Drama Teens & Young Adult Sad

Marcella Harvey sat on a bench at Holbrook Park Station, waiting for the train to arrive. She adjusted her glasses and continued reading her book, only glancing up every now and then, to check the time. The train was late, but that didn't bother her much. She was in no hurry to reach her final destination.

However, the platform was now becoming rather full and some of the other passengers were getting impatient. Without a second thought, Marcella moved a bit further down the bench, so an older couple with two large suitcases, could have a spot to rest. They smiled gratefully.

After about half an hour, the train finally snaked around the corner and pulled into the station. Apologies for the delay came over the speaker, as people began to hop onboard. Marcella found she was sharing her compartment with a single mother and her two children. She gave them a polite grin but said nothing else, still kind of uneasy with strangers.

She put away her bags in the storage unit above her head and got comfortable in her seat. While turning the pages of her book, Marcella could feel her eyelids growing heavy. She had no idea how long she had been asleep, but she was awake again, when the train stopped.

The trolley cart lady came by with snacks and a selection of hot or cold drinks. Marcella took a can of lemonade and a small bag of bite sized cookies. The mother grabbed a couple of packets of chip and some juice boxes for her kids, plus a bottle of water for herself.

This particular journey could have been done in a car, but Marcella's vehicle was currently being serviced. Her sister lived closer to the beach, so she would most likely drive there. Besides their own parents used to have some really fun adventures on trains.

In fact, Kendra and Wyatt Harvey first met in the dining cart of a train. He spilled his drink, which as it turned out, he did on purpose to gain her attention. It worked. They had been married for five years when their first child was born. The second came along about two years or so later.

Due to complications, it was advised that they shouldn't try for another. It didn't concern the Harveys in any way, that there was no son. They had two healthy daughters. For them, their world was complete. Now the girls were all grown up. After graduation, Gwendoline went to university, got her degree and landed a job at a law firm.

Marcella left high school before the finished her final year. She enrolled in a couple of different online courses and recieved her certificates. A distant relative named Sari, was opening a new graphic design business and needed staff. Marcella's long time interest in art forms of all kinds, helped to create unique pieces that really set the company apart from their competitors. She was eventually promoted to 'second in command.'


Gwendoline stepped out of her black car, which was parked by the front porch. The siblings hadn't seen each other for almost a year, but unlike some relatives, they had never lost contact. Both girls had their mother's mahogany brown hair and light grey eyes, however Marcella was tall, just like their father. Gwendoline could see her sister had been crying.

They hugged warmly, then settled on chairs in the lounge room. The younger one spoke first. "How are you?" Gwendoline shrugged. "I've been better." "Yeah, I know the feeling." The two of them took in the scenery outside the nearest window. Marcella wiped away her tears with a tissue. "This is a truly beautiful spot. We loved our holidays at the beach when we were little." Gwendoline smiled through her own watery gaze. "We sure did."

While eating lunch, the sisters ran through a variety of topics. Marcella had already noticed the sparkler on her older sister's ring finger and she pointed to it. "When did that happen?" Gwendoline's expression completely changed and the heavy sadness was lifted from her, if only for a few moments.

"Last week. I was genuinely surprised. I mean sure, we have talked about it before, but I had no clue that Jake was thinking seriously about an actual proposal." Marcella couldn't help smiling as well. "At least something good has come from this." If you were wondering what she meant by this, the events were as follows: a few months ago, Mr and Mrs Harvey died in a horrific plane crash,coming home from a couples retreat. No one else survived either. The investigation was still in progress.


Marcella's eyes followed a path that led up to a rocky cliff face and she knew that this was the right place to scatter the ashes she had brought with her. Gwendoline agreed. Both sisters wore black dresses with flat shoes, and now stood very still, on the deck of the Harvey family's beach house. The sun was just beginning to set, throwing a reddish golden yellow light across the churning dark blue sea.

The clouds were a mix of pale pinks and purples. Sea gulls flew in seemingly random directions. Nobody else was in sight. The weather itself was warm with clear skies. It was perfect. The girls walked slowly back and forth along the path, letting go handfuls of grey dust, and very thankful that the wind chose to co-operate.

They had a minute silence once the urns were empty. Marcella recited Kendra and Wyatt's wedding vows. She and her sister then offered up their own prayers and watched the sun as it disappeared from view.


Gwendoline insisted that Marcella come home with her. "My fiance' would love to see you. Jazz might even let you cuddle him." The two and a half year old striped cat, was a gift from a friend. He practically ruled their home, and he seemed to have a soft spot, but only for certain people. Marcella was one of them. "Okay, let's tidy up and get going."

Talking about it in the car, the sisters came to a mutual decision; they would put the beach house on the market and sell it as soon as possible. Time for another family to fall in love with the quirky three bedroom cabin. The Harveys were done with it.

Although the girls felt they had given their parents a proper send off, it was difficult to believe that they would no longer be around to see what will happen in the future. Niether of the sisters were religious at all, but the idea of Kendra and Wyatt being in Heaven, looking down upon their children, was a rather nice thought to have at the end of the day. It definitely helped to cheer them up a little.


April 23, 2021 06:13

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Echo Sundar
18:44 May 13, 2021

Wow. Really great story! I love the descriptions it makes everything so vivid. Very well written!


Kylie Wallis
01:22 May 14, 2021

Thank you very much!


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J.T. Ladha
19:43 May 28, 2021

A really lovely story Kylie, I loved the symbolism; the engagement ring on Gwendoline's finger, suggesting a fresh start, and the setting sun as they sprinkled their parent's ashes, representing the end of an era. I did wonder why Marcella was "still kind of uneasy with strangers" (para 3), had there been a problem or event that caused this previously? There was also the bit where you described the clouds as "a mix of pale pinks and purples"(para 15), but then go on to mention "the weather itself was warm with clear skies" (para 15). Nonet...


Kylie Wallis
01:23 May 29, 2021

You know what, I hadn't noticed these things the last time I read through it, but now I have, I think I will tweak my first draft of the story. Thanks for pointing it out and the compliments. :).


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Abhishek Todmal
09:54 May 27, 2021

Enjoyed reading this, Kylie. Might I offer the rather irksome suggestion that no writer wishes to hear : there were some punctuation mistakes, particularly with commas, and I think you could have made scarce a few of them. Other than that, your descriptions were really nice, and I do hope the family who moved into the Harvey's beach house are now residing happily :) Best wishes onwards with your writing !


Kylie Wallis
01:27 May 28, 2021

I noticed that and made the changes to my original copy. thanks anyway. :).


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07:40 May 27, 2021

This is one great story I've read on Reedsy.


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R. B. Leyland
06:49 May 27, 2021

The descriptions in this really brought the story to life, well done! Love the idea of the beach house being passed on for someone else's happiness. Agree with Arwen's comment below about the speech. - "How are you?" Gwendoline shrugged. "I've been better." "Yeah, I know the feeling." If you use a new line when a different person begins to talk, it will help differentiate who's speaking at the time. Aside from that, great work!


Kylie Wallis
01:27 May 28, 2021

point taken. thanks. :).


R. B. Leyland
05:46 May 28, 2021

Don't let that take away from the praise about the entire story though! It really was amazing.


Kylie Wallis
08:20 May 28, 2021

No worries. I welcome suggestions as well as nice comments on my writing.


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Arwen Dove
05:53 May 27, 2021

Great story! Your use of descriptive language was absolutely amazing! Just some pointers, "How are you?" Gwendoline shrugged. "I've been better." "Yeah, I know the feeling." -I was kinda confused at who was speaking when. Also, the plot of the story was 'in the air,' there wasn't a very clear storyline, but that might just be the theme of the story. Overall, great job, can't wait to read more of your work soon! :)


Kylie Wallis
01:28 May 28, 2021

Thanks. My writing is always a work in progress, so I appreciate the input.


Arwen Dove
21:08 May 28, 2021



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