just fine. It's not like there having a child together, I mean come on divorce does exist. 

Valentina Irena Stark, Loki and Irene baby girl. My niece was so beautiful and adorable. I was going to be the best Uncle for her. She is my white dove now, I am going to trust her, protect her , love her, care for her, even sacrifice myself for her. Irene and Loki would have wanted that for her. Loki and Irene passed away in a car accident, now I have valentina.She is my white dove. 

“So you see this is my life now, raising my niece as a single Uncle for my best friend who married the love of my life and for the love of my life. Irene was the Dove to Loki and Loki was the Dove to Irene. Loki is no longer my white dove but my niece is now my white who I will trust, protect, care for, love for and sacrifice for. 

July 10, 2021 08:56

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