Author on Reedsy Prompts since May, 2021

Author bio

I teach. I write. I garden and enjoy music. African violets and cattleyas are my favorite flowers. The first story I came across on Reedsy was “The Violinist” by R. A. It is simply a masterpiece! Sad, R. A.'s no longer writing. Some Reedsy stories I love Romance “The Violinist” (Of course) by R. A. "Death by Wasabi" by Stevie B Love “Faith” by Sanjana Sunilkumar “The Last Bus to Eternity” by Tina Eddie Family “The Stars” by Esther Kurisu Sour Love "On the Origin of Shadows" by Nina Chyll Historical "My Dear Lethologica" by R. A. Inspirational “Thirteen Roses” by Thom Brodkin Socially Relevant “The Long Walk Home” by Kanika G Mystery “unoccupied” by R E “First Time After My Divorce” by Samantha Brooks Fantasy Process Story "The Life Soup" by Angelina Tran (To be continued when I've time agn)