Written in response to: Start a story with someone saying, “It’s mine, and you can’t have it!”... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction Adventure

In this modern times people wonder why kingdoms exist and ruled by a king or queen. The origin might be mythical when the Earth began to be populated and there must be a ruler to give orders to be followed by his subjects. One particular kingdom in the vast flatland surrounded by high mountains is ruled by King Arjun. King Arjun at his young age must be trained to be a king so his father sent him to their military training school to lead their soldiers which is the most important position incase other kingdoms would like to conquer their kingdom having amassed great wealth owning the natural resources of gold mines and oil refineries. He ascended the throne when his father became debilitated of a serious illness that he could not walk anymore and can no longer visit around their valuable resources. Young King Arjun didn't hesitate to learn all the responsibilities and obligations to be a king. He would go to missions with his generals to inspect their weaponry on land water and sea. One time on his rescue mission a village resident led them undersea and showed them the vast resource of natural gas. if this would be develop it can supply natural gas for fifty years or more. When they went back to the palace he didn't tell it to his father. His next mission is to find the army plane that lost control due to bad weather and to rescue the survivors. The place could only be reach by foot. It is a thick forest and insects were just as many to sting them but King Arjun is committed to his mission and keep track following a foot trail until they found a part of the plane but it was not the body or the whole wreckage of the ill-fated plane. They have the least hope of any survivor of the four passengers including one of his generals. They are dispatched to inspect a suspected plantation of marijuana in the middle of the forest but didn't reach due to bad weather. They miscalculated why they have to go there in such a bad weather , it could have been a dry weather condition. Soon the group sense the smell and the site was horrendous as they saw the charred bodies of the victims. They haven't brought anything but their personal backpacks . One of the soldiers cut big leaves to cover them until a long rope from the helicopter dropped down a tarpaulin to wrap each body and carried up back to the helicopter. King Arjun hold his courage to have carried out and accomplished his mission of this kind of rescue. Most of the time no one knows anything of this kind of mission to go with his soldiers because of the risk of being sabotage by his own subjects. But it is the mark of his father to be always supportive even the lowliest member of their kingdom and each one felt the support to one another. It is like "love thy neighbor as yourself" creed. All people in the kingdom were cared for. Nursing mothers are given respite after giving birth by receiving all what is needed by the baby and the mother as well. A visiting physician to their homes to be check and given the right kind of supplements for lactating mothers. For sick residents they have free consultations and free hospital confinement. This is the mandate of the king in order that the people can do their work and be responsible in running the day to day duties of governance. Even businesses has to cooperate to look into the infrastructure of government buildings roads and highways for the smooth flow of goods to be exported to neighboring kingdoms. King Arjun have to be aware of all these operations to have a stable economy. He doesn't like other kingdoms to be ahead of him in terms of running the economic side as it is the backbone of a society besides building a strong military to defend his kingdom from foreign aggression. King Arjun social life has to be aligned to the demands of kingship and has to bear a child for future rulership as monarchies hands down their rulership by kin. There is no such thing as electing but follow the king]s orders and commands. To do that what lineage would they choose as royals? Here it will be chosen by ancestry. Maybe chosen within the kingdom or a kingdom ruled by a relative as near as a distant cousin. That does not fall as an incest case which is unacceptable. Royals intermarry among themselves so that their riches and rulership will not fall apart, it belongs to them from generation to generation. King Arjun is aware of this but he has no plans to find a future wife in his life. He wanted to accomplish something before having a family. He then gathered his technocrats and instructed them to make a blueprint of his secret treasures on natural gas. How to and when this would be operational? That was his order to them. How much is needed and where will they be exported? Undersea operations is not the same as overland. Exploration before operation is not an easy task to separate water as a mineral with gaseous minerals. It is really a huge venture and the risk is high but the returns will be rewarding if the operations would last for fifty years or more and supplies natural gas worldwide. His technocrats put the economic and how much profit his kingdom would gain. His father whose health is deteriorating didn't know these venture of his son although he notice his busy schedule of activities to look after the kingdom. It took about two years when he saw the nearly completed structure to mine natural gas and operational after two more years of testing and here it is now ready to operate. Undersea exploration and operation is really possible. The glassy structure with no leakage at all for water to get in. the gaseous mineral is processed where pipes were connected to cylinders to store the natural gas. Barges are filled with these cylinders to be exported and used locally. It is the most economical and immediate alternative to coal for manufacturers and home use too in exchange of wood fire. When it is already operational King Arjun still didn't inform to his dying father but his plan is to present to him his future wife from another kingdom Princess Lianne. A distant relative from a royal ancestor. When Arjun presented her to the king, he is overjoyed that he ordered the wedding date set soon wishing to see the next king before he died the next king after King Arjun. The announcement went far and wide to inform the whole world about the wedding of King Arjun and Princess Lianne. to be the queen. Her royal court came from both kingdoms. The bride maids from Princess Liane were her immediate cousins because his father's family has five members. On King Arjun's side his best man was his brother Prince Jayden. Many kings and queens were invited to witness the wedding ceremony inside the king's cathedral built three centuries after the kingdom was set up reaching the twentieth century of King Arjun's reign. King Arjun's father was there to witness his son's wedding. Soon Princess Lianne became Queen Lianne the mother of Prince Paul and another followed Princess Gracie Mae. Not long after King Arjun's father died not knowing the vast undersea treasures of his son, King Arjun.

February 12, 2023 02:55

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